As well as the songs, albums, people, galleries and other features, we’ve also got the ultimate day-by-day guide to The Beatles’ career, from their births to the breakup and beyond.
Here is a listing of all of the Beatles Bible’s historical blog posts written so far. It’s the most comprehensive online day-by-day guide to The Beatles’ lives and career with articles on their history from the 1920s to the present day – including live shows, record releases, recording sessions and much, much more. And there are plenty more to come, particularly regarding the solo years!
The Beatles Bible is the web’s biggest Beatles fan site. There is currently a total of 5,330 historical posts, and a further 1,481 features on songs, albums and more, totalling 4,610,905 words across the website. Phew.
This first page covers the years 1926 to 1959 of The Beatles’ history. Subsequent pages contain entries for each decade, from the 1960s onwards.
February 1933
- 18: Yoko Ono is born (6)
June 1940
- 23: Stuart Sutcliffe is born (1)
July 1940
- 07: Ringo Starr is born (3)
October 1940
- 09: John Lennon is born (0)
April 1941
- 15: Jim McCartney marries Mary Mohin (0)
September 1941
- 24: Linda Eastman is born (0)
November 1941
- 24: Pete Best is born (0)
June 1942
- 18: Paul McCartney is born (8)
March 1944
- 17: Pattie Boyd is born (0)
June 1956
October 1956
- 09: John Lennon’s 16th birthday (3)
- 31: Paul McCartney’s mother Mary dies (5)
November 1956
January 1957
June 1957
- 09: The Quarrymen enter the TV Star Search competition (0)
- 22: The Quarrymen live: Rosebery St, Liverpool (8)
July 1957
- 06: John Lennon meets Paul McCartney (36)
- 29: Paul McCartney goes to Scout camp (2)
August 1957
October 1957
November 1957
- 07: The Quarrymen live: Wilson Hall, Liverpool (0)
- 16: The Quarrymen live: Stanley Abattoir social club, Liverpool (2)
- 23: The Quarrymen live: New Clubmoor Hall, Liverpool (1)
December 1957
January 1958
- 10: The Quarrymen live: New Clubmoor Hall, Liverpool (0)
- 24: The Quarrymen live: Cavern Club, Liverpool (0)
February 1958
March 1958
- 08: The Quarrymen play at Paul McCartney’s cousin’s wedding reception (0)
- 13: The Quarrymen live: Morgue Skiffle Cellar, Liverpool (2)
May 1958
July 1958
October 1958
November 1958
December 1958
January 1959
- 01: The Quarrymen live: Wilson Hall, Liverpool (3)
- 24: The Quarrymen live: Woolton Village Club, Liverpool (0)
August 1959
September 1959
- 05: The Quarrymen live: Casbah Coffee Club, Liverpool (0)
- 12: The Quarrymen live: Casbah Coffee Club, Liverpool (0)
- 19: The Quarrymen live: Casbah Coffee Club, Liverpool (0)
- 26: The Quarrymen live: Casbah Coffee Club, Liverpool (0)
This list is very uneven: Maureen Cox’ birthday is there, but not Barbara Bach’s (27 August 1947). John’s half-sister Victoria is mentioned, but not George’s well-known sister Louise (b. 16 August 1931), or George’s brothers.
A work in progress?
Yes, of course it’s a work in progress – the list certainly isn’t finished (at the time of writing I’m midway through 1964). However, I’m not going to list the birth dates of every sibling and wife. The partners I’ve written about played key roles in the story up to the 1970 break-up (Barbara Bach came in afterwards), and the siblings are mentioned when there’s a particularly interesting background story (hence Victoria’s inclusion).
Life’s too short to detail absolutely everyone, and I don’t think there’s really a demand for it. And where do you stop? Should I mention the births of The Beatles’ parents? Grandparents? School teachers, promoters and studio staff? I’d probably only add Louise Harrison et al if/when I’d covered everything else, but it’s unlikely I’ll do it.
Thank you for having this site.
i think johns other half sister julia is at least as important since she wrote a book that shed some light on their family life and was the one john was in touch with towards the end of his life.
I read her book a couple years ago.I highly recommend every Beatles,or John Lennon fan read it.Very intimate info.
The Beatles performed at The lack Cat Club City Road Sheffield. Pete Stringfellows first night club originally At Aidens Church . before the played the Azena. It is said that they didn’t because enter was too small but I was there.
Worth mentioning Brian Epstein’s death as that might have been one of the main causes of The Beatles’ splitting – especially as far as John was concerned. Yet it WAS mentioned that Brian was hospitalised, and later (or possibly at the same time) denied a Beatles split.
Still, as you are presently upto 1964, there’s plenty of time to fill in the more momentous occasions still to come.
There is always one of you trying to prove something. I say we give the creator a break.
There is a lot of great stuff here and to chime in with your comment is a bit unnecessary.
This is one of the best websites of any subject on the internet. It is comprehensive; well-researched; well- written and edited; and user-friendly. As someone who has dabbled in editing, I know how hard it is to accomplish all of this. Thank you. Very impressive.
Thank you Wendy (and Jeff)! Very kind of you to say so.
Where can I find YOUR list? I’m sure it’s a lot more detailed…
(Never mind the trolls, thank you for what you are doing here)
Check out my blog, where I’m posting what the Beatles were doing exactly 50 years ago today. (They just arrived in Hamburg for the first time.)
Hey, neighbor… I grew up in Detroit/in the ‘burbs now. I can’t remember very much about last week – but I CAN remember VIVIDLY being 9 years old, & seeing the Beatles for the first time in 1962 at Olympia stadium in Detroit. I saw them again in 64. My “rich” aunt splurged on buying all her nieces tickets, which at the time was an outrageous price, something like $5-$7, LOL. One of those experiences you will NEVER forget. Will check out your blog…many thanks!
LOL! Your memory of back then isn’t so great either.
The years of the two Olympia (great hockey arena!) concerts were 1964 and 1966.
I dare say you hadn’t heard of the Beatles in 1962.
(BTW- remember WKNR – Keener 13? Huge supporters of the Beatles and other British Invasion groups as well as Motown, of course).
You must have been a 9 yr.old on acid in 1962. The Beatles didn’t arrive in US until Feb. 9th 1964. Some idiots might believe you but you can’t pull the wool over a true fan’s eyes….
George Harrison was the first Beatle to visit the United States in September of 1963. He came to Visit his sister Louise with his brother Peter. The Beatles first arrived in NYC in February 1964. Check out Louise Harrison’s book ‘My Kid Brothers Band’.
You have your dates wrong. Don’t be sad… it happens.
A wonderful record
Great research
Thank you
Are you in Liverpool??
We are going to visit in July ?
Great Work Here Joe. Amazing that you were able to consolidate all these facts and dates into one place.
Thought you may want to add this entry into the History section.
On June 4th 1980 Lennon set off by boat from New York to Bermuda.
One for your History section. On Jan 24th 1967, Joe Orton went over to Brian`s house to discuss a third Beatles film. McCartney was present.
Thanks for the tip! I’ve added the date here, along with a feature on Up Against It.
Hello !
Realy great Page ! Thanx a lot !
Ich have some dates for your History:
22.10.89 Paul live in Munich Olympiahall Germany
09.09.93 Paul live in Munich Olympiahall Germany
13.07.2011 Rino Starr and his all Star Band live Munich Cirkus Krone Germany
(The Place the Beatles played in 1966)
All these Concerts where Parts of a tour, so I think it must be possible to find out the other tour Dates !
Greetings from munich !
Thanks. I’m not taking user submissions at this stage. There are a great many other tour dates and other incidents to include, and this comments section would be awash with suggestions if everyone got involved. I have plenty of information still to add, I just need to find time to make all the pages.
You’ve done a yeoman’s job creating this website. I have a question. I attended The Beatles concert at The Paramount Theatre in NYC…September 1964. It was an incredible night with many fantastic acts. I remember Ed Sullivan. He was the emcee and when he introduced The Beatles the place went NUTS. I was in the balcony (right in front of Paul) and it shook the whole night! I remember The Shanghai-las and The Tokens. But, I don’t remember other acts. This concert never gets discussed…very frustrating. Thank you for making mention of one of my most precious memories. My father bought 2 tickets…$11.00 each. That was A LOT of money back then. What a night. Actually, it was a wonderful day. We got there at around 3:00 and waited in line for hours. It was fun being with other people who loved The Beatles as much as I did. I’m 71 yrs old now, but I can picture everything as if it were last night. Sigh…
Hi. Is this the show you’re referring to? Paramount Theatre, New York City – Sunday 20 September 1964.
the beatles played at the majestic club in oldham on a friday night in 1961/2 I help them up the stair into the ballroom and on to the stage derrick johns was the campare ican remember they was £5
awesome work, fellow, congratulations!
This is so cool, but you forgot a list of all Beatles members (1957.-1964.). You can add page about that, that will be great.
There’s a page detailing line-ups elsewhere on the site. Are you suggesting I add their birthdays to this history section? That’s not a bad idea, but I don’t know if I have all the info.
Don’t know if this is any use but here are the dates I’ve tracked down over the years from my own notes on people. Never been able to find b’day for, say, Rod Davis, but I have a lot – though you may already have them all.
Len Garry (6 January 1942)
Eric Griffiths (31 October 1940-29 January 2005)
Colin Hanton (12 December 1938)
Johnny “Hutch” Hutchinson (18 July 1940)
John Charles “Duff” Lowe (13 April 1942)
Thomas Henry “Tommy” Moore (12 September 1931-29 September 1981)
Peter Shotton (4 August 1941)
Ivan Vaughan (18 June 1942-16 August 1993)
Nigel Whalley (30 June 1941)
To complete the birthdays of the Quarrymen : Rod Davis was born on 07 november 1941
And Pete Shotton died March 24, 2017.
Hello. I saw the Beatles at Luton Odeon September 6th 63. I am desperately seeking an answer to the following. I was at Luton Airport on my bike sometime 64 I think. A chauffeur driven car stopped by me to ask the way to the terminal. In it was John, George, Cynthia and I suppose Patti. They took a chartered DH125 (red and white I think). When was this ? Where were they going ? I’ve checked all history sites to no avail. Please help.
Check out Sat May 2nd 1964 on the history page.
As a result of Eminem having all of his albums in the Billboard 200 currently, some interesting data has emerged for two dates in 2010 on which The Beatles beat set records for number of simultaneous albums on the BB200 and which I think duly must be added to ‘Beatles history’, especially as they break, at the end of 2010, the record they set at the beginning of 2010!
On the Jan. 9, 2010 chart, folliowing the 090909 release of their remasters on CD, they logged 11 albums
simultaneously on the chart
On the Dec. 4, 2010 chart, following their iTunes debut, they logged 14 albums
simultaneously on the chart
Hi Joe
One for your Beatles history section.
According to the Meet The Beatles For Real site, on Dec 17th 1967, John and George attended a MMT Fan Club screening / tea and biscuits in London.
Hi ! Thanks for your amazing work !
One other suggestion for this section : on September 13, 1966 Paul and Ringo received a NME Pop Poll award on behalf of the group on the Post Office Tower in London.
I hate this page. I hate it with a vengeance! So fecking long to load. 3000+ entries, what else can be expected?!!!
Anyway way to subdivide it beneath years? Front page gives years, open the year and it gives you that year’s diary entry links. I’m sure it would speed up loading if front page was years, and the specific was behind that.
Thanks for this, Joe. Of particular interest to me were the pre Beatlemania years and how hard those guys worked. Night after night after night with the occasional lunch gig, no wonder they were so tight. I’ve worked in hard working bands like that from time to time and it was killer! Clearly you’ve put a lot of work into this excellent diary as we’ll (so much so you’ve made poor ron nasty’s head spin) and for that I applaud you! Now on to the rest of your site and my ongoing Beatles retrospective. With glass raised – Cheers!
18th May 1968 – Paul was at Wembley Stadium to watch the FA Cup Final. Everton 0 – 1 West Brom
Cheeky as, mate!
I love this thread. Nice to see they played the Famous Cavern Club on my Birth date!
Interested in the Tom Snyder interviews including John’s last taped for tv on April 25, 1975,and what about Ringo’s tv special april 26,1978?
I made a web app to explore all of the Beatles’ live performances from August 1960 to August 1966. It includes a map with all the venues and a searchable database. Thought someone might be interested. The link is
Hi Joe. another for your history section:
On May 30th 1966, The Beatles are stopped for speeding in John Lennon`s Rolls Royce in a police radar trap in Bushy Park, Teddington.
William Anthony, a Beatles chauffeur, was driving at 48mph to shake off “fans” when he was stopped by a radar trap in Bushy Park, Teddington on May 30th 1966, it was said at Feltham Magistrates Court, Middlesex, yesterday. Anthony, of Rutterwyk Road, Chertsey, was fined £1 for exceeding the speed limit.
His solicitor, Mr David Jacobs, pleaded Guilty on his behalf, and said that three of The Beatles were in John Lennon`s Rolls Royce when some fans in a mini car saw them and persisted in driving alongside them, trying to peer into the windows.
“The only thing Mr Anthony could do was accelerate, as traffic was coming towards them and there might have been an accident”, Mr Jacobs said.
A policeman said later that the occupants of the mini car got The Beatles autographs when police stopped the Rolls Royce.
The Times Aug 23rd 1966
Hi Joe, when exactly did Stuart Stutcliffe get into the picture? I assume it should be late 59/early 60!
Why is Paul McCartney apparently not in the Walk of Fame stars in Hollywood, CA?? Think I saw where George and Ringo got their stars but don’t remember seeing where Paul got his?? Also, one could be put for John Lennon beside Paul’s but it wouldn’t have the handprints they usually do. Can somebody ck. on this for me? Paul was upset that Ringo never got into the Music Hall of Fame and told them that it just wouldn’t do! Ringo was inducted almost immediately after Paul found out their error as the other 3 were already in the Hall of Fame. Come on peeps, I think Paul has more than earned his star. Let’s get ‘er done now !!!!
The One on One Tour of Paul in May, Cordoba and La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 15, 17 and 19 May 2016.
Mario Alberto Kempes Stadium, Cordoba, 15 May 2016.
Estadio Unico, La Plata, Buenos Aires. 17 & 19 May 2016.
I know I’m very behind with live dates. I’ll include them all in due course. No need to let me know which other ones are missing!
When you add Paul’s gig at Pappy and Harriet’s Pioneertown Palace on October 13, 2016 let me know! I was there and would be happy to provide pictures and comments. It was absolutely amazing!!
Excellent list and thanks for the time to do it
I just want to add a little data : In the autumn of 2005, the cité de la musique in Paris hosted a John Lennon exhibition, It was quite comprehensive. I ‘ve forgotten the name but a research on internet should bring it back. It’s a fantastic job you’ve done/are still doing Joe, all the best!
Great Site Joe……I use it everyday. Is there a way to go to a specific date?
Just wondering when the 1967-1970 (or Get Back) album cover was photographed???
Neither of John’s half sisters are mentioned (Julia and Jackie) now is Heather Eastman, or Mary McCartney (born in 1969).Definitely needs more working on. Oh, and Roag Best ( what was Mona thinking carrying on with Neil Aspinall when she was married?!!).
in May, 1969.
I discovered this site two weeks ago – it is simply amazing! Since then I have been here whenever I have some free time. What a huge amount of work must have been put into it…!!! I am speechless.
Greetings from Hungary.
P.S.: I have got a quick question: Is there a list of the concerts recorded in any way – audio or video?
Glad you like it! Unfortunately I don’t have a list of recorded concerts, but a site like Bootlegzone might have one.
it is been a long time since I’ve had a computer, probably at least 10 years but I’m glad I found the site again . This is the most comprehensive site out of any band that I have ever seen in my life …what an awesome job . Thank you very much
Paul was interviewed at his London home on his birthday June 18, 1967, which was when he admitted to taking LSD, not the 19th. I also saw an interview of his brother Mike who said it was on his birthday.
Great job with this timeline, though I think that there is one flaw to it… there has been some events in The Beatles history that just cannot be pinpointed to a one, single date… for example, we know that sometime in June 1966 George Harrison met Ravi Shankar, asked to be his student and was accepted, but we don’t know when exactly.. or we know that the video for “Something” was filmed sometime in late October 1969, but we also don’t know the exact date.. therefore these events don’t appear on the timeline at all, as if they didn’t happen. That’s the only flow of trying to be so precise 🙂 But other than that it’s an amazing site!
I’m trying to remember exactly what year I saw them live at Suffolk Downs Raceway in East Boston. It was my very first concert and I was either 14 or 16, making it either 1964 or 1966. Does anybody know? Or is there any way to find out when they appeared there?
August 18, 1966 (Thu)
In 1995, you don’t have the premiere on American television of the Beatles Anthology, the cd sets of same and the release of the Free as a Bird single.
What CIrque du Soleil? That is big important stuff
I’m trying to find more about The Beatles/ 1962-1966 and The Beatles/ 1967-1970. The only thing I heard they came out in 1973 by Klein. Do you know where I can find something about those two albums on here?
1962-1966 (Red Album)
1967-1970 (Blue Album)
Curious – no entry for September 8th, 1969?
Seems like this connects with the timeline of John deciding to leave the Beatles several days later (09-12-1969). Then after they lost control of Northern Songs on 09-19-1969, he tells them about his departure a day later.
Thanks for mentioning this. I’ve added a post about the meeting, including quotes from Anthony Fawcett’s book (I suspect he was the person who made the recording).
The History section is really amazing. Such a passionate description of all these events under specific dates is a real world championship. Only between May 1970 and July 2008, not much happens. Joe, is this still work in progress?
Sort of. I know there are huge gaps, and I’d like to fill in the key dates from 1970, but at the moment I’m focusing my time on, my other site. When that’s in a more finished state I’ll get back to the Beatles history.
Please don’t suggest dates though – I’ll research everything in my own time.
Really superb work you’ve been doing , mate! Thank you.
First of all, thank you for your tireless work on everything that went into constructing and maintaining this amazing site. There is an incredible amount of information and accuracy! Please note, the following is not in any way a complaint or criticism, and I hope it is not taken as such. Missing from the timeline is Jimmie Nicol briefly filling in for Ringo on a Beatles tour in summer 1964 as Ringo was ill and unable to go. As you know, he played several concerts and even appeared on TV during that time. As Nicol is the only person to ever fill in for a Beatle, it seems appropriate for inclusion on the timeline. I am certain you’re thoroughly aware of this and it was simply overlooked in your exhaustive work. Again, I hope you will not take this as a criticism or attempt to find mistakes. Thanks once again for all your incredible work!
It’s not missing from the timeline. You can see the Jimmie Nicol tour dates from this page onwards.
I love this site. I’ve spent hours on it over the years. But I’m just now looking over the whole History section. No one expects you to get everything, but I would think Linda McCartney’s death would get a line. When was that? 1997? or ’98?
17 April 1998. I’ve added some post-1970 dates, but I know there are many holes to be filled (they had to count them all). One day I hope there will be none.
Hi! Wonderful, wonderful list! I’d like to suggest: George Harrison married Olivia Arias on September 2, 1978. Dhani Harrison was born August 1, 1978.
9-13-71: Stella McCartney’s birth
I just stumbled on this website, as I was listening to my vinyl copy of the UK release of HELP! I did not read through all of comments but does anyone have a good chronolgy for the “Paul is dead” hoax? A friend of mine in college (in the late 1970s) told me an FM radio station in Buffalo did a very comprehensive hour on the hoax but the sites I have looked at are not very well-researched.
You should add the interview Paul did with Life magazine on November 7th, 1969. The reporter trespassed on his farm so Paul threw a bucket of water at him. Then he did an interview and posed for a photo so the initial photo of the incident didn’t get released. Paul actually says “the Beatle thing is over” in this interview but somehow no one picked up on it. Here are my sources: and .
Do we know the approximate date of changing the band’s name to the Beatles? Was it at the same time that they travelled to Germany the first time?
Is there a chance that George’s dark horse tour along with him launching dark horse in October of 74 be in the timeline?
There might be. As you can see, I have barely scratched the solo years. Although I have some good sources to fill in some of the gaps, it’s an enormous undertaking. If I have time in the future it’ll be added, but don’t hold your breath (and please don’t send more requests).
Great site, excellent work! Nothing else like it on the internet. You’re doing God’s work. Any information re a brief trip Paul took to Sardinia, with his cousin and Maggie McGivern, in Sept ’68? It would have been either the 1st few days that month or the last week. McGivern claims they spent a weekend there, flying in from London. Ringo came back from Sardinia to re-join the group on Sept 2nd, I wonder if Paul took a quick trip down to see him there or maybe visited on his recommendation.
I don’t have any precise dates for that, but if anyone has a reliable source please let me know and I’ll add it.
Really good job. What about Traveling Willburys and George? I think it is worth to mention albums, gigs and TV show
This is a one-man operation and I can’t do everything, though one day I hope to cover the solo years in more depth. I’ve written about all the Traveling Wilburys songs and albums though.