Travel: London to Stockholm, Sweden

Following the final recording session for the With The Beatles LP, the group flew from London Airport to Arlanda International Airport, about 40 kilometres north of Stockholm, for their first tour in Scandinavia.

A group of 10-15 female fans was waiting at the airport. The Beatles met them in the waiting area and gave autographs and had their photographs taken. Flowers were given to the group, which surprised them but were accepted gratefully.

The Beatles were given a police escort to the Hotel Continental opposite Stockholm Central Station, where fans camped outside in the hope of a glimpse. The Beatles’ room numbers at the Continental were 205, 206 (Neil Aspinall), 208, 209 (Paul McCartney) and 210. A press conference was held at the hotel a few hours after The Beatles’ arrival.

That evening The Beatles visited the Nalen, a dance hall popular with Stockholm teenagers. That night it was celebrating its 75th anniversary, and a number of Swedish celebrities were also in attendance. Ringo Starr drily described it as “a bit more elegant than the Cavern.”

Page last updated: 4 July 2012

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3 thoughts on “Travel: London to Stockholm, Sweden”

  1. Emilia Toresson (Sweden)

    “They arrived to chaotic scenes, with hundreds of screaming fans having taken the day off school to see their idols. The Beatles’ arrival was later dubbed ‘the Battle of Stockholm Airport’ by local reporters.”
    That part is a little wrong.
    There where just about 10-15 girls there to welcome them. At first they stood on the terrace, but then they went into the airport. The Beatles met up with them in the waiting area at the airport later and the girls got autographs and took photographs with the band. It went very peacefully. The band received flowers and was very surprised, but happy about it. Ringo should have said “Flowers? To us? At home it’s just girls who get flowers.”

    (source: yeah yeah yeah – when the Beatles conquered Sweden. by Börje Lundberg and Ammi Bohm)

      1. Emilia Toresson (Sweden)

        No problem! Im happy to help. The book i’ve used as a source is a really great source for information and other fun facts about their two visits to Sweden during 1963 and 1964. I’m not sure if the book is available in English, but for those who can understand Swedish I really recommend it!

        For this part, I can also tell you that two of the girls who were at the airport and met the Beatles had to go with them to Stockholm.
        From Arlanda did’nt the band had police escort (but in 1964 they did), and outside the hotel there only was one woman waiting for them, who worked for EMI with PR.
        During the visit at Nalen George Harrison and Robert Freeman met two Swedish girls, one of them named Anette Nordenson and she was later asked to dance by Robert. George danced with the other girl. Later that evening, the girls followed the band back to the hotel and they sat down in the hotelbar. Robert and George followed the girls home later that night. On the way to the girls’ street beat George saw a huge sign saying PUB. Truly impressive, he thought, until the girls explained that it was a department store.
        George and Robert returned to the hotel the same evening.

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