20 August 2013
We should all hurry up and buy sex toys so that screen grab will be really interesting. “Hey, world, here’s what the people of the Beatles Bible bought in the past three hours.”
Good thinking about that one spammer, @Mr. Kite.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
8 November 2012
Mr. Kite said
Joe said
I’ve seen a few unusual things like bodybuilding supplements, but most of it’s books and music.
That one spammer must’ve wanted to go shopping and saw a convenient link in one of our sigs!
It just occurred to me that what looks like bodybuilding supplements might be probiotic enzymes for my kitty with the sensitive tummy.
The following people thank parlance for this post:
Mr. Kite1.04am
22 September 2014
Joe said
Cardiff in April might be sunny, likely to be some showers. Could rain heavily though. It’s more likely to snow at Easter than it is at Christmas. In short: variable.
@Ahhh Girl, I have to warn you that I think @Joe is being a little sanguine with his weather forecast. I was in Scotland one April, and before MMM comes down on me like a ton of bricks, I understand that Scotland is neither England nor Wales. Nevertheless, they share the same island. Anyway, there is a large rock off the Scottish coast called Alisa Craig. The locals say that if you cannae see the Craig from shore, it is rainin’. If you can see the Craig, it is about to rain. It can also feel like the Arctic Circle to someone with a little magnolia in her speech.
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Ahhh GirlI say in speeches that a plausible mission of artists is to make people appreciate being alive at least a little bit. I am then asked if I know of any artists who pulled that off. I reply, 'The Beatles did'.
Kurt Vonnegut, Timequake, 1997
1 May 2011
It never rains in Scotland @georgiewood so i have no idea where they get that saying about. Must be that dour Scottish humour. Tho those who come from the Arctic Circle would come over here in January and head home due to it being far to flippin’ cold. It is freezing.
And i can confirm that Scotland is definitely not England or Wales – thankfully.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
georgiewood"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
8 November 2012
The following people thank parlance for this post:
meanmistermustard, georgiewood, Starr Shine?, ZigFor those who wondered, here’s a report for the last week showing US Amazon orders. As I said, it’s completely anonymous, but it does tell me that someone clicked on an ad for Imagine and bought it (that’s the 100% conversion into a sale). 100 other people clicked on ads but didn’t buy that product, but collectively they bought nine other items.
As you’ll see, there have been some cat-related purchases, but I have no idea if this is all @parlance or several people. To repeat, this is all anonymous unless you tell me you’ve ordered something. And I tend not to check it often anyway – like with stats tracking, I don’t tend to pay much attention beyond noting whether I had a good week/month or not.
Thanks to all who do use the links when buying things from Amazon. It adds nothing to your costs but does help this site (OK, me) out a little each month. Who knows, one day I might even be able to do a grand US tour with the proceeds, but for now it mainly goes towards server costs.
The following people thank Joe for this post:
Mr. Kite, Zig, parlanceCan buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
14 April 2010
Very interesting @Joe – thanks for sharing that.
This, my fellow Forumpudlians, is one reason why we Mods care so much about the content of the forum. Quality content attracts more Beatles fans which leads to more purchases which leads to more revenue for the site which keeps Joe interested in keeping it going (that and his undying love of all things Fab).
All good stuff.
The following people thank Zig for this post:
Joe, parlanceTo the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
8 November 2012
Thanks for explaining, Joe. I didn’t mean to freak anyone out with the question (if, in fact, I did).
But yeah, that cat stuff’s mine, lol.
8 January 2015
Dear Joe,
Speaking as a new member who hasn’t bothered to think of a Beatle-themed name or avatar, can you tell me a little about the history of this site? You mentioned it’s been around for 2.5 years but the forum seems to have been around longer and I was wondering about that.
ps I’ll probably fix the avatar sometime. But I’m terrible about names and just use the same one everywhere.
I'm like Necko only I'm a bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin and also everyone. Or is everyone me? Now I'm a confused bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin everyone who is definitely not @Joe. This has been true for 2016 & 2017 but I may have to get more specific in the future.
17 December 2012
@ewe2, and I thought your name was the result of deep Beatles knowledge. Paul released a one-sided promo album to radio stations alongside Ram called Brung to ewe by. I thought you’d got your name from that.
Whether accidental or not, you do have a Beatles-themed name!
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
ewe2"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
8 January 2015
Ron Nasty said
@ewe2, and I thought your name was the result of deep Beatles knowledge. Paul released a one-sided promo album to radio stations alongside Ram called Brung to ewe by. I thought you’d got your name from that.
Whether accidental or not, you do have a Beatles-themed name!
Hahahaha accidental but its another great excuse I can use now Let’s just pretend I knew that!
I'm like Necko only I'm a bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin and also everyone. Or is everyone me? Now I'm a confused bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin everyone who is definitely not @Joe. This has been true for 2016 & 2017 but I may have to get more specific in the future.
1 November 2013
ewe2 said
Dear Joe,Speaking as a new member who hasn’t bothered to think of a Beatle-themed name or avatar, can you tell me a little about the history of this site? You mentioned it’s been around for 2.5 years but the forum seems to have been around longer and I was wondering about that.
ps I’ll probably fix the avatar sometime. But I’m terrible about names and just use the same one everywhere.
This area has been around since 2009 – 08 I think but it started to get popular in 2010.The year 2013 was a great one since that is when I joined.
If you go one the WayBack Machine and type the url of the site in, you can see what the forum used to look like.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
20 August 2013
ewe2 said
Dear Joe,
…can you tell me a little about the history of this site? You mentioned it’s been around for 2.5 years but the forum seems to have been around longer and I was wondering about that.
@ewe2, Here are some things Joe has written about the Beatles Bible in the past so that he doesn’t have to re-write them. Perhaps he will have a new word or two to add this time around regarding the question.
From his “about this site” page. There’s more information at the link.
My name’s Joe. By day I’m a writer and website producer, working for a UK-based broadcasting company. By night (and sometimes by day too) I work on the Beatles Bible. Call it an obsession, or a labour of love.
I was born in England in 1976, and grew up with the Fab Four’s music. I first listened to them properly in around 1990 when my older brother played me A Day In The Life . From then on nothing was quite the same.
The Beatles Bible crept into life in March 2008. I wanted to flex my writing muscles, and to make a web project on a subject I was passionate about. The aim was to collate as much information as I could lay my hands on about the group, to have an outlet for all the Beatles-related facts that I’d been carrying around in my head for years, and to put it in one place for fans of the band.
The Beatles Bible is written and published in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Spelling and grammar generally leans towards standard UK English; however, where possible information about The Beatles’ success in both the US and the UK has been included.
This post from 2009 post he made in the Introduce Yourself thread.
OK, I’ll keep this brief as I have a new year party to sort out (happy new year to all, by the way, and I hope 2010 is just great!).
I’m Joe, and I made this site. I’m currently 33 (born April 1976). I live in a small village just outside Cardiff in Wales, though I’m English (I grew up in the lovely city of Bath). Work-wise I’m a website producer for a broadcasting company that will remain nameless here for now. I only really started The Beatles Bible because I hated my then boss and was deeply bored and looking for a new challenge.
My Beatles epiphany came, I think, in 1990, when my older brother played me A Day In The Life . I was at that age when everything your older sibling does carries automatic authority, and true to form, he was bang on the money – “Listen to this, it’s brilliant,” he said. After that I raided my parents’ record collection for everything Beatles-related (I have about half the albums on 1960s vinyl, plus the first two fan club flexi-discs).
Since then I’ve always loved The Beatles, although there’s plenty of other stuff I couldn’t live without – David Bowie, Blondie, Pixies, Nirvana, Roxy Music, Patti Smith, Velvets etc. Nobody else in my family really loves them like I do, though my endlessly patient wife bought me The Beatles: Rock Band for Christmas and I think she’s really starting to appreciate how great the songs are.
Like MJB I don’t really do the memorabilia thing, but have loads of Beatles books. I do have an original Cavern Club membership card with the expiry date of December 1964 (I think) and some Beatles hair pomade. My uncle goes to rock auctions Now And Then to buy Hendrix stuff and he gave me those.
Anyway, that’ll do for now. As I said, I have a party to arrange and it’s already 6.30!
There’s some information in this link among the derailing. Beatles Bible History
I think I remember somewhere Joe mentioning that the forum came some months after the site itself.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
ewe2Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
14 April 2010
@ewe2 don’t change your handle – it’s cool. And by now you are familiar with our resident librarian, archivist, researcher and finder of all things that were once deemed lost, @Ahhh Girl.
Seriously,we need to get her an Indiana Jones hat and whip.
The following people thank Zig for this post:
Ahhh Girl, ewe2, Mr. KiteTo the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
20 August 2013
A whip
Wait , er, um, this isn’t the Fifty Shades thread.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
ewe2, Mr. KiteCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
1 May 2011
I have the memory that Joe wanted to generate a bit of traffic and discussion on the main site so started the forum (with the Jeffery Archer query) to do so and its slowly grown. However my memory sucks and is always gets mixed up so expect Joe to come on and say the forum was here first and Jeffery Archery asked him to create the rest of the site.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
17 December 2012
I seem to remember Joe saying that the idea behind the forum was to provide a place for more free-flowing discussion of topics than the comments on the articles on the main site allow for as they are all cleared by Joe before publication on the site. His hope was to see a forum that reflected the comments on the main site but was more immediate. He didn’t get exactly what he hoped for, and there are parts of the forum he’s not the greatest fan of (the amount of games we play springs to mind), but hopefully he feels some pride in the community he founded, and how the nastiness that infects so many forums is largely absent here.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
Zig, Joe, Mr. Kite"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
20 August 2013
Thanks, mmm and RN for the reminders.
Here’s post #1 of the BB forum from 20 June 2008 https://www.beatlesbible.com/f…..eatles/#p1
Here’s a discussion of that post and some added BB forum history https://www.beatlesbible.com/f…..3/#p113053
I will x-post some of this to the BB history thread.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
ewe2Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
1 November 2013
@Joe what made you pick wordpress as the site and simplepress for the forum?
Thanks for @mentioning me, @Starr Shine?. I missed all of the messages about the history of the site, but others seem to have it covered well (Ron N’s assessment was spot on).
To recap, yes the site started early 2008, the forum a few weeks later. Yes I was miserable and wanted to escape my job, and spent a couple of weeks thinking of ideas for raising millions (lol). It was really nice to just sit down with pencil and paper and spend time thinking of creative ideas about what I wanted to do with my life – it’s not something I do very often but it’s good for the soul. I’ve worked on web projects since the dawn of the millennium and have a background in journalism, so it made sense to do something similar, but it took a while longer to realise that I had bucketloads of Beatles information to share. Sometimes the obvious solution is staring you in the face.
Someone I once worked with used to run loads of little niche sites on vintage guitars, caravans, ringtones etc. He used to just look for ideas and bash out quick sites. I don’t really like those, because they clutter up the web and offer little substance, but it made him a decent amount of cash (he quit his job to do affiliate marketing full time). He told me forums were a great way to make your site grow without much direct input. So that was part of the plan, although writing good articles was always primary.
The idea was to set something up then eventually retire on passive income. It didn’t really work like that, partly because I’m crap at self-promotion, but also because advertisers don’t really bid high for website space on music-related keywords. I’d have made far more if I’d written about mortgages or cancer fundraising, but you live and learn. I’d always rather write about something I was passionate about that something deathly dull, even if it made more money.
I’d also have done better if I’d set up a range of smaller sites, but this grew far larger than I’d anticipated. Originally it was just going to be Beatles Diary/Day-By-Day (all the best .com domain names were taken), but then I realised if I was writing about sessions I should also write about the songs they recorded. And then every mention of a person should be linked somewhere. So it mushroomed very quickly. Even now there are some holding pages where I haven’t got round to writing the articles (eg some All Things Must Pass song pages).
I didn’t give up the day job, but I am happier now. I worked really hard on the site for about 3.5 years, easing up when my son was born (2011), and easing off a lot more when my daughter came along (2013). I’m also working on a book which I’m hoping to be for sale before I’m 40 (April 2016); more details to follow at some point.
Prior to this, I’d run a few sites but not since 2002-ish. I’d mostly hand-coded them back then and assumed I’d do the same for the BB, but a kindly developer at work said “Why don’t you just use WordPress?” That night I set it up on localhost, started writing, and didn’t look back. I never tried out other CMSs because WP has a good developer base.
I looked at a few different forum providers, and I think I originally tried setting up something using vBulletin or phpBB, but in the end I chose Simple:Press because it integrates right into the site rather than being in a sub-domain or on someone else’s server. I sort of have a love/hate relationship with SP, but it’s probably too late to switch now and not lose functionality or sanity.
Let’s deal with the domain name while we’re here. As I mentioned, there’s a real lack of good Beatles domain names left nowadays. Many are registered by Apple Corps or the guy who runs their web ops. I spent a week or two mulling over a longlist before settling on the Beatles Bible – partly for alliterative reasons, but also because of the “not quite as popular as Jesus” tagline. But mainly because it was available and memorable. I’m not remotely religious.
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Starr Shine?, parlance, Ahhh Girl, ewe2, Mr. KiteCan buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
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