How Do You Do It? The Ongoing Guide To Forum Functions, Features and Facets | Fab Forum | The Beatles Bible

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How Do You Do It? The Ongoing Guide To Forum Functions, Features and Facets
18 May 2014
Thankfully not where I am.


Forum Posts: 25216
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1 May 2011
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No doubt this post will be edited and updated as its only a beginning (a-hard-days-night-john-5) but anyhoo. 

The idea here is to collate and detail a ‘how to’ guide for the many features, functions and facets (i needed another word beginning with ‘f’) that the forum has. Its ongoing as new add-ons will be added to the forum (and therefore the guide), old ones removed and different methods and tools will no doubt come about over time. Hopefully it will be kept up to date but if you find anything wrong or outdated please notify a mod or the poster and it will be changed (no point in having wrong information). There are also a few things you can’t do on the forum (delete a post, upload music) which have to be added.

The steps to each are below in separate posts for each function/tool so that folk can directly link to it and the reader doesn’t have to scroll down 3 page to get to the bit they want to read. It may also be of benefit to list all the features in the first post so folk can jump down to where they want to go easier. If/when you add a guide to a new feature can you let a mod know so they can add it to the list on this post so folk can find it.

If we can also avoid the normal derailings so the thread doesnt become 3 pages of unconnected delights that would be appreciated. Thank you.heart

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The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:

parlance, Starr Shine?, IveJustSeenAFaceo, Joe, natureaker, rene asologuitar

"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

18 May 2014
Thankfully not where I am.


Forum Posts: 25216
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1 May 2011
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This tool lets you send a notice to another user/poster that you have directed a post towards them, that person will receive the mention as soon as they enter on the forum, refresh their screen page or open a new one. (See the ‘How Do I Mention Someone‘ thread for further information.)


To Send a Mention


  1. Type the ‘@’ sign and wait a second or so for a list of usernames to appear. 
  2. Slowly begin typing the name of the user you are wanting to mention in your post. 
  3. When the person’s name appears in the list click on it and the full username will be automatically added.
  4.  When the recipient is logged in they will see a notice above the search box on every page they open on the forum until they click on ‘remove notice’. 


  • When typing the name of the person you wanting to send a mention be careful with spelling and additional characters in the username (full stops, hyphens etc) as different posters may have similar names.
  • If a poster has changed their username since joining the forum the mention tool (while using the Rich Text editor) will automatically display the original name they used when joining the forum, don’t worry about it, their current name will be displayed after you submit your reply.

    However, if you are using the HTML editor option on the forum, if a person has changed usernames since joining the forum, you will need to type their original name. You can find their original name here:…..ion-names/

  • Currently, mentions are not sent out when included in edited posts so the intended recipient(s) will not see a notification.

 Navigating To The Post In A Mention

  • In the notice click on the name of the thread.

Removing The Mention Notification

  • To remove the notice that you have been mentioned in a post simple click on “remove notice” located at the end of it.

Opting out of Mention Notifications
1. Go into your profile
2. In your profile, click the options tag.
3. It should already be in Global options but if not, go to global options
4. Click the Opt out of receiving Mentions notifications box, it is the first option.
5. Click the update global options button and it should save from there.

"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

18 May 2014
Thankfully not where I am.


Forum Posts: 25216
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1 May 2011
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Deleting Posts and Accounts

Deleting Posts

To safeguard the continuity of threads only moderators can delete post. If you are wanting a post to be deleted follow either of the below methods, however please be aware that mentions in edited posts are not received by the intended recipient(s) so including a mention to a mod or Joe to delete the post will not work.

Please note that the mods and Joe have the final decision on whether or not a post(s) will be deleted so be mindful of what you do post, they are very accommodating however with requests. 

Method 1

  • In a different post (please don’t post elsewhere just asking for a post to be deleted as it becomes clutter) send a mention to a mod(s) asking if they can delete the post ensuring you provide a direct link to the location of the post you wish to be deleted (see here for how to send a direct link).

Method 2

  • Send a Private Message to a mod or Joe requesting that you would like a post to be deleted, ensuring that a link to the post is included.

Deleting Accounts

Only Joe can delete a user’s account. To quote the man himself in the ‘How can I unsubscribe/terminate my user identity?‘ thread

“In case anyone else wants their account closed in future, I’d rather not do it because it makes prior conversations very disjointed and confusing. If you’re determined to go I’d rather you just logged out then vanished into the ether.

"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

18 May 2014
Starr Shine?
Waiting in the sky
Apple rooftop
Forum Posts: 16105
Member Since:
1 November 2013
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

To post a reply on a phone click the speech bubble thing with the plus in the center and once you type your reply hit the floppy disk at the bottom of the text box

The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:


Brainwashed by RadiantCowbells.

If you can't log in and can't use the forum go here and someone will help you out.

18 May 2014
Thankfully not where I am.


Forum Posts: 25216
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1 May 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline



Posting A Link 

To post a link to somewhere else on the forum, Beatles Bible site or net

link.JPGImage Enlarger


  1. Copy the address of the link you wish to post
  2. Highlight the piece of text you wish to act as the link (keeps the post neater)
  3. Click on the diagonal chain icon in the toolbar (see picture above, click on it to make it bigger)
  4. Paste the link into the ‘target’ text box.*
  5. Click ‘OK’.

*Note: You can set the link to open in a new page by clicking on the ‘target’ text box and selecting ‘new window’ from the drop-down menu that appears.


Linking To A Forum Post Directly


If you wish to post a link so another person can navigate to another post on the forum.


  1. Locate and right click on the chain icon in the post you wish to link to (see picture above)
  2. Select ‘copy link address’ from the drop-down menu that appears
  3. Post a link as normal (see text above for steps).

"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

18 May 2014
Thankfully not where I am.


Forum Posts: 25216
Member Since:
1 May 2011
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Pictures & Videos (Posting)

To post pictures and/or video’s on the forum (most video sharing sites are supported on the forum (youtube, dailymotion etc) but some will not be).

  1. Copy the address of the picture or video from wherever it is located on the net.
  2. Paste the link directly into your post.

"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

18 May 2014
Thankfully not where I am.


Forum Posts: 25216
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1 May 2011
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Attachment Uploading


Joe: “I’ve also limited the uploads just to images (jpg, gif or png). Moderators should be able to upload more if necessary (documents, audio files etc).” (see posts 6323 thru to 6345 in the ‘Impossible To Derail’ thread for the full discussion on this).


Music & Video

Currently it is not possible to upload music or video’s to the forum from your computer due to it being possible for other users to then download the file to their computer which could be construed as illegal file sharing. It is possible however to share your music and video’s here via external sites.


To upload a song or piece of audio to the forum there are many sites available online including soundcloud, yourlisten and Bandcamp (you will have to hold an account with these sites to upload your songs). To share on the Beatles Bible forum simply post the link (detailed here) to the file’s address.


To upload a video to the forum there are numerous external sites available including youtube and dailymotion (you will have to hold an account with these sites to upload your songs). To share on the Beatles Bible forum simply post the link (detailed here) to the file’s address. 


To add pictures as attachments (jpg, gif or png file types) from your computer (it must be saved on your computer)

  1. Click on the ‘Attachment’ button which can be found immediately below the text reply box.
  2. Click on ‘Add files’ button at the bottom of the box that will appear.
  3. In the newly displayed box navigate to the location of the file you wish to on your computer/mobile device.
  4. Double click on the image and click the ‘Open’ button
  5. Click on the ‘Start Upload’ button. The image you have uploaded should automatically appear in the reply text box.

"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

19 May 2014
Mr. Kite
910 Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields, Pepperland
Apple rooftop

Forum Posts: 6147
Member Since:
4 February 2014
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As quoting two posts using forum functions is no longer an option here are the steps!


  • Quote the first post like normal.
  • Type your comment about that post like usual.
  • Copy the text of the second post and paste it in your post.
  • Highlight the post text.
  • Click the option above the posting box for quoting. (A picture of quotation marks in rich text editing, b-quote in HTML editing)
  • Continue post normally, you’ve double-quoted!
  • Edit:
    Alternate (Preferred) Method
    The double-quoting feature, although accidental in the first place, has returned, so all you have to do now is:

  • Quote the first post.
  • Reply to that post.
  • Quote second post.
  • Reply and post!
  • The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:


    If I spoke prose you'd all find out, I don't know what I talk about.

    Can buy Joe love!
    If you're shopping at one of these two websites use the links below to support the Beatles Bible:

    Amazon | iTunes

    19 May 2014
    Thankfully not where I am.


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    1 May 2011
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    Searching The Forum

    There are two ways of searching the forum, thru the inbuilt internal search engine or thru google (or any other external search engine, eg yahoo or bing). 

    • Note: An internal search will provide you with the beginning or end of the thread when you click on a displayed result not the page that contains the post you are looking for whereas an external search will enable you to navigate to the exact page the post is contained in.

    Internal Search Engine


    •  To use the internal search engine (see picture above) simply enter the word or words you are wanting to search for in the search text box followed by clicking on the search button. The word you enter must be at least four characters long.
    • You can also carry out more detailed searches by clicking on ‘advanced search’. 
    • Thru an advanced search you can carry out a more restricted search of the forum using various options including matching any or all words or a whole phrase you enter and/or searching for a topic title, post or both. You can also narrow the scope of your search to either the whole forum or a sub-forum (note that you have to be in the sub-forum you wish to search for to carry out said search).
    • For any word 3 letters or less use apostrophes at the beginning or end. So for Let use ‘Let’ and that will bring up all the results (this example being for topic titles only).  Additionally if you know the sub-forum its in you can navigate there first to further narrow down the results.

    You can also use the search box on the main homepage. Using the homepage search box will take you to the exact page in a thread where your search terms appear instead of just sending you to p. 1 of the thread. Also, the results list provide the little summary of the page you are linking to, just like you see in Google (very helpful)

    search-box.PNGImage Enlarger

    External Search Engine

    •  In the external search engine (google, safari, bing, yahoo etc) enter the text ‘’ followed by the word(s) you are looking to find, the more words you enter the narrower the results.
    • To further narrow your search field quotation marks (“) can be used around the additional words you are looking for to search for the exact phrase.

    "I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

    20 May 2014
    Forum Posts: 5724
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    31 March 2008
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    Thank you. This is all very useful to have in one place.

    Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
    Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs

    Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!

    20 May 2014
    Mr. Kite
    910 Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields, Pepperland
    Apple rooftop

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    Alternate Double-Quoting Method
    This might be easier.

  • Quote the first post like normal.
  • Type your comment about that post.
  • Cut your entire post.
  • Quote the second post.
  • Reply to that.
  • Paste the text you cut earlier.
  • If I spoke prose you'd all find out, I don't know what I talk about.

    Can buy Joe love!
    If you're shopping at one of these two websites use the links below to support the Beatles Bible:

    Amazon | iTunes

    20 May 2014
    Thankfully not where I am.


    Forum Posts: 25216
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    1 May 2011
    sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline



    It is possible to hide text behind a ‘spoiler’ so that the reader of your post has to click on ‘reveal spoiler’ to see the what it is you have written; it is particularly useful for hiding information from books, films etc, parts of a post that you feel might be a little too much for some people to read, and answers to quiz questions.



    1. Highlight the text in your post that you wish to be hidden behind the spoiler (note: the spoiler icon only becomes active once text has been selected).

    2. Click on the ‘eye’ icon in the text toolbar (see image above). You will notice that the text you have selected to be hidden is surrounded by code.

    3. Post as normal. After you have submitted your reply/post you will see a text box displayed with the instruction to ‘reveal spoiler’ (see image below). 


    spoiler2.JPGImage Enlarger

    To add spoilers when using a mobile device, type

    [ spoiler ] 

    [ /spoiler ]

    (Without the spaces)

    "I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

    21 May 2014
    Starr Shine?
    Waiting in the sky
    Apple rooftop
    Forum Posts: 16105
    Member Since:
    1 November 2013
    sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
    PM Messages help part one


    Here are the steps to sending a PM to someone


    Step one (first way to get name)

    You click on someones name and you click the send PM button that the arrow is pointing to

    Pm-help-part-one.jpgImage Enlarger

    Step Two (other way): Another way to send out a PM is from your Buddy list or you could just type their name in the Select From Members box

    Pm-help-part-two.jpgImage Enlarger

    Step Three: Type your message and the subject of your message in the text box and Press the send message button the arrow is pointing at

    Pm-help-part-three.jpgImage Enlarger

    If you did all that right then you will see this check mark box appear

    1.Pm-help-part-four.jpgImage Enlarger

    Part two will be receiving a message. . . Maybe

    The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:

    meanmistermustard, Mr. Kite, natureaker

    Brainwashed by RadiantCowbells.

    If you can't log in and can't use the forum go here and someone will help you out.

    21 May 2014
    Mr. Kite
    910 Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields, Pepperland
    Apple rooftop

    Forum Posts: 6147
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    4 February 2014
    sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

    @Starr Shine? Get ready to take pictures of the inbox notification for Part II.

    Edit: I’ll do replying to a PM using your example

    The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:

    Starr Shine?

    If I spoke prose you'd all find out, I don't know what I talk about.

    Can buy Joe love!
    If you're shopping at one of these two websites use the links below to support the Beatles Bible:

    Amazon | iTunes

    21 May 2014
    Mr. Kite
    910 Penny Lane, Strawberry Fields, Pepperland
    Apple rooftop

    Forum Posts: 6147
    Member Since:
    4 February 2014
    sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

    Replying To A PM

  • Go to your inbox.
  • Image Enlarger

  • Select the conversation.
  • Image Enlarger

  • Click the leftmost button to reply. (The arrow)
  • Type your message.
  • Image Enlarger

  • Send your PM.
  • The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:


    If I spoke prose you'd all find out, I don't know what I talk about.

    Can buy Joe love!
    If you're shopping at one of these two websites use the links below to support the Beatles Bible:

    Amazon | iTunes

    21 May 2014
    Starr Shine?
    Waiting in the sky
    Apple rooftop
    Forum Posts: 16105
    Member Since:
    1 November 2013
    sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline
    PM Messages help part two


    Here are the steps to checking your Inbox on a desktop


    Step one:

    If your inbox has anything new in it, the number in the inbox button that the arrow is pointing too will change to one. Click on the inbox button to go to your inbox

    Geting-inbox-step-one.jpgImage Enlarger

    Step 2: The message that the arrow is pointing too is the new message since it is on the top above the other messages you received and given. Just click on the message and it will take you to the message

    Geting-inbox-step-two.jpgImage Enlarger

    Step three: This is your message.

    As you can see the inbox message count has gone back to zero which the pink arrow is pointing too.*

    To open your previous message just click on the place the black arrow is pointing too

    To reply click on the left most arrow in the green box to reply.

    Geting-inbox-step-three.jpgImage Enlarger


    *Note sometimes the inbox counter won’t reset and you might need to refresh multiple times


    Now for some additional information from meanmistermusterd,

    meanmistermustard added (2nd August 2014):

    Please note that PM’s sent by you will be deleted from your account if the receiver deletes it from their inbox whilst only you can delete PM’s from your inbox that are received from others. After you send a PM you cannot delete all traces of it. If you would like to ensure you keep PM’s that you compose and send to others please save/store elsewhere (please see posts 720 & 721 in ‘Weird Things Happening With The Forum’ for the conversation concerning this).

    Thank you MMM, and that concludes this post for now! So long!

    The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:


    Brainwashed by RadiantCowbells.

    If you can't log in and can't use the forum go here and someone will help you out.

    27 May 2014
    Thankfully not where I am.


    Forum Posts: 25216
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    1 May 2011
    sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

    Mobile Device 

    New/Updated Topics & Actions

    Both drop-down menu’s are located just above your avatar on each page of the forum (see picture below). Clicking on either of the titles will display menus.

    Capture-1.JPGImage Enlarger

    New/Updated Topics

    Lists the most recent active topics (threads), any of which you have not read will be coloured blue. To navigate to a thread simply click on its name.


    Different actions are available depending on whether or not you have signed in to your account (if you have not joined the forum the option to register is available in the ‘actions’ menu.

    Logged (Signed) Out

    When logged out the actions you can carry out or navigate to are:

    • Log In
    • Register
    • Search Forums
    • Ranks Information

    Logged (Signed) In

    When logged (signed) in the actions you can carry out or navigate to are:

    • Log Out
    • Mark All Topics Read
    • Unread Posts – Displays the number of topics have posts you have not yet read; click on the action to see what the topics are. 
    • Inbox – Displays the number of topics have posts you have not yet read. Clicking on the action will take you to your Private Message Inbox.
    • Search Forums
    • Your Profile
    • Member List
    • Unread Subscriptions – Displays the number of topics that have unread posts that you have subscribed to.
    • Unread Watches – Displays the number of topics that have unread posts that you have currently watching.
    • Ranks Information

    The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:

    Starr Shine?

    "I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

    27 May 2014
    Thankfully not where I am.


    Forum Posts: 25216
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    1 May 2011
    sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

    Private Messaging (Mobile Devices)


    Text Box Icons

    Whilst many of the icons for functions when writing and sending Private Massages are the same the 5 icons at the bottom have replaced the buttons with text on them displaying their function. 

    PM-Below-1.JPGImage Enlarger

    Below the text box there are five icons that carry out different functions (see above picture)

    • Selecting the Smiley Face icon (first on the left) will display all the available smileys.
    • Selecting the Paperclip icon (second on the left) will display the attachment function so you can upload files.
    • Selecting the Speech Bubble icon (third from the right) will preview your post.
    • Selecting the ‘X’ icon (second from the right) will ask you if you wish to delete your post.
    • Selecting the ‘Envelope and Arrow’ icon will submit your reply.

    The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:

    Starr Shine?

    "I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

    30 May 2014
    Land of the Rising Sun
    Carnegie Hall
    Forum Posts: 509
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    5 February 2014
    sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

    How do you ‘watch’ a topic, please?

    14 June 2014
    Thankfully not where I am.


    Forum Posts: 25216
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    Adding/Uploading An Avatar

    profile.JPGImage Enlarger

    1. Scroll up the page and near the top you will see a row of 5 buttons on the right hand side of the screen starting with “Members”, click on the one that says “Profile” (see image above).
    2. On the newly opened page you will see a menu down the left hand side of the page with “overview” at the top, go down the list and click on “Edit Avatar”.
    3. You now have the option to either upload your avatar from a file on your computer thru “Upload an Avatar” (click browse if you wish to do so, locate the pic or gif on your computer, select open, then “upload avatar”) or if from online enter the url in the box below “Select Remote Avatar” and then “save Remote avatar”.

    The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:

    Starr Shine?, parlance

    "I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

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