Room 65, EMI Studios, Abbey Road
Engineer: Norman Smith
The Beatles had recorded ‘12-Bar Original’ on 4 November 1965 for Rubber Soul, but it was never seriously considered for the final cut. On this day, however, a mono mix was made for the group’s personal collections.
Producer George Martin did not attend the 15-minute session, which took place at Abbey Road’s Room 65. The mix was created by balance engineer Norman Smith, in his final role with the group.
Smith had been The Beatles’ sound engineer from their initial EMI session on 6 June 1962 through to the end of the Rubber Soul sessions. His work played an invaluable role in capturing their developing sound during that period.
We all got on so well. They used to call me ‘Normal’ and ‘2dBs Smith’ because on a few occasions I would ask one of them to turn his guitar amplifier down a couple of decibels. But Rubber Soul wasn’t really my bag at all so I decided that I’d better get off the Beatles’ train. I told George and George told Eppy [Brian Epstein] and the next thing I received a lovely gold carriage clock inscribed ‘To Norman. Thanks. John, Paul, George and Ringo’.
The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions, Mark Lewisohn
’12-Bar Original’ was released with a new mix and edit on Anthology 2 in March 1996.