19 September 2010
So Did everyone See this? Here it is if you missed it: /features/may-pang-interview-2011/
This is amazing. I Can't Believe Joe Got such a scoop. Well, I thank May Pang Sincerely for the interview, and for the insight into the “Lost Weekend.” Thanks May!!!! God , Joe, How did your little site get this big? Are you going to try and Get an interview with Paul next?
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
Ha! Glad you liked it. Fortunately May and I have a mutual friend, someone I used to work with, so it was easy enough to get. I sent May the questions and she emailed back the replies. The easy way to do journalism…
An interview with Paul would be nice, though it’s actually quite difficult to get the balance of fanboy/accessibility right when asking questions. In honesty, though, I have such little time these days that I can’t really pursue extra features and interviews. If I ever make enough cash to go full-time I certainly will though.
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
19 September 2010
27 February 2010
Good interview! It's quite clear her opinion of Yoko: “(…) he could be jerked back into Yoko's mind games very easily”
If Joe can't get a balance to make the questions for Paul, I can take his place. Let's see:
1. Mr. McCartney [I won't use a noble title, because I'm a republicanist]: When did you get aware of your geniusness?
2. Being the most important person alive: what's your opinion about… (and so on)
I'd like to say "thank you" on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we passed the audition.
John Lennon
9 June 2010
27 February 2010
19 September 2010
1 February 2011
9 June 2010
Since Sun king's Automatic Welcome Button seems to be broken (nah, it's probably past his bedtime. It's past mine!), I'll fill in:
Welcome, Let's pretend we just can't see her face! I can see that you are a George fan. There are more of you here, so you're not alone. Just ask StarWisher, mithveaen, or any other poster with George looking incredibly hot as their avatar that my sleep-deprived brain can't think of.
You can utilize the introduction thread, which I am too lazy to post a link to but can be found in the “Forum rules and help guides” section.
Sorry if that was all incredibly confusing.
Ooh, I got a 9 in my sums! (That's good.)
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
1 May 2010
Marcelo said:
Good interview! It's quite clear her opinion of Yoko: “(…) he could be jerked back into Yoko's mind games very easily”
If Joe can't get a balance to make the questions for Paul, I can take his place. Let's see:
1. Mr. McCartney [I won't use a noble title, because I'm a republicanist]: When did you get aware of your geniusness?
2. Being the most important person alive: what's your opinion about… (and so on)
I love how Marcelo, no matter how hard core Lennonista he is, he's still got love for Macca. Gotta love that man, gotta love that
Back in Topic. Is the interview getting you more hits Joe?? I mean, if that's not a rude thing to say. I dunno. With this and Yoko's feedback in that article, this site is becoming more and more respectable. The only black sheep is the forum I guess hahahahaha
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
mr. Sun king coming together said:
Joe said: If I ever make enough cash to go full-time I certainly will though.
Semi-related. What is the way to get to make sure You get the money from an Amazon purchase?
If you're in the UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk?_encod…..ebeabib-21
If you're in the US: http://www.amazon.com?_encodin…..eabib06-20
If you're in Canada: http://www.amazon.ca?_encoding…..eabib0e-20
You can use these for any Amazon purchases, not just Beatles-related ones, and I'll get a small percentage from each sale (and it's completely anonymous). I haven't set up affiliate accounts for other Amazon stores, for various reasons. It doesn't matter too much though.
mithveaen said:
Back in Topic. Is the interview getting you more hits Joe?? I mean, if that's not a rude thing to say. I dunno. With this and Yoko's feedback in that article, this site is becoming more and more respectable. The only black sheep is the forum I guess hahahahaha
I think it all adds to the hit rate, yes, but I try not to spend too much time crunching visitor stats. Really, this site's always been about building long-term traffic, and it takes time for articles to be picked up by Google, read by people and recommended by others. Generally the spikes come when I get a mention on a major site like the NYTimes, Guardian etc, or a recommendation site like Fark or Stumbleupon, which is always great. Otherwise it's just a matter of waiting for more people to discover it. The Google ranking is steadily rising, but I'm happy to wait.
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
19 September 2010
Welcome Let’s pretend we just can’t see her face! This Forum is a wise and wonderful place, full of intelligent discussion, fun and Humour. My name is mr. sun king coming together, but you can just call me Sun King . I don’t really have a Favourite Beatle, And the Introduction thread is in Getting Better . Also, The Zigtionary, located in Forum Rules and help Guides, is a encyclopedia of most of our inside jokes, compiled so that people like you don’t become lost, and confused by us. Also, Joe, thanks, and MMM, Thanks for filling in till I could take over. I Appreciate it.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
1 February 2011
19 September 2010
7 August 2010
1 Guest(s)