20 August 2013
I am enjoying this book that @Joe gave me for my birthday. I am currently in the middle of 1964 right now. I like the quotes from the various newspapers used in the book to tell the story of how Beatlemania developed in Wales.
I found the write up in the “Pop Special” section of the South Wales Echo about Can’t Buy Me Love entertaining. Here’s an interesting sentence from the story: “…The A-side as usual penned by Beatles’ recruits John Lennon and Paul McCartney …” John Lennon as a recruit?
Was getting all the timeline and progression of how things happened with the group harder back at the time it was all happening?
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29 August 2013
“Was getting all the timeline and progression of how things happened with the group harder back at the time it was all happening?”
@Ahhh Girl I was pretty young at the time but remember hearing lots of news on the radio and seeing lots of reports on the TV, especially when they were in Wales. I was SO upset that my parents wouldn’t let me join the crowds when they were in Bangor when I was 11 or so.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
22 September 2014
20 August 2013
georgiewood said
Who recruited them?
Aliens? (LOL)
Sorry you missed that chance to see them, trc. I wonder if some one wrote to the paper and had them print a correction to the review.
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