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The "Incredibly Impossible to Derail This Thread" thread
30 May 2011
Nowhere Land
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mr. Sun king coming together said:

GniknuS said:

I really have a headache from today's forum. I would say that without a doubt this has been the worst day on the Fab Forum ever.

I agree completely. But, here is a completely random thought I came up with on my bike ride. Did you know that a rectangle is not a square, but a square is a rectangle?

@Gnik: In my experience, I think this ranks up with the day that paulsbass and Big got the “Paul vs. George” and “Cry Baby Cry ” threads locked. (Weren't they locked on the same day? Either way, those were pretty bad days.) 

@Sun king. Yes. I did. 😀 

If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.

30 May 2011
Ed Sullivan Show
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mr. Sun king coming together said:

I agree completely. But, here is a completely random thought I came up with on my bike ride. Did you know that a rectangle is not a square, but a square is a rectangle?

Yeah, and both rectangles and squares are parallelograms! Also, all parallelograms are quadrilaterals, which includes rectangles, rhombi, kites, squares, and trapezoids! Also, an icosceles trapazoid is a trapezoid! And rhombi could be kites! And, this is something I didn't know till recently; parallelograms, rectangles, rhombi, kites, squares, trapezoids and icosceles trapazoids are all special quadrilaterals!(It gets bolded because it's esiting that they're special!) Technically, though I guess it could probably go either way, really!


30 May 2011
mr. Sun king coming together
Nowhere Land
Apple rooftop
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As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

31 May 2011
Sitarday's room
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That's wonderful news Mother 's nature. apple01 a hug to your brother.

Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……

Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…

Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.

Beware of Darkness… 

31 May 2011
sarah machinella
Shea Stadium
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I went to bed, didn't check Beatles Bible this morning, and I just got home from school to see what's happened. Holy shit.

Right, JFKin60, not that you'll see this, but I want to say something.
The Beatles Bible Fab Forum is like a family. We all know each other, and we're always there for each other. Just like a family, we have our disagreements sometimes, but we all love each other.
We let people join our extensively growing family, but we have one simple rule. That rule is respect.
If you're going to be an arrogant, self-important, insulting, pompous and downright rude prick, then we don't want you on here. I hope some day you can grow up.

Peace and Love


31 May 2011
mr. Sun king coming together
Nowhere Land
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JFKin60 is sorta like the annoying cousin who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but yet is still talking. Well said Paulrus.

As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

31 May 2011
Through the bathroom window
Paris Olympia
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I just hated his arrogance. The way he just assumed himself superior to everyone else was awful.

You all will have read that Dave Dee is no longer with us. But Mickey and Titch and I would like to carry on the good work that's always gone down in number two.

31 May 2011
Rain? I don't mind
Candlestick Park
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Fortunately it looks like Joe deleted some of his more insulting posts, I really thought he was going to keep creating JFK’s Difficuit Trivia posts for the entire day.

I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine

31 May 2011
Nowhere Land
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1569sp_Permalink sp_Print

Paulrus said:

The Beatles Bible Fab Forum is like a family.

Which is why I'm so addicted to it… 

apple01s for all! 

If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.

31 May 2011
Sitarday's room
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It's too damn hot down here. 100°F.  That's why I don't make sense in some posts.. my mind feels like melted cheese blue-meanie

Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……

Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…

Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.

Beware of Darkness… 

31 May 2011
mr. Sun king coming together
Nowhere Land
Apple rooftop
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Mith, it’s no better up here!! Also, the Atlanta Thrashers have been sold!!! Yay!!!! Winnipeg has its team back!!!!

As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

31 May 2011
Sitarday's room
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I know.. but it's too damn hot….

Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……

Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…

Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.

Beware of Darkness… 

1 June 2011
mr. Sun king coming together
Nowhere Land
Apple rooftop
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Okay, the Stanley Cup is going on, starting tonight, between StarWisher's Boston Bruins and my (obligatory) Vancouver Canucks. This will be the best Cup in years.

As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

2 June 2011
Sitarday's room
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Wow… are the games to get the Stanley Cup being played? I always thought it was in July or something like that. a-hard-days-night-paul-10

Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……

Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…

Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.

Beware of Darkness… 

2 June 2011
Ed Sullivan Show
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I thought that last year it was in like April. Why’s this year gonna be the best in years? I thought last year was pretty esiting!!!!!!!!!



2 June 2011
mr. Sun king coming together
Nowhere Land
Apple rooftop
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Mith, yep this is for the Cup. It happens at different times, and it has happened in July before.
Strawberry, last year was pretty lacklustre by previous years.
StarWisher, Neener, Neener Neener!!!

As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

2 June 2011
The Walrus
Working for the national health
Candlestick Park
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Jello said:

Ok, this is completely random, but it just popped into my head.  If you found out someone you knew was a time traveler and they told you they could take you whichever year, day, and time of day you wanted, where would you go?  What and/or who would you bring with you?

Me and my friend Brianna had this all worked out.  We would leave July 7th, in whatever year we found this out about our friend.  We (me and Bri) would each have a suitcase filled with an iPhone that has an extensive collection of songs, a CD player, a couple Beatles CDs, a camera, several autograph-worthy Beatles pictures, a picture of the Strawberry Fields Memorial in NYC, an article printed from the internet on how devastated the world was when George died, $7,000, and enough clothes for a week.  We would wake up at 5 A.M in my time zone and travel to June 18th, 1956, Paul has just turned 14.  From CT, we would take a taxi to La Guardia airport in NY and board a plane to London.  From London, we would grab a taxi to Liverpool and buy a house near Paul's home.  We would befriend Paul and stay close friends.  As Beatlemania hit, we would show him the iPhone. Next, in a couple years, the day Revolver is released, we would show him the CDs.  Then, about a week after the Beatles split up in 1970, I would show George the article and convince him to stop smoking.  Then, on October 9th, 1980, I would show John the picture of Strawberry Fields and convince him to stay inside the Dakota all day December 8th.  Sorry to have droned on, but I just wanted to know if I wasn't the only one who thought about time traveling to save John and George.

Wouldn't work*, because you wouldn't know to travel in time to save them in your new time line.

George is dead and couldn't be saved by time travel, his smoking habit was obvious for years and he died surrounded by friends and family.

John could be “saved” if you switched his body with that of a clone in the ambulance. You'd either need to bring him forward in time where modern or futuristic medical science could save him, or have a double take the bullet (should say that said double would have to fool Yoko) and transport the real John to the modern day. Maybe you could rugby-tackle Chapman at the crucial time, but you'd need to receive credit for it, and it would have to be obvious to your past/future self that it was really them.


*Yes, I know saying something to do with time travel “wouldn't work” is a bit redundant

I told her I didn’t 

2 June 2011
The Toppermost of the Poppermost
Apple rooftop

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My wife is a Bruins fan as well, Star. I'd be happy for either team though because Boston hasn't won it all since 1972 and Vancouver has never won a championship.

It will be interesting to see if the travelling takes a toll on either team. The distance (over 3000 miles) between cities is the most ever for the Stanley Cup contenders.

The games will be well played. I think Vancouver has the better talent, but Boston has more heart – and Tim Thomas between the pipes. In the end, I think Vancouver wins in 6 games.

To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.

2 June 2011
mr. Sun king coming together
Nowhere Land
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I think the mileage will affect Boston more, because Vancouver has had to go far east twice already (Chicago and Nashville), So it could be almost second nature for Vancouver. They won game 1 – keep it up.

As if it matters how a man falls down.'

'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.

2 June 2011
London Palladium
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1580sp_Permalink sp_Print

Does anyone have any homonyms or homophones that I could use to do my homework??  I need 25 and so far I only have 6.

I can't think of any!! a-hard-days-night-ringo-13

"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"

–John Lennon

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