7 November 2010
I remember all the 50th anniversaries on this forum / on social media. It’s odd that over the next few years we’ll be seeing all the 60ths as well.
I turn 30 this year, meaning I’ll be older than any of the Beatles were at the time of the break up.
The following people thank kelicopter for this post:
Timothy, Ahhh Girl, Rube, Von BonteeI think it's great you're going through a phase, and I'm awfully glad it'll all be over in a couple of days
20 August 2013
The antibiotics the doctor gave Ahhh Mom made her really sick to her stomach. Shevis dealing with so much. Sorry I haven’t been on the forum in a few days. I’m So Tired from taking care of mom.
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Richard, Rube, ewe2Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
20 August 2013
@kelicopter, would you add the same information you recently put in the Craig Brown One, Two, Three, Four thread to the Beatles Bible meta thread here https://www.beatlesbible.com/f…..es/page-7/
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
kelicopter, Rube, ewe2Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
7 November 2010
Ahhh Girl said
The antibiotics the doctor gave Ahhh Mom made her really sick to her stomach. Shevis dealing with so much. Sorry I haven’t been on the forum in a few days. I’m So Tired from taking care of mom.
Sending you so much love
The following people thank kelicopter for this post:
Richard, Rube, Von BonteeI think it's great you're going through a phase, and I'm awfully glad it'll all be over in a couple of days
20 August 2013
@Richard, I hope it’s ok with you that I moved your two recent post in this thread to the Linda McCartney thread and the Beatles Offspring thread.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
Richard, RubeCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
6 May 2018
Ahhh Girl said
@Richard, I hope it’s ok with you that I moved your two recent post in this thread to the Linda McCartney thread and the Beatles Offspring thread.
Yes, certainly. I wasn’t sure where to post them, so thank you for moving them to appropriate threads.
The following people thank Richard for this post:
Ahhh Girl, RubeAnd in the end
The love you take is equal to the love you make
30 December 2022
Again long time no see guys.
Yes I still like the beatles I’m just so incredibly busy now. High school has been a little rough lol I’ve got tons of work
Life updates:
I can drive now. And I’ve got a cool truck. A red 1990 Ford ranger.
I’ve gotten a boyfriend. His name is jack. Idk if that was going on last time I was on here. Me and him have been together for about 7 months.
I got All Things Must Pass and ram on vinyl I am unstoppable.
I went to jazz festival and we got all superior ratings. We played April in Paris, just scratchin the surface, and the mudbug strut.
My Band Director offered me private jazz lessons on whatever i want for during the summer.
I have had medical issues recently and was unable to pass my physical for band. I’ve got to see a cardiologist before I can pass said physical. One day I got to school and I passed out as soon as I got there and I wouldn’t wake up. I was rushed to the er, but I’m okay now. I have orthodontic hypotension. So when I stand or go upstairs my blood pressure drops and I’m at risk of passing out.
I go to the gym now
I signed up for a law enforcement course to take my sophomore and junior year (currently am a freshman)
I’m seeing The Amazing Spider-Man in theaters tomorrow with Jack. (They are re releasing all the spider-man movies back into theaters so I’m gonna go on a movie date. Also that movie is the andrew garfield one if ya didn’t know)
I’ve completed a college level psychology course and the exam is Thursday
I met a guy who hurt me during February and March…. 🙁 he was 18. I was 14. But oh well I’m doing okay. Jack beat him up for me. Still sucks and is awful. Definitely has messed up the past few months for me. U can ask me things abt it if you want, it’s fine tho and everything’s taken care of.
I’m going to march in the indy 500 parade later this month. And then I’m headed up to the amusement park in Sandusky Ohio. it’s a Band trip
Overall… life’s been good. Time for me to dissappear for 6 months again.
Ps. I only wrote all this post out because I saw @Beatlebug asked me how my life was going like 3 pages ago so I thought I’d finally answer 🙂
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Richard, StrawberrySauce, Beatlebug, Rube3.29pm
20 August 2013
Is Jack into The Beatles, @Neely?
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
15 February 2015
So glad to hear from you again @Neely! Good that everything is going so well (mostly, apart from the medical issues – hopefully you get that sorted). Red Ford Rangers are awesome, one of my coworkers drives one and it’s a sweet little truck.
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30 December 2022
Ahhh Girl said
Is Jack into The Beatles, @Neely?
Somewhat. He doesn’t listen to much music but he tolerates what I put on, which is my job. To annoy him. ?
Beatlebug said
So glad to hear from you again @Neely! Good that everything is going so well (mostly, apart from the medical issues – hopefully you get that sorted). Red Ford Rangers are awesome, one of my coworkers drives one and it’s a sweet little truck.
I saw ur comment on my “chord warm up” video… and yes I’m alive. I have medicine for my issue now and it’s a little better.
I’m currently in Sandusky, Ohio right now. We did the Indy 500 yesterday.. I also met Dylan sprouse so.. that was cool. We are going on a cruise tonight then going to cedar point tomorrow.
Me and one of my band directors
Me and my friend
Me on my balcony in this hotel room last night.
Also Jack pic for those curious. Except this is an old but its the best one. Me and him barely take pics. (This is from Halloween)
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Richard, Beatlebug, Rube11.41pm
20 May 2024
30 December 2022
15 February 2015
Good to hear life is treating you better @Neely.
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30 December 2022
Beatlebug said
Good to hear life is treating you better @Neely.
Ty, as of rn it totally is. Dan and Marion, my friends, made me stand up for myself and everything has been better since. I was getting bullied alot and had alot of meltdowns on the trip. Some of it I can’t fix… bc I’m in high school and teenagers are bound to make sexual jokes, so I just have to learn to deal with that. But I delt with everything else.
Also I’m back in Memphis guys
The following people thank Neely for this post:
Beatlebug, Rube5.59pm
10 January 2024
So I didn’t know where to ask this, but is there a thread for asking where other threads are. I was wondering because I’ve been looking for the “A Day In The Life ” thread. I was just wondering.
I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.
20 August 2013
Greetings, @Oakwood.
Here’s the thread to ask if we have a Forum thread on a topic — https://www.beatlesbible.com/f…..ch-thread/ Thanks for asking!
Here’s Joe’s write up on A Day In The Life — https://www.beatlesbible.com/s…..-the-life/
Here’s the Fab Forum Discussion on the song — https://www.beatlesbible.com/f…..-the-life/
Notice that there’s a link to Joe’s page from the Forum and to the Forum from Joe’s page. You’ll find those handy links for each song.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
Richard, Rube, Sea Belt, OakwoodCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
7 November 2022
10 January 2024
So, the other day I got in trouble in school, but it wasnt anything terrible it was kinda funny. So for background info, I have a google slide show thats currently around 2500 slides, and its mostly memes with pictures of the Beatles or classic rock bands. My friends and I work on it together and make silly images. Its called “Cursed Creations”. But anyways how I got in trouble. So a few months back I made a meme with a picture of the Dirty Mac with the line from Yer Blues “Im lonely Wanna die”. I did this on my school computer, where they watch everything you do. The computer system picked up the “Im lonely wanna die.” and sent it to the office.
So at lunch Im sitting with my friends talking when I principle is standing near by. He walks up behind me and tells me “I need to come with him” and that “he had something to show me”. Now Im freaking out shaking a bit (I dont handle the idea orgetting in trouble the best). And he show me the meme I had made and asks If I was having a mental crisis. Now we sorted it out that Im fine and that I was quoting the Dirty Mac. We ended up having a short chat about blues music and 60s bands.
I’ll try to put a picture of the meme in question
Sorry If its kinda dark a lot of the kids at my school kinda feel really burned out so we kinda joke about dark subjects
The following people thank Oakwood for this post:
Richard, Beatlebug, RubeI made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.
21 February 2024
Can I just bring everyone’s attention to a delightful radio show from Canada?
“The Vinyl Cafe” was a Sunday hour-long radio show hosted by Stuart McLean on the CBC. It was popular for him to tell stories of the fictional Toronto family of Dave and Morley. Dave owns a record store (Vinyl Cafe; we’re not big, but we’re small) and the stories talk about the antics of him, his wife and their son and daughter, and their neighbors.
“Dave Cooks the Turkey” is the Best story; it is about how Dave (who is really quite dimwitted) forgets to buy a tukey, goes out to buy a frozen one and tries to thaw it. Very funny indeed.
Stuart died in 2017, taking the show off the air. Sometimes a podcast re-airs the episodes. There are 170 released stories about Dave and Morley, with maybe some more coming out, it’s the 30th anniversary this year…
Check it out:
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