20 August 2013
georgiewood said
I can’t believe there is a thread on dreams here. Is there a thread on absolutely everything in this site?
The reason that it seems remarkable to me is that a very vivid dream is the reason I am here. My dream occurred about two months ago, but it is as real to me now as if it were a real memory. I was in a terminal of some kind, probably a train station, maybe even the d’Orsay in Paris, since I have a vague recollection of that huge transparent clock in the background. A girl was standing at the furthest point of the terminal and I was walking toward her. I don’t know for sure who she was. She had short blond hair and a sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose–the good kind. She was wearing a plain beige dress, but she looked good. She had a completely enigmatic expression as I continue to approach her; I could not tell her reaction to me at all. I finally stopped right in front of her and she tilted her face up and closed her eyes–a pretty clear signal. That’s when I woke up. But when I awakened, the song Girl was bouncing around in my head. I can’t say that I ever really paid that much attention to that song before, other than to admire the haunting melody. I can’t say it was really one of my favorites, but it is now.
That dream started me on an Internet Beatles binge, and ended with my registration in this site. How about that, Ahhh Girl?
I am pleased as punch, @georgiewood! And, I love the Musee d’Orsay. I love the view looking out of that clock.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
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1 November 2012
I rarely dream about celebrities (I dreamt about Paul once, Jennifer Anniston once, and that’s about it), but last night Regis Philbin of all people was in one of my dreams. He was part of some kind of luncheon in some big busy place I was in… all vague as dreams usually are…
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
4 February 2014
GW Yup this site has “everything you need! Satisfaction guaranteed.”
So in my dream last night I believe I was in Italy, don’t know why I think that, never been there and didn’t look like it, but I think it’s where I was. And I was just out doing something when this girl asked me to go to lunch. I don’t think she gave me her name either… strange dream. And I had another I can’t quite remember now.
The thing I find interesting is that in the beginning of the dream she had blonde hair and blue eyes, and later looked more Italian I guess, with darker hair etc. This happens a lot in my dreams where people or places will change but I’ll still understand that they’re the same in the context of my dream. Sometimes they’ll be people I know and they’ll turn into someone else I know, and I don’t find it strange at all. Or it’ll be a place I know but look nothing like the place in real life but I’ll still know what the place is, if that makes sense.
Does this happen to anyone else?
15 June 2014
All the time!!! In fact, its very strange when sometimes in the wee hours of the morning I dream about missing my van etc and only wake up to realize I might actually be late. I wish we could record our dreams and replay them. Such an incomprehensible world the unconscious/ semiconscious state is.
The following people thank StrawberryFieldsForever for this post:
parlance, Beatlebug9.20pm
1 November 2013
Mr. Kite said
So in my dream last night I believe I was in Italy, don’t know why I think that, never been there and didn’t look like it, but I think it’s where I was.
Was Italy orange?
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
4 February 2014
Nope… No orange, I was however in a really modern looking room right after I met the girl with a lot of glass and stuff.
SFF, that would be cool! Being able to watch our dreams on a screen.
1 May 2011
For some bizarre reason i had a dream a couple of nights ago where myself, some of my family and some other people (no Beatles) were sat around a table discussing if blackberry jam was bad or not. There was no conclusion to the discussion, no minds were changed, and nothing else to said dream.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
Bulldog, Mr. Kite"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
4 February 2014
meanmistermustard said
For some bizarre reason i had a dream a couple of nights ago where myself, some of my family and some other people (no Beatles) were sat around a table discussing if blackberry jam was bad or not. There was no conclusion to the discussion, no minds were changed, and nothing else to said dream.
Well what is family if you can’t discuss the important stuff?
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
Bulldog, Starr Shine?1.50pm
20 August 2013
I dreamed there was a type of chicken that laid eggs that were decorated with a beautiful pattern of vines, leaves, and flowers. The inside was already scrambled and included bits of cooked sausage. Just heat-n-eat.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
1 May 2011
1 November 2013
I had a dream where I met Necko and his identical twin brother at an indor water park
8 September 2014
1 May 2011
18 March 2013
^ Well that’s not fun.
I had a dream my mam and I went to Belfast, that was it.
I’ve always wanted to go to Belfast so maybe that was my head saying “Hey ASJ, go to Belfast!”
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
8 November 2012
I had a fun dream two nights ago where I was dating Johnny Depp. He wasn’t the actor though, he was an art student.
20 October 2014
The other day I had a dream where there was a protest and people were singing Octups’s Garden, and then they started dancing and singing With A Little Help From My Friends (or maybe they were still singing Octopus’s Garden , I don’t remember).
I also dreamed I was in a farm and I was Paul and I said to George “You’re my little brother”. After that I don’t remember much, I just remember I was me and the farmers were bad or something like that, and I think I had dinner with them and there was a very long (unfortunately, it wasn’t winding) road near their house.
"We think George Harrison is the most marvelous thing since boys were discovered." - Diane and Jenny of Bedford, the smartest girls ever.
4 February 2014
I remember talking to Jimi Hendrix last night, don’t remember what about though.
A lot of other things I can’t remember happened. It was a very eventful dream (or dreams) just can’t remember a lot. I think I broke my phone.
Wish I knew what Jimi told me. Maybe it was the secret to success… I’ll never know!
22 September 2014
parlance said
I had a fun dream two nights ago where I was dating Johnny Depp. He wasn’t the actor though, he was an art student.parlance
What’s the point of dreaming about Johnny Depp when he’s not the real deal? Jeez, you might as well dream about Mr. Kite. At least he is who he purports to be. ….Or is he?
The following people thank georgiewood for this post:
parlanceI say in speeches that a plausible mission of artists is to make people appreciate being alive at least a little bit. I am then asked if I know of any artists who pulled that off. I reply, 'The Beatles did'.
Kurt Vonnegut, Timequake, 1997
1 November 2013
georgiewood said
parlance said
I had a fun dream two nights ago where I was dating Johnny Depp. He wasn’t the actor though, he was an art student.
What’s the point of dreaming about Johnny Depp when he’s not the real deal? Jeez, you might as well dream about Mr. Kite. At least he is who he purports to be. ….Or is he?
Earlier in the thread I had a dream with a bunch of BB members including Mr. Kite
8 November 2012
georgiewood said
parlance said
I had a fun dream two nights ago where I was dating Johnny Depp. He wasn’t the actor though, he was an art student.parlance
What’s the point of dreaming about Johnny Depp when he’s not the real deal? Jeez, you might as well dream about Mr. Kite. At least he is who he purports to be. ….Or is he?
But he was the real deal, just as handsome, and rather charming.
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