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Morons on Youtube (for lack of a better name)
30 May 2013
coming in through the bathroom window
Candlestick Park
Forum Posts: 2098
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17 January 2013
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Ok, I really try to just “Let It Be ” and keep my mouth shut most of the time on Youtube, but there is such an outstanding amount of idiots on there, that I just can’t help myself sometimes.  

I saw this ridiculous video yesterday, and I just had to leave a comment.  He replied and then I replied again.  I’m under the username “what5ername”.  


Ugh, why am I even feeding this troll?  I just had to share with you guys and see if anyone else deals with this.


The following people thank LongHairedLady for this post:

Matt Busby

"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been..  I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene..  Banjos!  Banjos!  All the time, I can't forget that tune..  and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"


30 May 2013
Funny Paper
Candlestick Park
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Though this doesn’t pertain to YouTube, I remember finding a website by some guy who is obsessed with how he thinks Paul is secretive about his houses and was trying to shut down this guy’s website which showed exactly where Paul’s house in London is, on Google maps.  He implied that Paul is a fascist for wanting privacy and being concerned about his safety.

Talk about having too much time on your hands…


Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...

30 May 2013
coming in through the bathroom window
Candlestick Park
Forum Posts: 2098
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17 January 2013
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Too much time is right.

I like how he called me a “pot brain”, I’ve never been called that one before!  I guess because I used “stoner slang”.  a-hard-days-night-john-1 

"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been..  I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene..  Banjos!  Banjos!  All the time, I can't forget that tune..  and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"


30 May 2013
Sitting in an English garden
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I see stupid comments on there all the time, but I just ignore them. You’re obviously bored and not a fan if you comment something stupid like ”this is the worst song ever” on a classic Beatles song. If you don’t like ‘Let It Be ‘ (for example), don’t watch it! And then you’ve got the other type of  bored idiots on there that say things like ”this band has completely ruined such-and-such’s song” (insert talent-less band here). How have people got so much spare time, that’s what I want to know.

The following people thank fabfouremily for this post:

Mr. Kite

Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.

(Passover - I. Curtis)

30 May 2013
Thankfully not where I am.


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Youtube and forums are havens for idiots who write complete nonsense. Hopefully a lot of it is for attention and to spark reaction and comments since it would be scary if they really thought/believed a quarter of the guff they write.

Best to ignore it and get on with life. If i find moronic posts i generally put music or a comedy clip on. So here is the brilliant Galaxy Song from Monty Python’s Meaning of Life complete with fabulous end line. I could easily post 30 MP clips and not be running dry.


The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:

Matt Busby

"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

30 May 2013
The Netherlands
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Brilliant endline.

I still have to watch Meaning of Life. My father has been trying to get me to watch it for ages now.


Nah those trolls on youtube are really stupid and not worth any of the breath you waste on them. That’s exactly what they want, attention. For some moronic reason they think it’s funny to post hateful stuff on videos. Do you know that one guy, FrightWolf or something like that? He has posted comments about how George is the devil and how he is so bad and fake on almost EVERY George related video. I never really understood why people would waste time commenting on stuff they don’t like anyway, or why they would even bother watching those videos, but hey, it’s their own time they’re wasting, not mine. I also never understood why someone would want to get attention in that way. I used to be so bothered and annoyed with them, but now I just find them pathetic and ignore them. Which is best, cause that way you don’t give them what they want.

Most of them probably do it for the attention, which is already kind of retarded, but there are plenty of no-life retards who really believe in everything they comment. There are retards everywhere. Maybe even more so on the internet than in real life.

31 May 2013
Hollywood Bowl
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I’ve watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail but I’ve yet to prepare for the Meaning of Life’s theme, and George’s appearance of course, I could probably laugh all day.

31 May 2013
Thankfully not where I am.


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George is in Life of Brian, both films are fantastic and well worth watching.

"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

1 June 2013
Von Bontee
496 km NW of the '69 Toronto Rock n Roll Revival
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I’ve always liked “Grail” more than “Brian”, myself. The Pythons themselves always call “Brian” their best film, because it’s got a straightforward, well-crafted plot with a beginning/middle/end. Which is the very reason I prefer the more random, discursive “Grail” – it seems to be more in the Python spirit. (Exact same reason I’ll always choose “Duck Soup” over “A Night At The Opera”, if that means anything to anyone.)

Youtube commenters a bunch of idiots (and racists) (and trolls)!? Surely not!

Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.


1 June 2013
coming in through the bathroom window
Candlestick Park
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I just got a notification that the idiot responded to what I had written…  NOT going to reply this time.  It would never end, and it’s not worth my time.  a-hard-days-night-paul-11  Plus you just can’t get though to people like him.

"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been..  I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene..  Banjos!  Banjos!  All the time, I can't forget that tune..  and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"


3 June 2013
Hollywood Bowl
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They hated Grail because they ran out of budget while doing it so they thought of it as “unfinished”.

3 June 2013
Von Bontee
496 km NW of the '69 Toronto Rock n Roll Revival
Apple rooftop
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Yeah, that lack of a budget meant that they couldn’t afford actual horses – which led to the coconuts, which is one of the movie’s best jokes!

The following people thank Von Bontee for this post:

Matt Busby

Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.


27 November 2014
Thankfully not where I am.


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Trying to find the Beatles version only to get this.…..9_b8W12hpg

"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)

28 November 2014
coming in through the bathroom window
Candlestick Park
Forum Posts: 2098
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17 January 2013
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meanmistermustard said
Trying to find the Beatles version only to get this.…..9_b8W12hpg

SO many people are falling for this one judging by the comments.  Ugh.  a-hard-days-night-paul-3

The following people thank LongHairedLady for this post:

Matt Busby

"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been..  I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene..  Banjos!  Banjos!  All the time, I can't forget that tune..  and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"


28 November 2014
Candlestick Park
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15 May 2014
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Von Bontee said
(Exact same reason I’ll always choose “Duck Soup” over “A Night At The Opera”, if that means anything to anyone.)

It does to me @Von Bontee. I totally agree with you.

Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit” (“Perhaps one day it will be a pleasure to look back on even this”; Virgil, The Aeneid, Book 1, line 203, where Aeneas says this to his men after the shipwreck that put them on the shores of Africa)

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