Linda McCartney

In September 1968 Paul McCartney phoned Linda from London, asking her to fly to the city to see him. She remained in London, and their relationship gradually became serious. They both went to New York after the White Album was complete in October 1968, allowing Paul to explore the city and get to know Linda’s daughter Heather, then five years old.

We’ve always been very close and that was the beginning of it all. It was a great change in my life. I’ve always had quite serious relationships, I didn’t have that many women. I had girlfriends and one-night stands a lot, the swinging sixties, sexual revolution. But this was the start of this new kind of relationship for me. I found it very liberating.
Paul McCartney
Many Years From Now, Barry Miles

They spent two weeks together in Linda’s apartment. The bearded McCartney enjoyed the relative anonymity of the city, where he was able to travel on the subway and explore the sights without being overly troubled by Beatles fans.

It was during this time that they decided to become a family together. The three of them took a flight to London, arriving on 31 October 1968; five days later they traveled to Scotland to stay at Paul’s farmhouse retreat.

There’s a point, I think, in most people’s lives when they start to think: ‘If I’m thinking of getting married, if I’m thinking of getting serious – now is the time.’ I was starting to have those sorts of thoughts, and I suppose I was thinking back over all the girls I’d known, and wondering who was the favourite to get serious with, and she was one who always came into my mind.
Paul McCartney

Paul and Linda McCartney, 1969

In December Paul and Linda went to stay with Beatles biographer Hunter Davies’ family in Praia da Luz, Portugal. It was there that Paul proposed to her. They married in London on 12 March 1969.

She’d been married before, so she wasn’t keen to get married again. She was unsure but I persuaded her. I said, ‘It’ll be all right this time.’ She was a bit ‘once bitten twice shy’ – but we eventually got married in Marylebone Registry Office.

I really don’t remember whether or not I invited any of the band to the wedding. Why not? I’m a total b*****d, I suppose – I don’t know, really. Maybe it was because the group was breaking up. We were all pissed off with each other. We certainly weren’t a gang any more. That was the thing. Once a group’s broken up like that, that’s it.

Paul McCartney

Despite the inevitable press attention – McCartney was the final Beatle to be married – the wedding was a relatively low-key affair.

I didn’t go to Paul and Linda’s wedding, but they had lunch or tea afterwards at the Ritz, and I think it was just Paul, Linda, Mal [Evans], Suzy [Aspinall] and me. I don’t remember anybody else being there.

At the time of their wedding Linda was four months pregnant. On 15 May they embarked on a month-long holiday in Corfu to escape the business wranglings at Apple, staying in the village of Benitses. There, Paul wrote the song Every Night, which later appeared on his first solo album.

Yoko’s taken a lot of s**t, her and Linda; but The Beatles’ break-up wasn’t their fault. It was just that suddenly we were all thirty and married and changed. We couldn’t carry on that life any more.

Paul, Linda and Mary McCartney

As Allen Klein turned Apple upside down, sacking staff and turning off the money tap, the McCartneys withdrew from the business. Following their Corfu holiday they spent a great deal of time at their farm in Scotland. Mary McCartney was born on 28 August 1969, and was named after Paul’s late mother.

While not not instinctively musical, Linda sang on The Beatles’ song ‘Let It Be’. Following the group’s split, Paul taught her to play keyboards, and she became a core member of his next band Wings. Although they became one of the 1970s’ most successful groups, Linda was often criticised for her poor singing. Nonetheless, she performed onstage with the group, and shared an Oscar nomination with Paul for the co-written Live And Let Die.

Linda introduced Paul to vegetarianism in 1975; she subsequently promoted the cause through a number of successful cookbooks. In 1991 she began producing a range of frozen meals under the brandname Linda McCartney Foods, which made her independently wealthy.

Paul and Linda McCartney, 1976She also supported a number of animal rights organisations, including PETA and League Against Cruel Sports. She also supported The Council For The Protection of Rural England and Friends Of The Earth.

In 1995 Linda McCartney was diagnosed with breast cancer, which later spread to her liver. She died at the age of 56, on 17 April 1998, at the family ranch in Tucson, Arizona. Paul’s final words to her reportedly were: “You’re up on your beautiful Appaloosa stallion. It’s a fine spring day. We’re riding through the woods. The bluebells are all out, and the sky is clear-blue”.

She was cremated in Tucson, and her ashes were later scattered at the family’s farm in Sussex. Memorial services were held at St Martin-in-the-Fields in London, which was attended by George Harrison and Ringo Starr, and at Riverside Church in Manhattan.

Paul McCartney has pledged to continue her work in promoting animal rights issues, and to keep her food range free of genetically modified products. In 2000 a cancer clinic, the Linda McCartney Centre, opened at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital; the same year McCartney announced donations of over $2 million for cancer research.

In November 2002 the Linda McCartney Kintyre Memorial Trust opened a memorial garden in Campbeltown. It included a bronze statue of Linda by sculptor Jane Robbins, which had been commissioned by Paul.

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19 thoughts on “Linda McCartney”

  1. She has become a rather saintly figure since her death, in contrast to all the negative reactions she attracted when she replaced the popular Jane Asher and when she was playing and singing with Wings.

    1. Linda won a Grammy award in 1974 with Paul and Denny Laine for Band on the run as best vocal group. She had the last laugh on the naysayers!

    2. Yes, that’s true and I think probably because the regular press, the rock press and the fans were so hateful about her. The Brit tabloids regularly called her a “JAP” which stood for Jewish American Princess, racist and sexist stuff they probably wouldn’t get away with today.

  2. People who didn’t know Linda mistook her shyness as being aloof. I wish I’d known her personally. We were born the same year. How proud she would of the way her brew turned out. My my, Mary is a fine photographer. Paul kept the family close. I love the McCartneys!

  3. Linda was a lovely housewife she and Paul who raised their four kids although I met only son James in person here in Seattle up in Fremont at the High Dive Bar for his big gig it was back in May 19th at 8pm as I do recall he was only one himself since he didn’t have any fellow musicians at the time while James was in town. It was fun I enjoy it. I m an Beatles fan today too.

  4. To get up on the stage with little musical talent and to give countless promotional interviews I doubt that Linda was that shy. While I don’t agree that she, or anyone for that matter, should be villified Linda wasn’t beyond criticism either. Since her death, she and her marriage have been idealised beyond belief. Many women in music, then and now, worked hard at their careers in the predominantly male world of rock music, and often awarded much less recognition compared to their male peers. Yet Linda was catapulted right up there for being married to a Beatle and recruited to his band. If Paul had married a fellow musician I could understand if he wanted to take a different direction, but I found Linda audacious in thinking that it just wouldn’t matter to the legions of Beatles’ fans at the time. As for their personal relationship, if they were so enamoured of each other they should have waltzed off together into the sunset after meeting at the Bag O’Nails. Their subsequent sneaky hookups would have saved a lot of grief all round.

    1. I actually agree with you. I was a fan when I was a teen but if Linda hadn’t met Paul, would she had retrospectives on her and gallery openings of her work? I do agree she was a pioneer though, being the 1st woman and person to have their photo on the front page of RS.

    2. Paul was engaged to Jane Asher when he and Linda had their “dirty weekend” in LA in June, 1968 — the weekend that’s treated so rhapsodically in print and film. And he still came home to Francie Schwartz, with whom Jane found him in bed. Paul was with Francie when they saw Jane in TV a few weeks later breaking the news that the engagement was off. Paul reportedly was surprised. WTF, Paul?
      I’m glad it worked out for him and Linda, but it certainly appears he treated Jane shabbily. And that comment about Linda being a woman while all the others were girls is also insulting to Jane, who had an adult career the whole time she was with Paul.

  5. Linda was absolutely the right woman for Paul, because they really did love each other, they were married for 29 years and she was so multitalented in her own right: she was a photographer, a very skilled cook, a loving and supportive wife, a loving mother to four children, animal rights activist, an entrepreneur who founded her own line of frozen vegetarian foods, vegetarian cookbook author and she was also a member of Wings.
    It’s just disgraceful that she was unfairly vilified by teenage fans when she married Paul and I just don’t get why all the teenage girls were upset – it was Paul’s choice whom he wanted to marry.
    Linda also sometimes came to The Beatles’ recording sessions, mostly for the purpose of taking photographs, and she also took her own personal photographs on the day of the iconic Abbey Road cover photo shoot – the photographer employed on that day was Scottish photographer Iain Macmillan. As far as I know, John, Ringo and George didn’t object to Linda being at the recording sessions at EMI, Trident or Olympic.
    In direct contrast to his years with Jane Asher, Paul never once pressurized Linda to quit photography altogether, because as I said, she took her own photographs at recording sessions and she did some of his album covers as well as Wings. Linda was previously a professional photographer and she even photographed Tim Buckley, Buffalo Springfield, Neil Young, The Doors, The Rolling Stones, Arlo Guthrie, Jimi Hendrix and many others.

  6. When Paul got married, it was the media that pushed the myth of thousands of heartbroken teenage girls around the world crying their eyes out. That is just not true. The vast majority reacted no differently from fans of the other Beatles to their marriages. Most felt neither one way or the other towards Linda
    but, as usual, a minority of jealous fans ended up getting the publicity. Paul may have been popular, but that doesn’t warrant John, George, and Ringo’s fans being pushed as thoughtful, smart young people and Paul’s all empty-headed 13-year-old screamers. It’s a crude stereotype and not only a diss to Paul but to his fans. It’s interesting to see the footage of Paul and Linda’s wedding though. The surge of people they appear to be fending off are mainly guys from the press and photographers. Only a handful of teenage girls are present and there are a couple of crying girls with a small child in a pram who were filmed over and over again.

    1. Thank you for your feedback and a few minor corrections to my post. You’re right about the wedding footage – it was mainly photographers and the press who were there in cartloads, not crying teenage girls.

  7. Here’s some more trivia about Linda: she was friends with American singer-songwriter Carly Simon, who was married to fellow singer-songwriter James Taylor from 1972 to 1983.
    On James’s 1974 album “Walking Man”, Paul, Linda and Carly all sang backing vocals on “Rock and Roll is Music Now” and “Let it all Fall Down”.

  8. I’m so very glad that I saw her playing live with Wings once and solo with Paul twice. I loved her photos, her activities with animal rights and environmentalism. I was sad to get on a different Jane thread and read all of the Linda insults from some there. Linda in a few early wings concerts was a big cheerleader of the audience. She’s my favorite Beatle wife/girlfriend and Olivia is my second favorite as she clobbered the attacker with a heavy lamp and spoke out against the sleazy author Gulliano in defense not just of George which would be expected but also went out of her way to defend Paul because Gulliano insulted him repeatedly in books.

  9. Linda was an amazing , talented, beautiful, intelligent and compassionate woman. Truly, truly wish she was still around in person. Such a tragic and iconic loss. Her legacy lives on as she was remarkable,. Truly a great woman . I wish I had known her personally.

  10. It is said she died at the ranch in Arizona. I moved to Arizona last year so I was curious about the ranch, where it’s located and all that. Apparently, it’s in a very remote area at the foothills of the Rincon mountains, northeast of Tucson and was accessible only by helicopter. I learned they frequented their ranch yearly for 19 years… I didn’t know they came here that often! There’s a road off Interstate 10 between Phoenix and Tucson called McCartney Road, and it may well have been named after Paul, but it’s not particularly close to the ranch location. There’s also a street in Tucson called Starr Boulevard (or something like that). Go figure!

  11. Linda McCartney was an interesting woman. I’ve read so opinions on whether or not she was the “right” woman for Paul to marry. Here’s my take on it:

    I think Paul would have married Jane Asher if she hadn’t (wisely) broken it off with him. I say “wisely” because, after their marriage, he would have increased his efforts to make Jane to give up her acting career, bear and raise their children, and look after him. Jane wasn’t willing to do as Paul wished at that point in her life, so she took the initiative to end an untenable situation. Finding him in bed with another woman (if that happened) might have been the final breaking point for her, but not the sole reason for her decision to end the relationship. I admire Jane’s resolve in making the excruciating decision to end it with the man who was her first big love, her first lover, and someone she apparently still deeply loved.

    By all accounts, Paul was deeply affected by Jane’s departure. This may have been partly due to injured ego but, I believe, mostly because he lost the woman who was so special to him. Also at this time, John was wrapped up closely with Yoko, causing Paul to largely lose his best mate and close artistic partner; Brian Epstein had died, leaving the Beatles without his familiar, protective presence; and the Beatles themselves were begin to disintegrate. All in all, this would have been an extremely unsettling time for Paul.

    And then in 1968, Paul renewed his acquaintance with Linda. Her obvious interest in Paul and his welfare must have been a very soothing balm to such a distressed man. I’ve no doubt Linda comforted Paul, boosted his spirits, and stimulated his attraction when she let him know she would gladly devote her life to him, their children, and their home life, above anything else. Linda was, essentially, the right woman in the right place at the right time. Several years earlier, Paul might not have been prepared for marriage and children. But in 1968, he was ready.

    Many have said that Linda was out to “catch a Beatle” and was primarily interested in Paul’s fame and fortune. Perhaps this was partly true, perhaps not. However, there are few women that could have resisted Paul’s immense charm, intelligence, sense of humor, sensitivity, and soft wooing ways. I’m sure he could have made any woman feel like she was the only female on earth! Also, he was physically very beautiful in his youth, and his music was absolutely enchanting. And that voice … ! The question should be — how could any woman *not* fall for Paul?

    So they married, had children, and built a life together for many years. The details of that subject belong in another post.

    Did Paul completely get over Jane? Certainly at the very least, she must remain in Paul’s memory as an extraordinarily special part of his youthful life. The dream girl he lost.

    Jane did eventually marry, become a stay-at-home mother and wife for 15 years, and turn out a series of domestic-oriented books. She became just what Paul had wanted. With a little more patience and time on his part, he could have attained the life he desired with Jane.

    All in all, Paul was fortunate to have these two women in his life — who loved Paul the man, not Paul the Beatle. I wish him ongoing happiness with his wife Nancy.

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