14 January 2013
meanmistermustard said
sky999 said
meanmistermustard said
sky999 said
Bungalow Bob said
sky999 said
Bungalow Bob said
mccartneyalarm said
John had a cat in the late 70s (well, he had several), and this poor cat died. It jumped out of one of the bedroom windows at the Dakota (they were on the top floor). The death of the cat severely affected John. The cat’s name was Alice.I thought this obscure fact was mildly interesting enough to research further, so I found this article in the magazine Mental Floss, http://mentalfloss.com/article…..y-cat-lady So, John was crazy about felines… no wonder the Beatles sang “Three Cool Cats,” and “Leave My Kitten Alone .
Wow, thats a lot of cats. I found it funny both him and Paul had cats name Jesus. I wonder what happen to all those cats, I know they are dead now, but you know.
Sky999, this disturbing thought just occurred to me: What if John, when asked about the popularity of the Beatles, was referring to his cat Jesus!?! Wow, talk about a huge misunderstanding!
That is funny.
Why didn’t John clarify though? I guess he thought people would think he was off his rocker or lying if he said so. Or even more hatred for naming a cat Jesus. If he were referring to the cat, I bet those people would feel even more stupid for burning records then before.
What about all the cat people he would offend?
He wouldn’t offend me.
You’d be one of the few not offended out there burning their records whilst carrying pictures of cats, packs of catnip and wearing furry cat ears.
I think LHL is a cat person too. I would grab a bucket popcorn, sit on a bench with my cat, and laugh at the people.
16 September 2013
Now I find myself obsessed with the Beatles’ now-obvious hidden obsession with felines. Besides ther songs “Three Cool Cats” and “Leave My Kitten Alone ,” twice they mention the “mighty tiger” in “Bungalow Bill.” And what about that blatant meow in “Good Morning, Good Morning?” And then there’s that mysterious line in “Let It Be “… Is Paul singing “Whisker words of wisdom?” Hmm, he could be, I’m not positive… But this continuing “cat” motif is surely worthy of being obscure and mildly interesting, as the topic demands.
18 March 2013
Ahhh Girl said
Did their music appeal to a wide variety of ethnicities?
I don’t think so, can’t really say a lot from my own point of view as Ireland is 87.5% white Irish and I live in a small town i.e everyone is white. It seems that Michael Jackson was one of the first to actually break through the ethic and racial barriers and The Jackson 5 weren’t around ’til 1969 and MJ’s solo career didn’t start ’til 1979 with his ‘Off the Wall’ album.
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
14 January 2013
17 October 2013
Did the Beatles appeal across the racial divide?
Didn’t the Temptations rhyme: “Unemployment rising fast,Beatle’s new record a gas” in ‘Ball of Confusion’? Black musicians knew how good they were.
It takes a band as good as the Beatles, or a guitarist as good as Peter Green, (‘More talent in his little finger than I have in my whole body’ according to BB King) to break through in ‘that’ direction.
Good music is always a winner. Beatles versions of Black songs hold up well against the originals….. ‘Money,’ ‘You’ve really got a hold on me’, ‘Anna’, or ‘Twist And Shout ‘. Paul’s ‘Long Tall Sally ‘ etc. But, while I acknowledge some will always have a bias, it isn’t written anywhere that Black, Asian, or White……Must like, or dislike anything. For me as far as the Beatles go the clincher will always be the number of Black artists that covered Lennon and McCartney……From Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles to Wilson Pickett’s ‘Hey Jude ‘ with Duane Allman on guitar……That’s a crossover for you!
17 October 2013
Bungalow Bob said
Atlas said
An un-intentioned result was that immediately worried local Jewish groups wrote to the newspapers complaining ‘Jude’ was an insensitive reminder of the word being scribed on the walls of Jewish businesses in Berlin and the Warsaw ghettos…….This gained more initial publicity.
Atlas, this thread is supposed to be for obscure, mildly interesting trivia. You need to post a story like this in the “obscure, wildly interesting trivia” section.
That is absolutely fascinating to imagine just “bumping” into Paul on the street, and then being invited to participate in his impromptu ad campaign for soon-to-be-classic Beatles’ songs. And you bring up another interesting point with the initial uncomfortable reaction to “Jude.” I can vaguely recall that here in the United States, there were modest suspicions about the Beatles’ intentions with that song title. Those suspicions went away soon enough, but they did briefly exist. Atlas, I hope you share more first-hand Beatles trivia here; mild or wild.
Thanks Bob……I’m afraid I only have a couple of other ‘personal’ examples to share.
This is a great site. I’ve learned a great deal from these pages. Congratulations to all concerned.
20 August 2013
Hi, Atlas
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23 July 2013
The first verse of I Am The Walrus was written during two separate acid trips.
1 May 2011
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
17 October 2013
This may have already aired on here……..I’m new so forgive me if it has.
…..But Ringo, knowing Maureen’s passion for ‘Frank’ asked the great man to record a song for her. Sinatra had the song wittily re-written and sang it as a birthday present.
I didn’t know about this until a month or so ago……So it was obscure for me!!
Have a listen….
29 August 2013
29 August 2013
Well I couldn’t really think of what to write apart from the title itself so I just went for the lazy option…
"White Album - My joint-fave Beatles album along with Revolver. They show the two sides of Beatles. Revolver's very controlled - even though it's also very innovative. The White Album's playful and almost ramshackle. It's like a scrapbook kept by a genius. Fantastic stuff."
29 August 2013
LikeASir said
Well I couldn’t really think of what to write apart from the title itself so I just went for the lazy option…
Ha ha – no worries. My piece of VERY minor trivia is that I agree entirely with your signature block
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
16 September 2013
Here is a Mental Floss article about “11 things you didn’t know” about John Lennon : http://mentalfloss.com/article…..ohn-lennon
After reading this, I learned an obscure, mildly interesting piece of Beatles trivia: John Lennon was the only Beatle to never become a vegetarian. Hmm, in later years he was very thin, almost gaunt at times, and I was always reading about his carefully prepared “macrobiotic” meals at the Dakota, so I guess I assumed he was a vegetarian. But then again, he did record a song for one of his solo albums called “Meat City.” Was John playing “Mind Games ” with us?
Come to think of it, the Mental Floss article should have been titled “Nine Things You Didn’t Know About John Lennon ,” referencing his favorite number.
9 July 2013
Interesting about John’s diet. I always thought he was a vegetarian because his diet was described as “macrobiotic”, but guess not. I have an interesting piece of trivia, but it is incomplete. Perhaps you all can help. There were 8 different drummers who played or recorded with the Beatles (not performed with, but played with). I have 6 of them, but can’t for the life of me remember the other 2…and I can’t find my list in my trivia file! Anyhow…the ones I have are Ringo, Colin Hanton, Jimmie Nicol, Andy White, Tommy Moore, Paul McCartney . (John may have best on the list, but wasn’t included officially in the 8 people). I’m missing two…anyone know who they are?
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."
9 July 2013
16 September 2013
16 August 2012
Some people may already know this, but two different people play George in the film ‘Yellow Submarine ‘.
Peter Batten provided the voice of George for the first half of the film. Batten was discovered to be a deserter from the British Army in Germany (the British Army of the Rhine) and was arrested during recording. His lines were finished by Paul Angelis (the voice of Ringo Starr in the film).
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BeatlebugE is for 'Ergent'.
9 July 2013
17 December 2012
John Clive voiced John, and Geoffrey Hughes (who found fame as Eddie Yeats in Coronation Street and later Onslow in Keeping Up Appearances) voiced Paul. Paul Angelis is the younger brother of Michael Angelis, who took over from Ringo in voicing Thomas the Tank Engine.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
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The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
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