11 April 2016
The following people thank WeepingAtlasCedars for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, William Shears Campbell, Leppo, Von Bontee, ewe2, Beatlebug, Zig, Martha, sigh butterfly"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
20 August 2013
So, Astrid was older than all of The Beatles.
Ha! Astrid’s mother got Prellies for The Beatles. What a mom!
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, WeepingAtlasCedars, GardeningOctopus, vonbonteeCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
6 July 2016
14 December 2009
Great thread title!
The meeting and bonding between the ‘exis’ and the Beatles is fascinating to me, because I love the notion (true) that there were all these little mini-countercultures in the early ’60s – Greenwich Village folk musicians, avant-garde jazz musicians, beatnik-poets/artists, rock-and-rollers – who basically had little to do with one another; and so the meeting between the Beatles and exis would turn out to be a really important one in the years hence, like the Beatles meeting Dylan, for the way it built a bridge between two little tiny minor scenes. Like two raindrops forming one big raindrop, and eventually becoming one huge puddle by decade’s end.
The following people thank Von Bontee for this post:
WeepingAtlasCedars, ewe2, SgtPeppersBulldog, Shamrock Womlbs, BeatlebugPaul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
11 April 2016
The following people thank WeepingAtlasCedars for this post:
Leppo, Beatlebug"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
18 March 2013
WeepingAtlasCedars said
I LOVE that photograph. Ironically, I was thinking of posting that one today. It seems you beat me to it!
Apologies for being an arsehole but you’re using ‘ironically’ incorrectly the OED defines ‘irony’ as:
Happening in a way contrary to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this.
The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed, Beatlebug
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
8 January 2015
I’ve always been fascinated with Klaus’ importance to the group. A completely underrated musician, he had the same artistic instincts, and the benefit of being around “before”. He was trusted by John and George particularly. One of the teary moments for me in the Concert For George is where he quietly plays some bass in the background on a song.
The following people thank ewe2 for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, WeepingAtlasCedars, GardeningOctopus, Von Bontee, BeatlebugI'm like Necko only I'm a bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin and also everyone. Or is everyone me? Now I'm a confused bassist ukulele guitar synthesizer kazoo penguin everyone who is definitely not @Joe. This has been true for 2016 & 2017 but I may have to get more specific in the future.
13 November 2016
The following people thank GardeningOctopus for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, WeepingAtlasCedars, WeepingAtlasCedars, ewe2, sir walter raleigh, Beatlebug4.32pm
27 November 2016
AppleScruffJunior said
WeepingAtlasCedars said
I LOVE that photograph. Ironically, I was thinking of posting that one today. It seems you beat me to it!Apologies for being an arsehole but you’re using ‘ironically’ incorrectly the OED defines ‘irony’ as:
Happening in a way contrary to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this.
e.g ‘it was ironic that now everybody had plenty of money for food they couldn’t obtain it because everything was rationed’The word you are looking for is something akin to ‘coincidentally’.
Damn. I really tried to multithank that post, but alas I couldn’t. Fellow grammar nazi!
The following people thank The Hole Got Fixed for this post:
Beatlebug, Beatlebug, Beatlebug#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
2016 awards: 2017 awards:
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11 April 2016
AppleScruffJunior said
WeepingAtlasCedars said
I LOVE that photograph. Ironically, I was thinking of posting that one today. It seems you beat me to it!
Apologies for being an arsehole but you’re using ‘ironically’ incorrectly the OED defines ‘irony’ as:
Happening in a way contrary to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement because of this.
e.g ‘it was ironic that now everybody had plenty of money for food they couldn’t obtain it because everything was rationed’The word you are looking for is something akin to ‘coincidentally’.
Ok. Sorry about that, I changed it.
"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
11 April 2016
The following people thank WeepingAtlasCedars for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, Beatlebug, ewe2"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
26 January 2017
The following people thank sir walter raleigh for this post:
WeepingAtlasCedars, GardeningOctopus, SgtPeppersBulldog"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
13 November 2016
11 April 2016
6 July 2016
The following people thank Leppo for this post:
Beatlebug, penny lanePivotal Moments in Beatles History No.118: Yoko helps herself to one of George's digestives.
11 April 2016
I think maybe this should go here:
Hehehe! Cute.
The following people thank WeepingAtlasCedars for this post:
GardeningOctopus, Ahhh Girl, SgtPeppersBulldog, Beatlebug, ewe2, penny lane"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
13 November 2016
WeepingAtlasCedars said
I think maybe this should go here:
Hehehe! Cute.
I smiled throughout the entire video, Klaus and Paul are just too cute! When Paul pulled out the harpsichord from Because and then mentioned bringing the instruments from Abbey Road “home”… it all just made my heart happy! I’d give anything to just be able to sit down and listen to those two tell stories for hours.
The following people thank GardeningOctopus for this post:
18 March 2013
Posted just a few hours ago on Ringo’s YouTube
The following people thank AppleScruffJunior for this post:
Ahhh Girl, SgtPeppersBulldog, Beatlebug, ewe2, WeepingAtlasCedars, penny lane, vonbontee
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
15 February 2015
I must say, Klaus, besides being a fabulous artist and a highly underrated musician, was a very handsome young man and quite adorable old too. He reminds me of some German elfin creature from the Black Forest.
I confess to a degree of jealousy — intimates of the Beatles (especially George), successful and fabulous bassist and visual artist — that sounds like a career I’d be interested in, to say the least!
@WeepingAtlasCedars said
In compensation, I have another photo of Klaus:
That’s a beautiful instrument.
We can’t forget Astrid’s fabulous and rightfully famous early Beatles photos, and her invaluable contribution to popular culture in the form of the famed MOPTOP.
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, WeepingAtlasCedars, vonbontee([{BRACKETS!}])
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