8 November 2012
Sky999 said
fabfouremily said
She’ll stop you from coming on here, she willShe most certainly will. She might stop you, parlance, from watching them on Ed Sullivan as well. We can’t have that.
You’re right, why spoil the fun? I’ve got enough on my mind worrying about poor George gone missing!
17 January 2013
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
14 January 2013
parlance said
Sky999 said
fabfouremily said
She’ll stop you from coming on here, she willShe most certainly will. She might stop you, parlance, from watching them on Ed Sullivan as well. We can’t have that.
You’re right, why spoil the fun? I’ve got enough on my mind worrying about poor George gone missing!
Missing? What do you mean?
8 November 2012
Sky999 said
Missing? What do you mean?
I think it got lost in the birds and bees talk, but I heard George didn’t join the others in Central Park!
14 January 2013
LongHairedLady said
Me and my friends are SO EXCITED to see them on the television! Up here in Canada we are too far away to see them in person…My favourite is Paul. He’s so cute!
Hopefully, they might go to Canada next. Ya know, if they last that long. Which I hope they do, but who knows with music these days.
14 January 2013
parlance said
Sky999 said
Missing? What do you mean?
I think it got lost in the birds and bees talk, but I heard George didn’t join the others in Central Park!
Oh my! Hopefully they find him! Its just not that same without George.
8 November 2012
17 January 2013
Sky999 said
LongHairedLady said
Me and my friends are SO EXCITED to see them on the television! Up here in Canada we are too far away to see them in person…My favourite is Paul. He’s so cute!
Hopefully, they might go to Canada next. Ya know, if they last that long. Which I hope they do, but who knows with music these days.
I sure hope so!
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
1 November 2013
The Rangers got beat pretty bad by Montreal last night! 8-2! The Rangers are the closest team to me, so I root for them, but I’ve heard the NHL might be expanding in a few years and Pittsburgh is in contention for a team! Do you think we’ll get one?
If not, baseball season starts soon! The Pirates look like they could be OK this year. Roberto Clemente is great!
(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
14 January 2013
IveJustSeenAFaceo said
The Rangers got beat pretty bad by Montreal last night! 8-2! The Rangers are the closest team to me, so I root for them, but I’ve heard the NHL might be expanding in a few years and Pittsburgh is in contention for a team! Do you think we’ll get one?If not, baseball season starts soon! The Pirates look like they could be OK this year. Roberto Clemente is great!
Who cares about sports?
*starts chanting* We love you Beatles, oh yes we dooooo…….
1 November 2013
Sky999 said
IveJustSeenAFaceo said
The Rangers got beat pretty bad by Montreal last night! 8-2! The Rangers are the closest team to me, so I root for them, but I’ve heard the NHL might be expanding in a few years and Pittsburgh is in contention for a team! Do you think we’ll get one?If not, baseball season starts soon! The Pirates look like they could be OK this year. Roberto Clemente is great!
Who cares about sports?
*starts chanting* We love you Beatles, oh yes dooooo…….
Oh well, I tried.
(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
14 January 2013
IveJustSeenAFaceo said
Sky999 said
IveJustSeenAFaceo said
The Rangers got beat pretty bad by Montreal last night! 8-2! The Rangers are the closest team to me, so I root for them, but I’ve heard the NHL might be expanding in a few years and Pittsburgh is in contention for a team! Do you think we’ll get one?If not, baseball season starts soon! The Pirates look like they could be OK this year. Roberto Clemente is great!
Who cares about sports?
*starts chanting* We love you Beatles, oh yes dooooo…….
Oh well, I tried.
Not good enough, my friend.
20 August 2013
Have you seen the New York Times this morning?
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
14 January 2013
Ahhh Girl said
Have you seen the New York Times this morning?
I was there! You were waiting inside the hotel right, Ahhh Girl?
3 May 2012
Ahhh Girl said
Have you seen the New York Times this morning?
Are you in that crowd somewhere, Ahhh Girl?
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
20 August 2013
Nope, not in there with all the all the other girls. One must be always thinking a step ahead, and around the crowds, if one wants to get what one wants.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
4 February 2014
You guys won’t believe this! I went to Baskin-Robbins and they had Beatles Nut ice cream flavor! Do you think is is just while they’re here, or a permanent flavor!
3 May 2012
Ahhh Girl said
Nope, not in there with all the all the other girls. One must be always thinking a step ahead, and around the crowds, if one wants to get what one wants.
Of course, of course. I should’ve known
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
14 January 2013
Mr. Kite said
You guys won’t believe this! I went to Baskin-Robbins and they had Beatles Nut ice cream flavor! Do you think is is just while they’re here, or a permanent flavor!
Oh my! How bizarre!
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