11 November 2010
vonbontee said
[Incidentally, I hate to break character…but who did Little Piggy Dragonguy used to be? ApppleScruffJr?]
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Von BonteeI'm Necko. I'm like Ringo except I wear necklaces.
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20 August 2013
vonbontee said
Ahhh Girl, it’s “Frere Jacques”, that familiar sounding part in “Paperback Writer “!
And I’ve been wondering about those weirdo lyrics at the end of “Rain ” myself. It sounds like John’s singing “Nair” or something at the end. Surely he’s not singing about the stuff my mom and sister use to remove the hair from their legs? 😀
A very strange record, that’s for sure. My mom hates it already! She wants to know why they don’t do another one she can appreciate, like “Til There Was You” or “Yesterday ” (even my grandma liked that one!)
Yeah, that’s what is in the background of Paperback Writer . I hear it perfectly clearly since you pointed it out. Thanks!
Weird to throw “Frere Jacques” in there, but it works. How very strange.
Could be Nair. That would be too weird though. Right? Maybe the Brits can figure it out for us when they get a copy of the record.
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20 August 2013
piggiesinpennylane said
Lucky you!!! I don’t have enough, my friend does though. She says I can come by her house and listen to it until I can buy my own copy
Have you been to your friend’s house to listen to the record, @piggylane? If so, what do think of it? Do you know what John is singing at the end of Rain ? I’m still stumped.
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24 April 2016
Ahhh Girl said
Have you been to your friend’s house to listen to the record, @piggylane? If so, what do think of it? Do you know what John is singing at the end of Rain ? I’m still stumped.
I did! I loved both of the songs, we made up a little dance to Paperback Writer . I don’t know what it is John sings at the end of Rain … Sounds almost like another language. My friends mother said we shouldn’t listen to songs like that! She is very old fashioned and think it’s not good for us kids listening to such music. Oh well, soon I will have enough money to buy my own!
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Ahhh Girl, BeatlebugThe sun is up, the sky is blue, it’s beautiful, and so are you... probably... I actually don't know... and it's nighttime here //piggiesinpennylane
1 May 2011
Ridiculous that we Brits have to wait another 9 days to hear the single. Why don’t we get the record first since The Beatles are from here?
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Beatlebug"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
15 February 2015
meanmistermustard said
Ridiculous that we Brits have to wait another 9 days to hear the single. Why don’t we get the record first since The Beatles are from here?
Exactly! And we always usually get the records first.
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14 December 2009
Silly Girl said
meanmistermustard said
Ridiculous that we Brits have to wait another 9 days to hear the single. Why don’t we get the record first since The Beatles are from here?Exactly! And we always usually get the records first.
Oh cry me a river! 😀 I heard a rumour that you English fan club members got a special CHRISTMAS RECORD at xmastime that we never got here in Canada – that’s not fair at all! 🙁 Our money’s just as good as yours – it’s even got the Queen on it, unlike the Americans’ money!
I just hope the American fans didn’t get a Christmas record either – we were into the Beatles MONTHS before the Americans! And unlike them, we never went to WAR with England! 😀 plus again we still have the Queen on our money, like the loyal subjects we are. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN BEATLES!!
Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
14 December 2009
piggiesinpennylane said
I don’t know what it is John sings at the end of Rain … Sounds almost like another language.
You know, you’re right, it does!
Maybe it’s Indian?
Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
20 August 2013
I wonder what The Beatles have up their sleeves for the next album?
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15 February 2015
Ahhh Girl said
I wonder what The Beatles have up their sleeves for the next album?
Well, considering how many different sounds they put on their last album, I’m willing to bet it will be like nothing ever heard before — and yet it’ll still be the same fab Beatles as always!
Speaking more concretely, I rather hope they do more Indian stuff; I quite like it.
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15 February 2015
Von Bontee threw across the pond
I heard a rumour that you English fan club members got a special CHRISTMAS RECORD at xmastime that we never got here in Canada – that’s not fair at all! 🙁 Our money’s just as good as yours – it’s even got the Queen on it, unlike the Americans’ money!
I can confirm that
I haven’t got them personally, though; my parents didn’t want me to be ‘wasting’ my money on ‘such nonsense’ (as if it’d be a waste, and even if it is nonsense, it’s wonderful nonsense!) so I just had to hang about my friend who has all the gear (and her parents are grand; they actually LIKE the Beatles, imagine that!)
I got into some hot water today when I brought the brand-new single home (YAY! YAY! YAY ) and put it on the turntable; my mum wandered in whilst the B-side was playing and just about lost it– called it ‘drug music’ and read me a lecture about bad, disreputable people who had their minds corrupted by such madness (at which point I yanked the record off the turntable and stalked out). Well, so what if it is? It sounds SO FAB! She didn’t mind the A-side too much though, just said it was ‘a bit daft’ with the ‘Frere Jacques’ bit.
As for me… when I first heard it, after all that I’ve heard about it, it was a bit… I dunno… not what I expected; it’s really out there. But I was determined to give it a chance, so I spun it a few more times and then I couldn’t stop. At first I liked ‘Paperback Writer ‘ more, because it’s catchier and sort of funny, the way it’s written like a letter, but now ‘Rain ‘ is really growing on me– especially the drums! Ringo is ON FIRE here! As for the ending… I happened to be carrying the record sleeve to my bedroom, and I caught a glimpse of it in the mirror, and then I realised that ‘Rain ‘ backwards is ‘Niar’, which is quite close to what it sounds like he says at the end. Wonder what that’s about?
The whole thing is really unlike anything they’ve ever done before. It’s sort of layered-sounding and dreamlike, like you’re hearing it through something… a filter. I dunno. I probably sound quite dotty, trying to put words to something that is quite dotty, in a good way.
This thread is great; it makes me have to consult @Joe’s history pages a lot more than I usually would, to find the exact dates and details of things.
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20 August 2013
A new family moved into my apartment building. The younger son is my age, and he loves The Beatles! We yabber onandonandonandon about the Fab Four. The family moved here because his dad got a job as a disc jockey at the radio station that isn’t too far from where we live. The new guy said that he would take me to the radio station when the advanced copy of The Beatles new record arrives. I’ll get to see it BEFORE it can be bought at the store. I feel so lucky!
How is my brain going to handle a new album? The new single just came out. Swimming in Beatles music. Ahhh, what a summer to be alive!
I agree, SG. I even found a discrepancy between two of Joe’s pages about the upcoming* release of Yesterday … and Today. I emailed him about it. He’s looking into to see why he has different info on the two pages.
*Oh, wow, how easy it was to stay in character when I was writing this note. I used “upcoming”. LOL!
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20 August 2013
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14 December 2009
Silly Girl intuited
As for the ending… I happened to be carrying the record sleeve to my bedroom, and I caught a glimpse of it in the mirror, and then I realised that ‘Rain ‘ backwards is ‘Niar’, which is quite close to what it sounds like he says at the end. Wonder what that’s about?
OH MY GOSH, @Beatlebug , if they ever do an all-girl version of “The Man From U.N.C.L.E.” (I love that show!!) then they should get me and you to star in it…as CODEBREAKERS! Your rain-niar discovery gave ME an idea, and so yesterday I put the single on my record player with a washer over the centre thing so it wouldn’t spin. And then I put the needle in the groove at the end and spun the record around in the wrong direction by hand with a pencil eraser…and what do I hear but “Raaainn” and then John’s voice singing the first verse of the song plain as day! They must have taken the tape and put it on the recording machine the wrong way to play a trick on everybody. Wow, these guys are CRAZY! 😀 (That’s part of why I love them <3 ) What an amazing trick. I wonder who else knows about this?
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BeatlebugPaul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
15 February 2015
Wait , you did WHAT?! Ooh crikey, I gotta try that! I’d better be careful though. Wouldn’t want to mess up my precious records!
Are you okay, AG?
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20 August 2013
I’ll give that a try too, @Von Bontee. Sounds very strange.
I have time to try it because I’m still too afraid to listen to their new album. I went with my friend to his dad’s radio station. I freaked out when I saw the album cover. My friend’s dad had to hold me and calm me down from shaking and crying so hard. You’ll never imagine what the picture is on the album cover. I can’t describe it right now. It is too hideous. However, since I adore The Beatles so much, I went to Sears the day the album went on sale and bought a copy. I felt dirty buying it. The sales clerk gave me icky looks. I didn’t rush into the house and show the new album to mom and dad the way I have with all the albums before. I didn’t even tell them I was buying it. I haven’t even taken it out of the shopping bag yet. I just hid it under my bed. I wonder how long it will take me before I can pull the record out and listen to it.
Has anyone else here seen the album? What were my loveable moptops thinking? What are they turning into?
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15 February 2015
Aww, we don’t have any album! I guess it’s one of those USers only things.
…Which means that one of you fine brave folk will have to describe this hideous cover for us…
For a bit I was thinking you were describing the Revolver cover, and was aghast that you’d call Klaus’s fine drawing hideous. Plus I was confused as it doesn’t come out till August. Then I realised that you were talking about THE BUTCHER COVER.
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Ahhh Girl([{BRACKETS!}])
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11 November 2010
Ahhh Girl said
I wonder what The Beatles have up their sleeves for the next album?
Pun intended?
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Beatlebug, Ahhh GirlI'm Necko. I'm like Ringo except I wear necklaces.
I'm also ewe2 on weekends.
Most likely to post things that make you go hmm... 2015, 2016, 2017.
14 December 2009
Well, I refuse to believe that any album cover featuring our lovely lads’ faces could be anything but gorgeous!!! (Though I do hope Ahhh Girl isn’t hinting that they’ve gotten SHORT HAIRCUTS!) But I’ll see for myself soon enough. If it’s in the stores in the USA already then it should show up here within a week or so. Or maybe I’ll ask my Dad to take me to one of the shops in the States – we live right on the border, it’s just a bridge crossing away. I can have this new album in my hot little hands within half an hour of leaving my house! 😀
Silly Girl, if you can get ahold of a tape recorder and know how to use it, there’s no need to risk ruining your record! (Which sounds kinda unlikely, anyways.) Just make a tape recording of it, then flip the reels over and it’ll play backwards. I borrowed my brother’s tape machine and tried it and it worked fine. A big improvement on trying to spin the record backwards. The whole thing sounds VERY peculiar, especially Ringo’s drums. (He really does get better and better as a drummer, doesn’t he!) (Just for laughs, I also recorded me singing and listened to that backwards – as if I wasn’t tuneless enough singing FORWARDS! 😀 ) It’s a fascinating experiment, I highly recommend trying it. I know that a lot of libraries have tape recorders and let you borrow them.
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BeatlebugPaul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
20 August 2013
Necko said
Pun intended?
Yay, @Necko! Somebody caught my drift
The don’t have short haircuts, @Von Bontee. Actually, their hair is a bit longer. The picture makes me sick to my stomach.
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