21 December 2011
Hi. I'm the person who originally posted the video and info in the above above post. Just to clarify, “Atlas Eets Christmas” with Yoko and The Flaming Lips can now be watched/ heard here –
You can also watch Sean Lennon and others in the studio record the track with the Lips here
More info on the song is here Imagene Peise: Flaming Lips' Alias Secret Christmas Album – Plus, "Atlas Eets Christmas" New Website Streams Lips' Holiday Rarities 24 Hours a Day and
Yoko and The Plastic Ono Band Join The Flaming Lips For New "Atlas Eets Christmas"
The Flaming Lips are currently rehearsing “Strawberry Fields Forever ,” “A Day in a Life” and “I Want You” to play with Sean and the Plastic Ono Band at the New Year Freak Out.
As previously stated, on New Year's Eve at midnight, Yoko will sing “Happy Xmas” with the Lips
More details on the New Year Freak Out at Flaming Lips Plastic Ono Band New Year's Freak Out with Stardeath and White Dwarfs, Sean Lennon and Neon Indian
Other possibilities for the Lips Lennon tribute set with Sean at the New Year Freak Out are “Nobody Told Me” (which they've covered before ) and “Revolution .”
This October the Lips covered “Revolution ” using only iPads as a Steve Job tribute for MTV's O Music Awards. Yoko introduced them. Watch them prepare for that here
Read more here
Halloween O Music Awards to feature Flaming Lips' Beatles iPad Cover – Steve Jobs Tribute
The Beatles' "Mad Day Out" & The Evolution of "Revolution"
New Year's will also see the release of the new Flaming Lips Plastic Ono Band EP. Each multi-colored vinyl is unique and glows in the dark. It features “Atlas Eetc Christmas” on the b-side, and 3 other tracks on the A. Watch them record it a few weeks ago:
Photos, videos from the Plastic Ono sessions are here The Flaming Lips Final 2012 Sessions Journey: New Gear, Pepto-Bismol and State Police
I have many updates on all of this at Tweets by FutureHeartDay (plus various other music stuff and Beatles news/videos/ tidbits – every tuesday I tweet two rare Beatles tracks, I call it FAB FOUR TWO FOR TUE). You can can also follow updates at http://www.facebook.com/TheFutureHeart
Fantastic! Thanks for all of that.
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