7 November 2022
Paul seems to have unique features. Sure, we can say that about a lot of people, like for example Sean Connery – there’s nobody who quite looks like him. But Paul’s uniqueness seems almost supernatural. He has a face that seems like nobody in the world has it. Once in a while I run across someone either famous or not who vaguely resembles him, but there’s always a few things missing. Part of Paul’s uniqueness is that his features, or I should say the attractiveness of his features, seems perfect, as if there’s no flaw. And not only does he have a feminine quality that doesn’t quite rise to the level of being girlish, he also has that cutesy quality that some pop stars have, but it never rises to a corny or cringe factor. It’s almost as if Paul can be simultaneously manly and cutesy at the same time. Quite a feat.
The following people thank Sea Belt for this post:
Oakwood, Ahhh Girl, BeatlebugNow today I find, you have changed your mind
10 January 2024
Beatlebug said
I love the construction paper rendition of your pfp @Oakwood. I think it’s super cool to have your art as your pfp (totally not biased)
I would love to have my art as my pfp but when I chose my pfp for Beatles Bible I really liked Momoko Abe’s illustrations for “Little People Big Dreams: Yoko Ono”. On other websites my pfp is my art, like on youtube. When I do make my pfp my own art it only happens when I really really love an art piece and I’m very proud of the drawing and I feel thats how everyone should see me.
The following people thank Oakwood for this post:
BeatlebugI made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.
10 January 2024
Wow, I was not excepting you guys to agree with me on Paul being hard to capture, guess I’m not alone in thinking that. I also happened to draw a bunch of Paul Portraits before everyone started talking about Paul. I only have one drawing that isn’t Paul. You Paul fans got lucky this week.
Billy Shears- I mean Paul in Sgt. Pepper ‘s uniform.
There’s a story behind this one. When I was drawing the previous drawing I had a picture of Paul (a reference photo) and my said “It’s your boyfriend” and I said “Who?” and she pointed at the picture of Paul. As fun as that sounds, No. Paul is not my boyfriend. So I’m putting Paul in a box and who ever wants him can have him for free. This deal is First come First severed. While Pauls last.
Uh… That’s all I’ve got for now. Peace n’ Love!
The following people thank Oakwood for this post:
Sea Belt, Richard, Rube, BeatlebugI made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.
20 August 2013
I call claimsies* on the Paul.
*Star Wars Skeleton Crew reference.
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Rube, OakwoodCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
10 January 2024
15 February 2015
The Red Rose Speedway one is my favorite. Love the new cloud + background, it’s perfect.
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10 January 2024
Thank You. I drew the Red Rose Speedway doodle as a refence so I could make a full album cover parody later. I hung the John and Yoko piece on my wall.
I didn’t draw that much this week because I was busy with stuff.
Here’s this weeks album cover parody of Red Rose Speedway . (NO, THIS IS NOT A DRAWING OUTSIDE OF A BUNRING HOUSE)
Okay Im fooling you this is the actual version I did. I orgianlly wanted to do a pop up piece were you could fold open the drawing and the rose would pop up. It was too difficult so I just did a album parody and gave Paul a 3D rose instead. I might do a Live And Let Die pop up piece in the future though.
I drew the Beatles as Beetles living in an apple. I plan on mabye making this one a construction paper piece (like the John and Yoko one I did).
Also I accidently left this drawing on a table at the library. I realised I had left it there but the library had already closed by then. The next day I asked one of the librarians if they had my drawing. He looked around and handed me my drawing and it had a post-it note with my name on it. I wonder how did they know it was mine. I mean I do go there every week day and one of the librarians called me the “In house Beatles Aficionado”. Nah That can’t be it. I guess we’ll never know.
Here’s the Life cycle of a Yoko Beetle. I remeber when I was in like 1st grade we learned about a Ladybug’s life cycle. We had ladybug caterpillars (Yes I know they’re not techinally caterpillars but they look like caterpillars) So I made the Yoko Beetle version. ‘Cause it’s a ladybug but Yoko instead.
That’s all I’ve got to give so, yeah. Peace Out
The following people thank Oakwood for this post:
Richard, Beatlebug, Ahhh GirlI made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.
20 August 2013
Yokopillar has cool sunglasses.
These are all fun to look at.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
OakwoodCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
10 January 2024
Thanky you! It’s nice to know my art is pleasing to the eye. I’ve always strode (strided?) to make fun drawings
Also Yokopillar’s design (Mostly her sunglasses and short hair) is based off of her “Yes, I’m a witch” album cover.
The caterpillar part was inspired by a comment from @yopple. This is what a ladybug larva looks like (Techinally not a “caterpillar” but who cares). I loosely based the caterpillar part on this.
The following people thank Oakwood for this post:
Richard, Ahhh GirlI made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.
11 December 2024
10 January 2024
Im sorry didn’t post yesterday. I was busy doing nothing. Uh so anyways here’s some stuff I made.
I may have accidently made my brother an Elton John fan, and yesterday he ran up to me and said “Draw Elton John Lennon “. He said it was half Elton and half John and it was split down the middle.
Yellow Submarine George.
Sorry for not drawing much this week. I was fangirling over Elton John and I forgot to draw lol. Anyways Peace n’ Love
The following people thank Oakwood for this post:
RichardI made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.
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