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Oakwood's Beatles-related artwork
18 September 2024
The Velvet Underground
London Palladium
Forum Posts: 134
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10 January 2024
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I’ve been drawing the Beatles for a while now. I’ve been messing around with art styles a little bit. I’m not used to drawing humans (I drew a ton of dragons and animals it’s how I learned to draw)

So here’s some drawings I made 

Ringo and Jeremy Yellow Submarine

Ringoandjeremy.pngImage Enlarger

George Harrison and Eric Clapton (George is in Blue and Eric is in gray)
ErikandJeoje-1.pngImage Enlarger


Here’s a low quality MS paint drawing of the Dirty Mac (I made them emo as a joke to one of my friends) I also messed up Keith Richard’s Face. AND this is also the oldest drawing in this bunch. That’s why the artstyle is kinda different
EmoMac-1.pngImage Enlarger

And Bonus: Harry Nilsson as “The Shadow Beatle” I saw a news article called something like “Harry Nilsson, The Shadow Beatle” or something close to that AND I JUST HAD TO DRAW THAT
ShadowBeatle-1.pngImage Enlarger

I also don’t post my art anywhere online, so this is the first time Im publicly posting my art. 🙂
Hopefully I got the images to show up properly

The following people thank Oakwood for this post:

sir walter raleigh, Beatlebug, yopple

I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.

18 September 2024
United Kingdom
Candlestick Park
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Unfortunately, I can’t see your pictures @Oakwood. 

Winner of Most Hardcore Beatles Bible Fan 2021


19 September 2024
The Velvet Underground
London Palladium
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10 January 2024
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I edited it. I was having trouble with it yesterday. I couldn’t get it to work. I had to re-read the instert image guide. I think I’ve fixed it, at least on my end. Tell me if it’s still not showing up. So sorry about that.

The following people thank Oakwood for this post:

Rube, Richard

I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.

19 September 2024
Ahhh Girl
sailing on a winedark open sea



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I can see them, @Oakwood. 

If you plan to keep making more Beatles art, I can move your post to create you a Pimp Your Stuff thread to keep all your works together. 

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19 September 2024
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@Oakwood I can see them now. They are very good. 

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Winner of Most Hardcore Beatles Bible Fan 2021


20 September 2024
The Velvet Underground
London Palladium
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10 January 2024
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Ahhh Girl said
I can see them, @Oakwood. 

If you plan to keep making more Beatles art, I can move your post to create you a Pimp Your Stuff thread to keep all your works together. 


I wouldn’t mind that, as I am planning to make more Beatles art.

I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.

20 September 2024
Ahhh Girl
sailing on a winedark open sea



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OK, @Oakwood. I made your thread. Keep those drawings coming apple01

The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:

20 September 2024
The Velvet Underground
London Palladium
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I will, I’ve got a few in progress @Ahhh Girl 

The following people thank Oakwood for this post:

Ahhh Girl

I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.

22 September 2024
The Velvet Underground
London Palladium
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10 January 2024
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I got new (and old) art work to show!


So here they are. 

So this is an old water color from around two years ago. The library was having a watercolor compiation and I joined with no experince in watercolor whatsoever and some how I manged to make this. (and if you’re wondering how I did in the compition I got fourth place which I am proud of. Everyone made great paintings) The library infact has a copy of this painting hanging on the wall still.
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These are an arts and crafts project I did for fun in my free time. I made Three blue meanies, Jeremy, and the Yellow Submarine . I was going to make the beatles but I didn’t have skin color construction paper. I also lost motivation. I might pick it up again if I get my hands on more constuction paper
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I made this drawing today. It’s Jeremy (from yellow submarine) getting stuck in a glue trap as the Beatles and other characters watch. I swear I am not mentally ill, it was just an art trend were people would draw characters getting stuck in a glue trap. I kinda messed up Paul. I never can draw paul right :(. 
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I made this drawing on friday in class. I was going to color it but I got lazy. The drawing is kinda cringey. The drawing is supposed to be of the “Too Many People ” “How do you sleep” drama between Paul and John, but I wanted to draw something that wasn’t a dragon or The beatles so I drew Steely Dan in there. Why? Because Steely Dan wrote a song called “Only a fool would say that” about John and his song “Imagine ” (and that whole movement). The drawing came out better than I expected. But still like I said before, I can’t draw Paul.
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Old pixle art I did of the Yellow Submarine (also at the library). This one is like a year old. I really messed this one up, it’s the worst of my pixel art but I still will appreciate it, because it taught me what not to do when making pixel art. (Sorry that it’s sideways)
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Yeah if you couldn’t tell I really like Yellow Submarine . I also love to write long and wordy explanations about my drawings for some reason, so sorry.a-hard-days-night-ringo-13

The following people thank Oakwood for this post:

Richard, Ahhh Girl, Beatlebug, Rube

I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.

23 September 2024
The Velvet Underground
London Palladium
Forum Posts: 134
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10 January 2024
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Two days back-to-back of art dumping! Don’t mind if I do! Today Im (mostly) showing off my album cover re-draws and parodies.

So I’ve started a drawing challenge for myself to practice my skills. The challenge is to do an album everyday or Everyother day.This is the second album I’ve done (The first was Rumors by Fleetwood Mac). It took me awhile to finish. 
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This one is more beatle adjacent, but I did a Yoko yoko-ono_01 album, AS A JOKE. It was also part of my drawing challenge. I got lazy with the lettering. I was not making the same mistake I made making my Let it be parody.
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I did “All Things Must Pass ” and “Let it Be” last year as album cover parodies. (I called them “No things can Pass” and “Let it (#) E” respectively)
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Around two or three years ago I made this drawing. The Sgt. Pepper one was done as a competition with my friend on who could draw more characters/people on a single peice of paper. I also did the back side I just forgot to take a picture of it.
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I am warning you for the drawing you are about to see, it is a crime against the Beatles, artists, and humanity. View at your own risk

I did this one as a follow up to my Sgt. Peppers parody. Instead I made an awful thing (Im not giving this thing the honor of being “art” or a “drawing”). This was my one attemp at realism. You can probably guess that I’ve never tried realism again. I apologize sincerely to John, Paul, George, and Ringo for this crime against the Beatles, art, Humanity, all living organims living and dead, and all inanimate objects. I truly hate this drawing but You’ve gotta learn from your mistakes. I have disowned and disassociated from this thing.
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On a lighter note here’s some drawings of Pattie Boyd. Everyone morning on the weekend I send my friend a picture of Pattie Boyd with the Text of “Rise and Grind” so I drew two versions of it. Pattie Power!!!!pattie-boyd_02_gifpattie-boyd_02_gifpattie-boyd_02_gifpattie-boyd_02_gifpattie-boyd_02_gif I don’t even know why we send this to each other.
Pattieimage2.pngImage Enlarger

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Yeah that sums it up. See you guys in a bit!ahdn_john_08_gif

The following people thank Oakwood for this post:

Richard, Beatlebug, Rube

I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.

23 September 2024
Ahhh Girl
sailing on a winedark open sea



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Your description of the Revolver “thing” made me snort.

That’s cool what you did with the Let It Be title. 

I really like the construction paper figures.

The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:

Oakwood, Richard, Beatlebug, Rube
23 September 2024
The Velvet Underground
London Palladium
Forum Posts: 134
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10 January 2024
sp_UserOnlineSmall Online

Ahhh Girl said
Your description of the Revolver “thing” made me snort.

 That’s cool what you did with the Let It Be title

Thank you, for the complements @Ahhh Girl 

Normally when I haven’t seen a drawing in a while I think they’re really bad, but in reality they’re not, that thing really blew me away, in a bad way.

I dunno if you know but It’s a thing in music, Sharps and Flats. I choose E sharp because that note technically does not exist as it would be called F instead. I fun little tidbit I learned in band.

The following people thank Oakwood for this post:

Ahhh Girl, Richard, Rube

I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.

24 September 2024
The Velvet Underground
London Palladium
Forum Posts: 134
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10 January 2024
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Today I am showing off my Microsoft Paint drawings of the Beatles. 

Starting off we have a new drawing of the Beatles from Yellow Submarine (of cousre it’s Yellow Submarine ). I drew this to practice using a drawing tablet in MS paint. I think it’s a cute drawing, I don’t know what their pointing at though.
Beatlespointing.pngImage Enlarger

Unlike the previous drawing the beatles are pointing at something. I did this one the same day I did the Previous one. Just a silly drawing of the Beatles pointing at the Yellow Submarine . (featuring Jeremy). For some reason I didn’t color, I think I just got lazy.
yellow.pngImage Enlarger

Here we have the better version of Devolver (unlike that thing I disowned) I think I may have based my physical parody off of this one. I also drew this one without a drawing tablet. Much prettier than it’s twin sibling.
Devolver.pngImage Enlarger

Here’s Rubber Soul . When I drew this I couldn’t tell the beatles apart yet which I think is funny. I think I have a version where I put Rubber ducks on their heads. (I just realised George and Ringo look like a girls in this drawing)
Rubber-Ducky.pngImage Enlarger

This is a newer drawing from the summer. It’s part of a project, I am working on a video where I needed to make a bunch of drawings of Rock and Rollers. So here’s some of John’s.
Goffyah.pngImage Enlarger

This is John running over Keith Richards with a tank. Please Ignore Phil Collins.
Whattheflip.pngImage Enlarger

And this is John Lennon using the internet and finding out what “McLennon” is. (I don’t ship McLennon by any means I am a weirdo but not that weird)

This is a drawing of George Harrison and Eric Clapton fighting over who gets and Pattie. I used the Roblox man and woman faces. (I just realised what George saying is Written in Gen Z/Alpha. Translation: (George) Pattie, Eric does not have Charisma.)
Wrizz.pngImage Enlarger

And the follow up drawing, inspried by my friends response to a picture of George Harrison and Eric Clapton. This is a drawing titled “is that grog and airik arguing over who gets paty” (not drawn in MS paint)
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This is a drawing of Eric Clapton and George Harrison . Not really much going on here other than it’s not in my usual style. (This was also not drawn in MS paint.)
image-8.pngImage Enlarger

This one is called “The Break up of the Beatles pt. 2”. There’s a backstory to this drawing (other than the tragic break up of the Beatles). Two of my friends and I were in a video call. We were kinds bored so one said “Who ever draws the scariest drawing wins”. So I drew the scariest thing I could think of, The Break up of the Beatles! I lost by .5 points. But this is not the drawing, this is the digital rendition (hence why it’s called pt. 2). I might post Pt. 1 later. (Why did I write a whole paragraph about a sill drawing of the Beatles breaking up?)
Breakupofthebeatles.pngImage Enlarger

and lastly we have, yours truly “The Neetles!”. this is based off of the goofy illustration in the Book “Who were the Beatles”. Really all the illustrations in that book are really goofy. I liked this one in specfic so I drew in in MS paint. The Neetles consist of members, Grog, Faul, Bungo, and Hairloss Jim. The illustration also features Oko yono, Harri Nilson, Doug the rug, and Furry #9.
Neetles.pngImage Enlarger

I’ll see you guys soon!a-hard-days-night-paul-11

The following people thank Oakwood for this post:


I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.

24 September 2024
The Velvet Underground
London Palladium
Forum Posts: 134
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10 January 2024
sp_UserOnlineSmall Online

I don’t have as much Beatles art to post today. I was mostly showing off older art in the previous posts. But here’s todays art dump.

So I messing around and working with digital art and I drew the beatles on the roof. Most so I could draw their outfits. Also the first time I’ve really drawn a background. 
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Ahhh this one was a drawing I did earlier this year, around Janurary(?). Now that I think about this is also a sin against Paul McCartney (and Wings). My apologies for spreading “Skibidi Toilet” to this forum. Please forgive me Paul for I have sinned.
Skibidi-wings.pngImage Enlarger

This one is a comic I made about being told not to use headphones. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ENJOY THE MUSIC WITHOUT INJECETING IT DIRECTLY INTO MY SKULL. It’s hard to enjoy Paul McCartney music without headphones. (Sorry for saving it as two seperate images, I don’t know why I did that) Bonus Points if you can guess the album on the computer screen.
Noheadphonespt1.pngImage Enlarger

Noheadphonespt2.pngImage Enlarger

That’s it for today. My art output may slow a bit because Im not just posting old works. Also I apologise again for the Red Rose Speedway parody.

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I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.

25 September 2024
Find me where ye echo lays

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“How am I supposed to listen to music without injecting it directly into my skull?!” is a mood. a-hard-days-night-paul-7

As long as you don’t listen to the music too loud for long periods of time, your hearing should be fine. You can get hearing loss without headphones too – it’s really about the volume. a-hard-days-night-ringo-13

Keep up the fun drawings!

The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:

Oakwood, Rube

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25 September 2024
The Velvet Underground
London Palladium
Forum Posts: 134
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10 January 2024
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@Beatlebug I was born with hearing loss so it’s always been a concern to make sure I keep the hearing I do have. My father is afraid that my use of headphones may hurt my hearing. Also a lot of the music a listen to is loud and has high pitched noises so that’s also a concern. But I get my hearing tested a lot and even with my use of headphones they haven’t noticed any decrease in hearing.

And I will keep the drawings up, also I really like your drawings too!heart

The following people thank Oakwood for this post:

Beatlebug, Rube

I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.

25 September 2024
The Velvet Underground
London Palladium
Forum Posts: 134
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10 January 2024
sp_UserOnlineSmall Online

Here’s today’s goofy Beatles drawings 

My friend and I attempted to make the beatles in a fashion game. We tried to make them “anime beatles” for some reason. I drew the screenshot from the game. I don’t even know the context.

image-10.pngImage Enlarger

I made a simple drawing of Yoko eating George’s biscuit. 

image-11.pngImage Enlarger

This is a drawing of the Yoko bug in it’s natural habitat of nowhere land. I drew this because there was a description of a ladybug in my textbook called “Asian Lady Beetle” and y’know I had to draw that.
image-12.pngImage Enlarger

Lastly this isn’t the most beatle related but I drew Eric Clapton in a hat. I don’t even know why I am so proud of this drawing.
image-13.pngImage Enlarger

Welp that’s it for today. I am a little sick so I might not have as many drawings coming soon, but I will still try to make some.

The following people thank Oakwood for this post:

Beatlebug, Ahhh Girl

I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.

26 September 2024
Ahhh Girl
sailing on a winedark open sea



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Intriguing. I just had to Google Asian lady beetle.

I found myself answering the related questions with Yoko in mind.

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For example for the first one I answered – only if you’re the greatest music group to ever exist (well, some people would say that). 

The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:

Oakwood, Beatlebug
27 September 2024
The Velvet Underground
London Palladium
Forum Posts: 134
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10 January 2024
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Well to anwser the second question, I would not want to be bitten by Yoko

Also here’s todays Beatle drawings

I drew Paul and Linda with the Ram face paint/make up. Ram is probably my favortie Solo album from any of the Beatles. Also I just love the Make up/ Face paint look.
PaulandLindaRammakeup.pngImage Enlarger

I found another article title that I wanted to draw. They missed spelled Ringo as “Ring”. Also I didn’t screenshot anything but the name of the article but the picture to go along with the article wasn’t a picture of George, Eric, and “Ring”. It was a picture of George, Eric, and Jeff Lynne (From ELO and Traveling Wilburys) I don’t know what concert the picture is from so I can’t say “Ring” Starr wasn’t there.

Ringstarr.pngImage Enlarger

This is a drawing of a slideshow of pictures of John and Yoko running towards eachother on a beach. I don’t think the point gets across in my drawing so I put the image in too.
YokoandJohnrunning.pngImage Enlarger

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John and Yoko escape the Star wars convention. 

JohnandYokoescapetheStarwarsconvention.pngImage Enlarger

I saw a goofy image of Ringo wearing a towel and holding a revolver. Had to draw that.
Ringoinatowelholdingarevolverdrawing.pngImage Enlarger

I just wanted to draw so I drew an image of John I found. He was leaning on a street sign or something.

jahn.pngImage Enlarger

I also found image of Paul in a hat. I thought the picture was cute so I tried to draw it
Paulinahat.pngImage Enlarger

That’s it for today. Im going on a trip next week so I can’t post. Anyways see you guys soon.john-lennon-salute_gif

The following people thank Oakwood for this post:

Ahhh Girl, Beatlebug

I made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.

27 September 2024
Ahhh Girl
sailing on a winedark open sea



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The last beach drawing looks to me like Yoko is underwater and John’s head is just above water.

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