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How You Got Into The Beatles
10 November 2010
Sitting on a Corn Flake
Paris Olympia
Forum Posts: 397
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4 November 2010
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My earliest memory? Um… hmm. Probably me mum playing Abbey Road on the ipod as I did my homework (“Octopus's Garden” in particular comes to mind).

When I actually got hooked is a diffeent story entirely. 4th December, 2009 at approximately 9:00 p.m. I was preparing a Powerpoint Presentation on Archimedes (I probably still have a copy of it), and needed some music. I was also must have been making another slideshow, but I can't recall the specifics for that one. Anyways, for 'Archimedes' I needed a tune about death for the final scene (he was murdered either by an angry mod or soldiers… accounts vary). The word 'goodbye' seemed fitting… I came up with “Hello Goodbye ” by Paul McCartney , Back in the U.S. Live 2002. The song added an element of humor, and I liked the melody overall. When I read the artist's name I thought, “Hey, that McCartney bloke… wasn't he from the Beatles?” Really the only song I knew by them was “Hey Jude “, so I searched for that and, lo and behold! Macca had recorded that on his 2002 tour as well!

That night changed everything. Two days later (the 6th) was my first written acknowledgement of their existence (umm…yeah, I really do hold this sort of stuff sacred). I listed new interests, and put the Fabs as one of them. Within ten days I was scouring the house for images and digging around my Dad's tape collection for their albums (Abbey Road , Revolver , Anthology 1 and the first few tracks off the Red Album were all I found).

Ever since, I've been smitten with the Liverpool lads.

I celebrate December 6th as Beatles Day, which doesn't make me weird at all…a-hard-days-night-george-10

Because the wind is high, it blows my mind.
10 November 2010
Sitarday's room
Forum Posts: 4605
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1 May 2010
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Wow.. congrats in connecting Archimides and Hello Goodbye , well done CranberrySauce!!  a-hard-days-night-paul-11

Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……

Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…

Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.

Beware of Darkness… 

10 November 2010
Sitting in an English Garden
Candlestick Park
Forum Posts: 1324
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7 November 2010
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It probably started for me when I was about 6. My mum and dad had the number 1 compilation album. I remember I started listening to it on a CD walkman (!) and not going to bed until really late because I didn’t want to stop listening.

The next christmas my brother got me Sgt Peppers, and then I slowly began collecting the albums. I think it wasn’t until I was about 12 that I first started realising how incredible they actually were. The past four years have overall been pretty rubbish, and The Beatles’ music has helped me through alot. They just mean so much to me.

I’ve also managed to write this on a phone in the middle of a lesson, pretty proud of that to be honest!

I think it's great you're going through a phase, and I'm awfully glad it'll all be over in a couple of days



28 November 2010
The Toppermost of the Poppermost
Apple rooftop

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14 April 2010
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I need to rethink my original answer to this question because I recently had an epiphany.

I was born in November 1963 and when I did the math I thought, “hey – The Beatles first # 1 song (in the U.K.) and I were both released at about the same time!”


To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.

28 November 2010
Candlestick Park
Forum Posts: 1144
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25 November 2010
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I don't know when I was *technically* first introduced to them, as my dad was a real music lover when I was growing up, and he owned lots of records, including The White Album , Magical Mystery Tour , and Abbey Road . He also had “Hey Jude ” on tape, which I guess was a mish-mash of Past Masters and what had been cut off A Hard Day's Night (?).

I remember being young and impressionable 🙂 during the summer of 1987 (also known as the 20th anniversary of the Summer of Love, and it being “20 years ago today” that the Sgt. Pepper album came out.) I have a friend from way back who is a few years older than me. She owned that album, and I must have driven her nuts asking her to play it over and over and over when I visited her home. This is probably how I got introduced to the early Beatles, so I could expand my horizons, as it were, and she just hear something ELSE. For once. 🙂 She also introduced me to A Hard Day's Night, and I was just thrilled and amazed that it seemed like no matter the album, they were almost like a different band.

And while when I like something, I LIKE it, there was a point in school where all the cool kids got into them a couple years later and I stepped away from them for a bit because I couldn't understand how these kids could be really shallow and materialistic and yet like the Beatles. It didn't make sense to me. But I never outright dropped them. I just tried to find a more modern band I could like just as well. But The Beatles are timeless. Jesus Jones, maybe not so much. 🙂

I'm really pleased to see so many of you come on board because of Rock Band. A lot of people derided the recent “introduction” of The Beatles to iTunes, but even though it sounds so anti-climactic to me, I realize because it's not for *me*, but rather for someone like my 11 year old nephew.


Anyways, cheers!

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." — Dr. Seuss



10 January 2011
With The Beatles!
St Peters Church
Forum Posts: 15
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20 December 2010
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My Beatlemania started when i heard “Here Comes The Sun ” and i instantly fell in love with the song so then i just started hearing a bunch of Beatles song and bam! Beatlemania!! Although i should have started hearing them earlier since my dad always had owned some of their albums…im ashamed a-hard-days-night-ringo-13 

10 January 2011
In a boat on a river
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1 January 2011
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I remember when that happened.  I was 11 or around there, so 2004ish?  Anyways, I had gone to work with my mom for the day, and on the way home, instead of turning the radio on, she put in the White Album .  After the first song, I asked her, “Who's this?” because I loved it so much.  After that, it gets fuzzier, but I'm guessing I listened to the rest of the album.  She never did that again, probably because after I discovered the Beatles, I went through a phase of obsessively listening to them all day. a-hard-days-night-john-6  It took about a year or so before I listened to anything else…

12 January 2011
Apple rooftop
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11 November 2010
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2002.  I did a school project on John Lennon .  At the time, I was only listening to The Beach Boys and Elvis.

I'm Necko.  I'm like Ringo except I wear necklaces.

I'm also ewe2 on weekends.

Most likely to post things that make you go hmm... 2015, 2016, 2017. 

12 January 2011
Feeling the Revolution
A Beginning
Forum Posts: 2
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11 January 2011
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Last year (2010) I totally got into The Beatles. Had to do a School-Project and I chose the Fab Four as Subject. I got an A. a-hard-days-night-john-6 Wanted to get all their Songs and now I have all their Albums plus some other (Past Masters , 1).


I liked them before though; sometimes (in 08-09) I listened to “She Loves You “, “Yesterday “, “Help !” and “Let It Be ” all the Time. Now I'm obsessed with them.



12 January 2011
Sitting singing songs for everyone by the mountain stream
Candlestick Park
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4 December 2010
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Mine started in either late 2008 or early 2009 when I first watched Across The Universe . I know a lot of people didn't like it, but I fell in love with it. I thought the cinematography was amazing and I loved the actors. Then there were the songs. I didn't like every song they did. But there were a couple that just stuck to me like glue, “Strawberry Fields Forever “, “I Want You (She's So Heavy)”, “Happiness Is A Warm Gun , “I've Just Seen a Face.” So after listening to the soundtrack the millionth time, I decided to actually listen to the real songs starting with SFF and I've Just Seen a Face. And I just keep listening to more and more songs. Then I saw the opening sequence to Beatles Rock Band and though I didn't even know a lot of songs at the time I told myself I was gonna get it (and I did). I spent the summer of 09 learning everything I could about them. I bought my first Beatles album in November of 09 (the White Album ). Since then I have got my brother on the Beatles as well as some of my friends. 



Well we all shine on like the moon, the stars, and the sun.

12 January 2011
Sitarday's room
Forum Posts: 4605
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1 May 2010
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a-hard-days-night-ringo-8 See guys? Making your students read or research about the Beatles pay off!!! a-hard-days-night-john-6a-hard-days-night-john-6

Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……

Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…

Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.

Beware of Darkness… 

24 January 2011
Nigel the good dog
Nowhere Land
Hollywood Bowl
Forum Posts: 732
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23 January 2011
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Well, my first expirence with them was watching The Parent Trap when I was very little and Here Comes The Sun  played and I absoulutly loved the song, even though I didn't know who sang it. But my true Beatlemaina started last year when one of my facebook friends posted Imagine by John Lennon on his wall. Even though it isn't even a Beatles song, I saw links on Youtube to Beatles songs and just fell in love with them! Cannot imagine life without them!

My mind is far away, off in Pepperland…
I'm a girl, don't be confused by my name.
24 January 2011
Nowhere Land
Forum Posts: 2688
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9 June 2010
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Nigel the good dog said:

 Cannot imagine life without them!

That's how most of us on the forum are.

If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.

24 January 2011
Nigel the good dog
Nowhere Land
Hollywood Bowl
Forum Posts: 732
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23 January 2011
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MeanMrs.Mustard said:

Nigel the good dog said:

 Cannot imagine life without them!

That's how most of us on the forum are.

Yay! I have found the perfect forum for me then!

My mind is far away, off in Pepperland…
I'm a girl, don't be confused by my name.
24 January 2011
A Beginning
Forum Posts: 5
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6 June 2010
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It's tremendous to see how The Beatles are still so strong and appealing even to this day.

Once hooked, always hooked. No matter how old OR young.

My collection of recordings grows daily, and I probably have got more than 5 or 6 hundred Beatles' recordings to date.

It's endless……  a-hard-days-night-paul-4a-hard-days-night-john-4a-hard-days-night-paul-9a-hard-days-night-george-9

….. once a Sergeant, always a Sergeant.

24 January 2011
Candlestick Park
Forum Posts: 2228
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13 November 2009
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Oh hey! You're back. Where have you been? a-hard-days-night-ringo-7

Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo! So little time! So much to know!

24 January 2011
A Beginning
Forum Posts: 5
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6 June 2010
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Saw the light on so I thought I'd drop in skye …. How ya goin'?  a-hard-days-night-george-10

Basically, I'm too scatterbrained these days to participate at places on a regular basis so you'll only see me Now And Then

Plus with all the other joints I go to, I get caught up here n' there all the time. Plus there's the never ending scouring of eBay. (evil place)

…. and don't get me started on Audio Gear, otherwise I'll never stop and I'm planning on an early night for a change! (it's almost 1.30am where I am and ya gotta remember, I'm getting pretty old and fragile too these days.)

I'm still recovering from stacking another pair of boxes that I finished restoring today, on top of some other boxes. Just kills me.

The collection of Beatles' stuff still grows daily. I must catalogue it all one day and find out once and for all What have I got, and How Much have I got. (… yeah right! That'll be a bigger job than stacking more speakers on the stereo!)  LoL.

It just amazes me just how much of it there is out there. I'm sure that every word that any of the Beatles ever said is recorded and stashed away somewhere, and will surface eventually. Only problem with that is that I keep having to buy bigger hard drives!   Heh heh heh.

Anyway, 'nuff said for now, I'm off to Pepperland …. I've got some Blue Meanies to count.


ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz……….  blue-meanie

….. once a Sergeant, always a Sergeant.

24 January 2011
Sitting singing songs for everyone by the mountain stream
Candlestick Park
Forum Posts: 1203
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4 December 2010
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Nigel the good dog said:

Well, my first expirence with them was watching The Parent Trap when I was very little and Here Comes The Sun  played and I absoulutly loved the song, even though I didn't know who sang it. But my true Beatlemaina started last year when one of my facebook friends posted Imagine by John Lennon on his wall. Even though it isn't even a Beatles song, I saw links on Youtube to Beatles songs and just fell in love with them! Cannot imagine life without them!

Right so, The Parent Trap used to be my favorite movie when I was younger and I hadn't seen it in years. So, I read your comment and have no recollection of this ever happening. So right now I'm rewatching it and I just hear the first chords of HCS and I just got all giddy. I can't believe I never realized that the Beatles have been in my life for so long without me knowing. So thank you for reminding me of this.


God damn you Beatles! Why do you have to be so amazing all the time? a-hard-days-night-john-6a-hard-days-night-ringo-10a-hard-days-night-george-8a-hard-days-night-paul-8

Well we all shine on like the moon, the stars, and the sun.

24 January 2011
Nowhere Land
Forum Posts: 2688
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9 June 2010
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PennyLane said:


Dang you Beatles! Why do you have to be so amazing all the time? 

It really should be illegal.

If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.

19 June 2011
The Indra
Forum Posts: 43
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18 June 2011
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I first got into the Beatles on November 22, 2009 when I watched a documentary on them, and I knew a lot of their songs, but I just never knew it was them, and that night I stayed up until like four in the morning listening to their stuff on YouTube.(it was a school night too!) And then a few months later I got the remasters for my birthday!

After I took it, it opened my eyes. We only use one-tenth of our brain. Just think what we could all accomplish if we could only tap that hidden part. It would mean a whole new world. If the politicians would take LSD, there wouldn't be any more War or poverty or famine.

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