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How You Got Into The Beatles
26 May 2010
Granite Falls, WA
Abbey Road
Forum Posts: 97
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11 February 2010
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When I was eight dad told me about the Paul is Dead rumors.  Being a child much ahead of my time, I got on my computer and stayed up all night backmasking songs and reading all the terrifying clues, scaring the crap out of myself.  The ending of Strawberry Fields Forever was the sound of death to me, and don’t even get me started on Revolution 9 . Again, I was a kid–this stuff was gold to me and I would stay up night after night continuing to indulge even though I was so frightened.  My Beatlemania, for sure, started there.

Age 11, I fell hard for a girl I’d known for a while.  I was rejected (since I’m straight as a damn rainbow) and a depressed me turned to the Beatles’ music to soothe that pain.  Particularly, the song You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away .  I’d found it on our network in a late-night search for music and easily recognized it as the first Beatles song I’d heard.

12, I remember sitting down at my drum kit and asking myself why I ever started.  After a lot of thinking, I remembered it was because I admired Ringo so much.  I also remember crying months later when he said he wasn’t answering any more fanmail, sending my first and last letter off to London and hoping that it would get there.

Age 14, now, is when it exploded everywhere into a pile of mushy gooey Beatlemania.  My sister got RockBand, I sat down at those drums and played my heart out and then I finally understood that I loved the boys.  I felt like they were a part of me all along, and that part had just been awakened down the road–such a fate that was destined to happen some day.  I missed them… which was what struck me as odd, because I was never around to live and breathe them while they were all together.  I took it upon myself to learn everything I could about the Fab Four, and I daresay I did.  I saw Rain (a wondrous cover band) in concert, and when I started crying during the performance?  That’s when I told myself ‘Girl, you have Beatlemania.’

"I'd like to end up sort of unforgettable."

26 May 2010
Ed Sullivan Show
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27 February 2010
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When I was in high school, me and my buddies used to hear a lot of rock music. Someone gave me a cassette with some beatles songs inside, so I heard it.

Help was the first, and I knew that it was a beatle song.

“Wow, they did this song?” I said on the second song, Hey Jude . I always had heard it and love it too.

Some other well-known beatles songs passed, then Revolution and Come Together came. Again i said “this one too? they’re genius!”


I'd like to say "thank you" on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we passed the audition.
John Lennon

27 May 2010
London Palladium
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18 March 2010
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My Beatlemania started in 1964 when I saw the Ed Sullivan Show, and has never let up.

I love it that new generations discover the Beatles.  I’ve got a lot of artists that inspire me, but there’s just something extra special about these guys.  And after all these years, I still find new things in the songs that eluded me before, after a thousand listenings.  That’s music that’s built to last.

Like the song says:

They’ve been going in and out of style

But they’re guaranteed to raise a smile.

27 May 2010
London Palladium
Forum Posts: 154
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18 March 2010
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skye said:

 Later I asked for SPLHCB , and was seriously WTFing over some of the songs.  a-hard-days-night-paul-2


That’s funny!  Were you asking that because the music was so strange or because you really dug it?  Or both?

27 May 2010
Carnegie Hall
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13 February 2010
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I could write a freaking essay, but I’ll sum it up.


I watched Yellow Submarine ! Loved the movie, but not so much the Beatles. Remember I was like 9 and was in love with the Disney channela-hard-days-night-ringo-2

Anyways, things started to kick in after I saw a Abbey Road poster of them in the mall. SOOOOOO, looked them up on the internet, listened to a few tunes, researched their full biographies, researched the BEATLES biography.

After those long 2 weeks, I suddenly realized that I was in love with these 4 men!a-hard-days-night-ringo-9 

My Beatlemania had begun and has yet to end……a-hard-days-night-george-5


Thursday night your stockings needed mending.

1 June 2010
A Fiendish Thingy
By the banks of her own lagoon
Paris Olympia
Forum Posts: 371
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27 March 2010
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my dad… a-hard-days-night-george-6he had this cd-rom thingy that, when you put it in, this grey screen magically popped up on the computer and you could play ALLLL the beatles songs everr, it was so cool. he says that he made sure they played “Here Comes The Sun ” in the hospital on a cassette player the day i was born, so it would be the first song i’d ever hear… (the first movie i watched, however, was not a beatles movie, it was back to the future. :P) he wanted to name me (oh!) Darling, but my mom wanted to name me Kitzia : my whole family still calls me Darling though 🙂


so yeah, my dad. he’s a beatlemaniac. blue-meanie

I'm in love, but I'm lazy.

2 June 2010
Granite Falls, WA
Abbey Road
Forum Posts: 97
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11 February 2010
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A Fiendish Thingy said:
he says that he made sure they played “Here Comes The Sun ” in the hospital on a cassette player the day i was born


Just have to make the joke


HERE COMES THE SON, LOL.a-hard-days-night-george-8

"I'd like to end up sort of unforgettable."

2 June 2010
A Fiendish Thingy
By the banks of her own lagoon
Paris Olympia
Forum Posts: 371
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27 March 2010
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MadiYasha said:


oh, man, i never realized that until now! i hope he didn’t mean it like that.. a-hard-days-night-paul-1 hahahahaha a-hard-days-night-john-6

I'm in love, but I'm lazy.

6 June 2010
Here, There And Everywhere
Casbah Coffee Club
Forum Posts: 18
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15 May 2010
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A Fiendish Thingy said:

my dad… a-hard-days-night-george-6he had this cd-rom thingy that, when you put it in, this grey screen magically popped up on the computer and you could play ALLLL the beatles songs everr, it was so cool.

 yaaass, I got the CDR and I absolutely love it! My Mum found it a couple of weeks ago while searching for… umm, dunno… but now, it replaces my iPod, at least at homea-hard-days-night-paul-3it’s so freaking awesome, you have the lyrics on screen 😀 ok, sometimes, they’re really, really wrong, and sometimes, it’s so amusing… 

e.g. Honey Don’t

Ringo says: Rock on George, for Ringo one time

This thingy says: Rock on your string for one time


Listen to the colour of your dreams…

6 June 2010
Rapture, Atlantic Ocean
Candlestick Park
Forum Posts: 1049
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4 April 2010
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Hey Bulldog was playing during my birth, and now everyone calls me Bulldog. Well, the people that know that, at least.

"The best band? The Beatles. The most overrated band? The Beatles."

6 June 2010
A Beginning
Forum Posts: 5
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6 June 2010
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Since I heard “Love Me Do ” on the radio, when it first came out back in 1962.

I was 10 yo. A lifetime ago…..

….. once a Sergeant, always a Sergeant.

6 June 2010
Candlestick Park
Forum Posts: 2228
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13 November 2009
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Hi Sergeant! So you knew from the start?

Ad hoc, ad loc, and quid pro quo! So little time! So much to know!

6 June 2010
A Beginning
Forum Posts: 5
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6 June 2010
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skye said:

Hi Sergeant! So you knew from the start?

Ooh yeh.

It was the beginning of an exponential curve. The more there was, the deeper I got.

Never looked back. It reached a hell of a peak when I ended up doing some work at Abbey Road around 1986/7 

While there, I got to see EVERYTHING. Best part was the chats I had with Gerry (?) the doorman. The stories he could tell. Amazing!

Life’s never been the same since.

I’ve been grabbing every recording I can possibly get my hands on. I think it would take more than 2 life times to listen to it all.

Oh what a band…..   (BIG SIGH)


….. once a Sergeant, always a Sergeant.

7 June 2010
Forum Posts: 5727
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31 March 2008
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Really? That’s fantastic. May I ask what you worked on at Abbey Road ?

Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
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Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!

7 June 2010
A Beginning
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6 June 2010
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Joe said:

Really? That’s fantastic. May I ask what you worked on at Abbey Road ?

ABRd occasionally used to host what were called “Showcases”, where bands would perform there latest singles in front of invited guests by the Record Companies in Studio 2. It was a great way to explore the place.

I worked for a Sound Hire Co. at the time that would provide the playback systems for this sort of event.

One in particular that I remember was someone called Feargal Sharkey (I think that’s the correct spelling). It was really funny when he went down on one knee whilst singing, and as such knelt on the microphone lead, and when he went to raise the mike, the plug popped out. Anyway, he did this about 3 or 4 times, each time re-plugging the lead, but not realising that he was kneeling on the cable, and then everytime he went to sing and raised his mike, the lead just kept popping out again. It took him a while to figure it out. It was just so funny to watch, for me, but much embarrassment for him.   🙁

There was also a chap by the name of Benny King, who was from Trinidad, that I teamed up with while I was working for a band from Trinidad. He was working at ABRd heaps producing some stuff which I got to hang out on. Don’t remember what or who it was now. 

They was the days…..

….. once a Sergeant, always a Sergeant.

23 June 2010
Sun Queen
Find me in my field of grass
Paris Olympia
Forum Posts: 397
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21 August 2009
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I just recalled an earlier memory than the one I posted before:

I was in about… grade 6 probably, so that puts me at, what, 11 years old? We were in music class, and the man teaching us was talking about the Beatles. I didn't know anything about them at all, or so I thought, until he asked us, “who can name all the Beatles? I have a prize here for the one who can!” Being easily bribed by any sweet treat, I raised my hand (the only one in the class who did, mind you) and struggled for the four names that lurked at the back of my psyche, and voila- the hard work paid off in candy.

It's ironic that back then I could barely muster their names, but can now rattle off any bit of information that involves them. george-martin

Tongue, lose thy light. Moon, take thy flight… see ya, George!

23 June 2010
Von Bontee
496 km NW of the '69 Toronto Rock n Roll Revival
Apple rooftop
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EARLIEST memory? I can't pinpoint a single event, but there's a few events of general awareness all converging around the age of 4 or 5: My mother always singing “Ob La Di, Ob La Da” and “Hey Jude ” (her name's Judie, so it was “her song”); an older cousin teaching me to sing “We all live in a yellow submarine!”; hearing the Muppets sing “Octopus's Garden” on “Sesame Street”.

I don't think I had any visual information about the BAND per se until watching “Yellow Submarine ” when I was about seven or so. Also, I remember being aware of the American animated series, but don't recall ever watching it, other than possibly the credits sequence, or maybe I'd seen adverts.

Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.


24 June 2010
Rapture, Atlantic Ocean
Candlestick Park
Forum Posts: 1049
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4 April 2010
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I've always wanted to go to Abbey Road . Not for the tourism, to get me hands on that Carnival Of Light demo a-hard-days-night-george-4

"The best band? The Beatles. The most overrated band? The Beatles."

24 June 2010
Northern Ontario, same as Von Bontee
Apple rooftop
Forum Posts: 5681
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1 December 2009
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Heh, that'll require some “Mission: Impossible”-type maneuvres!  Hope you succeed, tho…

GEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty. 


24 June 2010
A Fiendish Thingy
By the banks of her own lagoon
Paris Olympia
Forum Posts: 371
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27 March 2010
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Von Bontee said:

EARLIEST memory? I can't pinpoint a single event, but there's a few events of general awareness all converging around the age of 4 or 5: My mother always singing “Ob La Di, Ob La Da” and “Hey Jude ” (her name's Judie, so it was “her song”); an older cousin teaching me to sing “We all live in a yellow submarine!”; hearing the Muppets sing “Octopus's Garden” on “Sesame Street”.


Yes!! a-hard-days-night-ringo-8Those were my favorites! The Muppets are one of the very few groups that can cover Beatles songs and be great at it a-hard-days-night-george-9

I'm in love, but I'm lazy.

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