1 November 2013
I rush to WeepingAtlasCeaders and the others and ask if they are all right and what happened?
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
14 February 2016
11 April 2016
Starr Shine? said
I rush to WeepingAtlasCeaders and the others and ask if they are all right and what happened?
It appears I have just fallen out of a building. I’m okay, though.
Holey, are you okay? What about DO?
The following people thank WeepingAtlasCedars for this post:
Starr Shine?"WeepyC came into the fray as the premier Jimmy Page fan, and will remain." - sir walter raleigh
2016 & 2017:
24 March 2014
Holy ho! i barely understood a word of what you just said, but what the hell! i’ll help you as soon as you tell me:
1. are there, here or around the place, other people like me?
2. Who are you, and what do you do for a linving?? And
3. Your favourite color?
The following people thank Shamrock Womlbs for this post:
Starr Shine?"I Need You by George Harrison"
27 February 2017
Ask the man what he is doing with all the animals.
The following people thank Martha for this post:
Starr Shine?Not once does the diversity seem forced -- the genius of the record is how the vaudevillian "When I'm 64" seems like a logical extension of "Within You Without You" and how it provides a gateway to the chiming guitars of "Lovely Rita. - Stephen T. Erlewine on Sgt Pepper's
9 March 2017
1 November 2013
Starr Shine? said
I rush to WeepingAtlasCeaders and the others and ask if they are all right and what happened?
Result |
You walk over, WeepingAtlasCeaders and Dark Overlord say they are alright, The Hole Got Fixed doesn’t respond. |
Enter Action: __________
Evangeline said
Go into the building. If it’s locked, break in.
Result |
You walk to the building and discover it is locked, you then break down the door. You see that the building only has one person inside you can see who jumps and says “Who’s there?!” |
Enter Action: __________
WeepingAtlasCedars said
It appears I have just fallen out of a building. I’m okay, though.
Holey, are you okay? What about DO?
Result |
Starr Shine? walks over and says her words, you and Dark Overlord say you both are alright, The Hole Got Fixed doesn’t respond. |
Enter Action: __________
Shamrock Womlbs said
Holy ho! i barely understood a word of what you just said, but what the hell! i’ll help you as soon as you tell me:
1. are there, here or around the place, other people like me?
2. Who are you, and what do you do for a linving?? And
3. Your favourite color?
Result |
“Oh I’m glad, if you need any clarafication, feel free to ask. For your first question, yes, there are other star mages around the world. Most tend to stay in Wayminster but the ones that venture outside of it tend to not show themselves. As for myself, I am Keyahn and I am a priest at Aim’s cathedrel in Boywick. My favorite color is – “ Before they could state it, you hear lots of shouting about a star mage from outside. “Oh, well that answers your first question, another star mage like yourself is outside. Here,” They hand you a yellowish green gem and a set of black and white robes. “The robes, which include my favoirte color white, should help you blend in so you don’t get a crowed chasing after you. Just take that gem to the portal and remember to hide when you get to Charley, then you can look for the sword.” |
Enter Action: __________
Martha said
Ask the man what he is doing with all the animals.
Result |
“Oh uh. . Hello” The man says who was caught off guard by your approach. “We are just . . . saving these rare and exotic animals from, poachers ya. Have you seen any rare and exotic animals about?” |
Enter Action: __________
Dark Overlord said
I’m fine, I’ve just been listening to some Queen, listening to The Prophet’s Song right now.
Result |
Starr Shine? walks over and says her words, you and WeepingAtlasCeaders say you both are alright, The Hole Got Fixed doesn’t respond. |
Enter Action: __________
1 November 2013
I ask if the star mage gave us a mission.
14 February 2016
24 March 2014
27 November 2016
Action: Say to WeepyC and Dark Overlord ‘Well, shall we start our quest?’
The following people thank The Hole Got Fixed for this post:
Starr Shine?, WeepingAtlasCedars#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
2016 awards: 2017 awards:
2018 awards:
2019 awards:
2020 awards:
2021 awards:
27 February 2017
Answer the man:’That’s very honourable of you but we will take care of the animals from now on. Have you got any proof that poachers are really around?’
The following people thank Martha for this post:
Starr Shine?Not once does the diversity seem forced -- the genius of the record is how the vaudevillian "When I'm 64" seems like a logical extension of "Within You Without You" and how it provides a gateway to the chiming guitars of "Lovely Rita. - Stephen T. Erlewine on Sgt Pepper's
1 November 2013
Starr Shine? said
I ask if the star mage gave us a mission.
Result |
You hear The Hole Got Fixed mention a quest. |
Enter Action: __________
Evangeline said
“A person.” I reply. “Who’s there?”
Result |
“Armakeya the mayor, now if you don’t show your self a person I’ll call the guards. |
Enter Action: __________
Shamrock Womlbs said
Put the robes on. Grab the gem, ask for any advice. Also ask where is the portal and why all that fuss with mages.
Head to the portal
Result |
You put the robes on and ask your questions. The worshiper responds “When you get to Charly, hide yourself this is very important. Do not show yourself in that country under any condition. The portal is north of here on top of a giant hill, you can’t miss it. And for the intrest, it is because your brand of magic is more versiatal than standered moba magic. Moba magic is limited since you have to click to a sertian type of magic like someone who clicks for summoning can only do summoning and they have to work hard to have more magical variaty while your magic can do much more.” You then leave the building and you see a massive shouting crowd that blocks your path. In the center of that croud you can make out the three people with the holy grail armor that you saw eairlier when you floating around code. You sence that one of the armored folks has your brand of magic. You see two of the knights stand in front of the third and try to ward of the croud. One of them says “Back up, back up, Mr. Bringer will be taking questions one at a time. Don’t make me use this.” The croud backs up a little but you see some of the crowd gather their energy. |
Enter Action: __________
The Hole Got Fixed said
Action: Say to WeepyC and Dark Overlord ‘Well, shall we start our quest?’
Result |
You hear Starr Shine? ask her question. You then ask about starting a quest. Neither of the people you asked respond. |
Enter Action: __________
Martha said
Answer the man:’That’s very honourable of you but we will take care of the animals from now on. Have you got any proof that poachers are really around?’
Result |
The man responds, “I’m afraid you can’t do that, you. . don’t have the proper qualifications to handle these sort of animals. I have proof, look at how sad the animals are, they were just rescued from the poachers and are still tramatised.” You see the girl go and inspect the animals stealthily, the man and his co-workers don’t notice. |
Enter Action: __________
1 November 2013
I ask what their quest is.
14 February 2016
27 November 2016
I repeat my question for they were looking at a butterfly and didn’t hear my question the fist time.
The following people thank The Hole Got Fixed for this post:
Starr Shine?#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
2016 awards: 2017 awards:
2018 awards:
2019 awards:
2020 awards:
2021 awards:
27 February 2017
Attract the men’s attention so that the girl can examine the animals carefully and unnoticed.
The following people thank Martha for this post:
Starr Shine?Not once does the diversity seem forced -- the genius of the record is how the vaudevillian "When I'm 64" seems like a logical extension of "Within You Without You" and how it provides a gateway to the chiming guitars of "Lovely Rita. - Stephen T. Erlewine on Sgt Pepper's
1 November 2013
“We can start the quest now if you want The Hole Got Fixed.” I say to him.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed9.43am
1 November 2013
Notice |
The moons set on pepperland/Martha’s location, the users in those areas no longer feel the moons background energy. |
Starr Shine? said
I ask what their quest is.
Starr Shine? said
“We can start the quest now if you want The Hole Got Fixed.” I say to him.
Result |
I ask my question, The Hole Got Fixed repeats his quesiton. My next statment gets approvel from The Hole Got Fixed. |
Enter Action: __________
Evangeline said
Step across the the mayor. “Don’t call the guards, I have a sling shot at your head. Now, what town is this, what am I doing here, and how do I leave?” I question.
Result |
They mayor looks confused when you mention a sling shot but says, “You’re in Lamana which is in the Cafeld nation, I don’t know why you are here, and to leave just walk out or buy a transport gem from the gem store which I reccomend you do at once!” |
Enter Action: __________
The Hole Got Fixed said
I repeat my question for they were looking at a butterfly and didn’t hear my question the fist time.
Result |
I ask my question, The Hole Got Fixed responds. You approve of my next statment. |
Enter Action: __________
Martha said
Attract the men’s attention so that the girl can examine the animals carefully and unnoticed.
Result |
You attempt to distract the man. You see a forth man show up with the Bark-Skinned man in a net and says, “Hey check out my ha-” They stop talking when they see you and the other three men glare and the man who was talking to you says, “You know to much, sorry.” The man takes his sword out but before he could stab, you see the girl holding a key and all the animals are free. The four men quickly run from the freed animals, the fourth one still holding the Bark-Skinned man. Some animals give chase, others flee into the forest. One animal goes up to you and the girl and you hear a voice in your head say, “Thank you for freeing us, animal snatchers are a problem up here.” After they say that, you see you gained four experince. Your experience is now 4/8 |
Enter Action: __________
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