14 April 2010
StarWisher said:
Zig, you're a fricking natural at this!
Little kids, hide your eyes (ha ha): What Goes On When I Get Home , Sexy Sadie ?
You're not so bad yourself, Star. Nicely done!
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
9 June 2010
Zig said:
Do we have to tell her, dad? – Julia , Your Mother Should Know what goes on.
StarWisher said:
What goes on when I get home, Sexy Sadie ?
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
6 December 2012
Honey Pie , if your birthday is on the same day as Rocky Raccoon , Julia , and my Dear Prudence , then I will prepare a party for the four of you, but not now, because I’m So Tired , and I must say good night to you, although you needn’t worry, for it won’t be a Long, Long, Long time before I must wake up to feed the blackbird.
Yes! Nine songs! Ten if you count Because , since it’s a song but it’s not from the White Album .
Also known as Egg-Rock, Egg-Roll, E-George, Eggy, Ravioli, Eggroll Eggrolli...
~witty quote~
1 November 2012
Maybe I’m amazed, Lovely Rita ; why don’t we do it in the road Now And Then — anytime at all; Eight Days A Week …?
The following people thank Funny Paper for this post:
BeatlebugFaded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
12 January 2013
I Saw Her Standing There with Doctor Robert and Eleanor Rigby talking to a Taxman who said “I Love You Too” For No One , who sudnley shouted “She Said She Said I’m Only Sleeping ” so loud that the people in Good Day Sunshine world heard it and exploded Yellow Submarines Here There And Everywhere and Elanor Rigby said to Doctor Robert Tell Me What You See and and gave No Reply except for Tomorrow Never Knows and Your Mother Should Know to Wait and Dig A Pony with the Two of Us while Flying in the sky in Blue Jay Way and ended up with Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds and screamed Revolution .
The following people thank Beatles in the Blood for this post:
BeatlebugThe Incedibly True Story THat Never Ends. By Sam.
Best Friend: WHat are you listening to
Me: The Beatles
Best Friend: Go Figure
14 December 2012
I wanna hold your hand because I gotta feeling it’s gonna be alright.
“I Wanna Hold Your Hand”
“Because ”
“I Gotta Feeling”
“Revolution 1 “- technically a line, but it works.
"I'd tell her I love her, but she'd only reject me in the end and I'd be frustrated. That's why I play guitar; it's my active compensatory factor" -Ringo said something like this once, I changed it up a bit.
14 January 2013
I’m probably messing this up horribly, but I’ve decided to give it a whirl.
Back in the U.S.S.R., Dear Prudence is looking through a Glass Onion while telling The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill . “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da ” she says while eating Wild Honey Pie . “While My Guitar Gently Weeps , Happiness Is A Warm Gun . Oh, and Martha My Dear , I’m so tired of the blackbird that keeps bothering my Piggies .” Rocky Raccoon butted in, saying “Don’t pass me by! Until Martha can get rid of the blackbird for you, why don’t we do it in the road?” Prudence’s reply to Rocky was “I will, but only if you stop chasing Julia around the yard.” “But Prudence,” Rocky whined, “It’s my birthday!” “Yer Blues are no concern of mine. Now, Mother Nature’s son will be here soon, and he is bringing Sexy Sadie with him. Things always go helter skelter when they come to pay a visit, and I refuse to sit through yet another Long, Long, Long discussion with Mother Nature. Behave, or else I will give Sadie the last Savoy Truffle , and you won’t get any Honey Pie .” As Rocky burst into tears, Martha started to laugh. “Cry Baby Cry ,” she said. “I will stay during Sadie’s visit from Revolution 1 , the first time that she turns around, through Revolution 9 , but no longer. Good night” Rocky went off to sulk in the back yard, and Martha ran up to her room while Prudence looked out the kitchen window and sighed. “Ah, everybody’s got something to hide except me and my monkey.”
I will admit, I had to look at a list of the songs in order to do this. I’m not good at remembering what songs are on what albums or anything like that, sorry.
17 January 2013
Mean Mr. Mustard and the Sun King will Come Together and Carry That Weight to The End of Octopus’s Garden .
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
20 January 2013
Michelle I Want To Be Your Man Because I Need You .
Honey Pie I’ve Got A Feeling I Am The Walrus .
While My Guitar Gently Weeps I Will Cry Baby Cry .
Hold Me Tight Because I Need You In My Life .
Think For Yourself Girl Because Tomorrow Never Knows .
I Want To Tell You Something , She’s Leaving Home .
Dear Prudence I’m Happy Just To Dance With You Any Time At All .
Oh! Darling I Want You Because You Never Give Me Your Money . ?
12 January 2013
Its so Hard, Mother , just Let it be and Now And Then , Maybe You’ll Be Amazed.
The Incedibly True Story THat Never Ends. By Sam.
Best Friend: WHat are you listening to
Me: The Beatles
Best Friend: Go Figure
6 December 2012
This sentence makes no sense at all… who can find all of the songs in it?
I will Drive My Car on Penny Lane Eight Days A Week While My Guitar Gently Weeps , and when I get home, All I’ve Got To Do is Twist And Shout to Rock And Roll Music and wait until the two of us can say good night, and then Your Mother Should Know that You’re Going To Lose That Girl because You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away , and if she catches you with another girl, you’ll cry, baby, cry, after A Hard Day’s Night , but if you act naturally on A Day In The Life , she loves you and All You Need Is Love , And Your Bird Can Sing Any Time At All , so ask me why I Carry That Weight and You Won’t See Me getting better, so enjoy your Golden Slumbers until you can say “Good day, sunshine!” and I’ll say Hello, Goodbye and get a Ticket To Ride to Kansas City (hey, hey, hey, hey! Don’t say I’m A Loser for going there!), and I’ve Got A Feeling that I’ve Just Seen A Face that I can see again in Kansas City , and If I Fell for that person, It’s Only Love If I Needed Someone , so Think For Yourself and It Won’t Be Long until I’m Looking Through You because I’m So Tired and I’m Only Sleeping , and you’ll say “Money- that’s what I want” and misery will overtake me because you’re not Mother Nature’s Son like I thought you were, so you’ll get no reply, you Nowhere Man , and I Want To Tell You that I should have know better, but it won’t happen again, Not A Second Time in my life, and I don’t care if you say “Please Please Me ” or “Love Me Do ,” because it will be a Long, Long, Long time before you tell me why you and that other girl always come together to parties, and something tells me that you’re good For No One , so, honey, don’t Hold Me Tight ever again, because I’ll be back When I’m Sixty-Four and I don’t even remember you anymore, Honey Pie , so don’t try again, because you can’t do that and You Like Me Too Much , so dream of yesterday when Yer Blues were about Eleanor Rigby , Michelle , and Julia , and your Dear Prudence (Tell Me What You See in any of them!), and you only gave me Words Of Love when you were happy, and You Never Give Me Your Money , anyway, so I’ll Follow The Sun and if there’s rain, it won’t have anything to do with you, because I used to say I Got To Get You Into My Life , but now I want you out of my life, so goodbye forever, but maybe things will be better for both of us, because Tomorrow Never Knows .
The following people thank Egroeg Evoli for this post:
BeatlebugAlso known as Egg-Rock, Egg-Roll, E-George, Eggy, Ravioli, Eggroll Eggrolli...
~witty quote~
12 January 2013
Egroeg Evoli said
This sentence makes no sense at all… who can find all of the songs in it?I will Drive My Car on Penny Lane Eight Days A Week While My Guitar Gently Weeps , and when I get home, All I’ve Got To Do is Twist And Shout to Rock And Roll Music and wait until the two of us can say good night, and then Your Mother Should Know that You’re Going To Lose That Girl because You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away , and if she catches you with another girl, you’ll cry, baby, cry, after A Hard Day’s Night , but if you act naturally on A Day In The Life , she loves you and All You Need Is Love , And Your Bird Can Sing Any Time At All , so ask me why I Carry That Weight and You Won’t See Me getting better, so enjoy your Golden Slumbers until you can say “Good day, sunshine!” and I’ll say Hello, Goodbye and get a Ticket To Ride to Kansas City (hey, hey, hey, hey! Don’t say I’m A Loser for going there!), and I’ve Got A Feeling that I’ve Just Seen A Face that I can see again in Kansas City , and If I Fell for that person, It’s Only Love If I Needed Someone , so Think For Yourself and It Won’t Be Long until I’m Looking Through You because I’m So Tired and I’m Only Sleeping , and you’ll say “Money- that’s what I want” and misery will overtake me because you’re not Mother Nature’s Son like I thought you were, so you’ll get no reply, you Nowhere Man , and I Want To Tell You that I should have know better, but it won’t happen again, Not A Second Time in my life, and I don’t care if you say “Please Please Me ” or “Love Me Do ,” because it will be a Long, Long, Long time before you tell me why you and that other girl always come together to parties, and something tells me that you’re good For No One , so, honey, don’t Hold Me Tight ever again, because I’ll be back When I’m Sixty-Four and I don’t even remember you anymore, Honey Pie , so don’t try again, because you can’t do that and You Like Me Too Much , so dream of yesterday when Yer Blues were about Eleanor Rigby , Michelle , and Julia , and your Dear Prudence (Tell Me What You See in any of them!), and you only gave me Words Of Love when you were happy, and You Never Give Me Your Money , anyway, so I’ll Follow The Sun and if there’s rain, it won’t have anything to do with you, because I used to say I Got To Get You Into My Life , but now I want you out of my life, so goodbye forever, but maybe things will be better for both of us, because Tomorrow Never Knows .
This is why people invented shorter sentences! Anyway I counted 70! Does something and because count, cause I counted them.
Your Mother Should Know , It Don’t Come Easy Honey Pie .
The Incedibly True Story THat Never Ends. By Sam.
Best Friend: WHat are you listening to
Me: The Beatles
Best Friend: Go Figure
6 December 2012
1 November 2013
“Doctor Robert Maybe you’ll be amazed” Caroled Julia , “For I’ve Got A Feeling that I Am The Walrus !”
Bringin’ back dead topics FTW
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
10 November 2009
Egroeg Evoli said
This sentence makes no sense at all… who can find all of the songs in it?
I will Drive My Car on Penny Lane Eight Days A Week While My Guitar Gently Weeps , and when I get home, All I’ve Got To Do is Twist And Shout to Rock And Roll Music and wait until the two of us can say good night, and then Your Mother Should Know that You’re Going To Lose That Girl because You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away , and if she catches you with another girl, you’ll cry, baby, cry, after A Hard Day’s Night , but if you act naturally on A Day In The Life , she loves you and All You Need Is Love , And Your Bird Can Sing Any Time At All , so ask me why I Carry That Weight and You Won’t See Me getting better, so enjoy your Golden Slumbers until you can say “Good day, sunshine!” and I’ll say Hello, Goodbye and get a Ticket To Ride to Kansas City (hey, hey, hey, hey! Don’t say I’m A Loser for going there!), and I’ve Got A Feeling that I’ve Just Seen A Face that I can see again in Kansas City , and If I Fell for that person, It’s Only Love If I Needed Someone , so Think For Yourself and It Won’t Be Long until I’m Looking Through You because I’m So Tired and I’m Only Sleeping , and you’ll say “Money- that’s what I want” and misery will overtake me because you’re not Mother Nature’s Son like I thought you were, so you’ll get no reply, you Nowhere Man , and I Want To Tell You that I should have know better, but it won’t happen again, Not A Second Time in my life, and I don’t care if you say “Please Please Me ” or “Love Me Do ,” because it will be a Long, Long, Long time before you tell me why you and that other girl always come together to parties, and something tells me that you’re good For No One , so, honey, don’t Hold Me Tight ever again, because I’ll be back When I’m Sixty-Four and I don’t even remember you anymore, Honey Pie , so don’t try again, because you can’t do that and You Like Me Too Much , so dream of yesterday when Yer Blues were about Eleanor Rigby , Michelle , and Julia , and your Dear Prudence (Tell Me What You See in any of them!), and you only gave me Words Of Love when you were happy, and You Never Give Me Your Money , anyway, so I’ll Follow The Sun and if there’s rain, it won’t have anything to do with you, because I used to say I Got To Get You Into My Life , but now I want you out of my life, so goodbye forever, but maybe things will be better for both of us, because Tomorrow Never Knows .
With all the repeated ”Because ”’s, I counted 87.
I Saw Her Standing There but I’m gonna be in Misery because I’m letting Anna Go To Him.
Let me take you down 'cause I'm going to...Strawberry Fields.
1 November 2013
This involves multiple artist’s songs
“Dr. Robert!” said Julia , the Mother . God Only Knows why my daughter Michelle Smells Like Teen Spirit. She’s also making Pet Sounds and staring at Something , but I don’t know why. I wish she would Tell Me Why ! Oh, I’m sorry Julia , but Dr. Robert isn’t Here Today , he was here Yesterday , but now you can see our other doctor, Doctor Rigby. And here’s her siblings, Mr. Mustard and Pam! Oh, and there’s her husband, Mr. Kite. “Mommy, mommy” said Michelle . “In school today, I learned that 2+2=5!” “No, Michelle , it’s 4″ said Julia . “Cut Me Some Slack, mom! I’m only 2!” replied Michelle “I also learned that Venus And Mars are next to each other in space!”. “Ugh, I Hate It Here at the doctor’s office! When I Get Home , I’m going to play with my toys! I Imagine I’m Amsterdam and Sing The Changes of The World Tonight!” “Ahhh! There’s a Purple Haze descending on the hospital! It might be poisonous! Should I Stay Or Should I Go, mommy?” The Clocks say it’s noon, but’s dark outside! Oh, and now the haze is turning Yellow!” Now the Doctor is talking, “It’s a Beautiful Day outside, isn’t it, Mrs. Robinson?” “Yes It Is , You Know You’re Right about that”. As the haze comes nearer, they submit to their fate. “We’re At The Mercy of God now! Save Us, My Sweet Lord !” But no Help comes. “Well, as a wise man once said, All Things Must Pass away”
I worked for like 20 minutes on that, and I had to hold back from cramming every song ever recorded in their. I really hope you all like it.
The following people thank IveJustSeenAFaceo for this post:
Beatlebug(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
14 December 2009
I Saw Her Standing There : Anna. Go to him! Ask me why, Please Please Me ; Love Me Do ! (P.S. – I love you!) Do You Want To Know A Secret ? Baby, it’s you! There’s a place. Thank you, girl! She loves you; I’ll Get You ! I Call Your Name ; slow down. It Won’t Be Long . Roll over, Beethoven, don’t bother me! You’ve really got a hold on me – Hold Me Tight . I Wanna Be Your Man ; I’m Down ; I feel fine! She’s A Woman . Yes it is. If I Fell , I should have known better. I’m Happy Just To Dance With You , And I Love Her . “Can’t Buy Me Love ?” – tell me why! You can’t do that, I’ll Cry Instead . I’ll be back when I get home! Baby’s In Black . I’m A Loser ; I’ll Follow The Sun . I Don’t Want To Spoil The Party . Honey, don’t: everybody’s trying to be my baby! Help , I need you! You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away , You’re Going To Lose That Girl . . Act naturally; It’s Only Love . You Like Me Too Much . I’ve Just Seen A Face – Tell Me What You See ! Drive My Car , We Can Work It Out . “‘I’m Looking Through You ?’ You won’t see me!” “This bird has flown.” “Wait , We Can Work It Out !” Run For Your Life . “I’m Only Sleeping Here, There And Everywhere ,” she said – she said. I Want To Tell You , “Got To Get You Into My Life !” and “Your bird can sing!” Tomorrow Never Knows . Good Day Sunshine , good morning, good morning! When I’m Sixty-Four , She’s Leaving Home . Your Mother Should Know : I Am The Walrus ! Baby, you’re a rich man – all you need is love! It’s All Too Much , hey, bulldog? You know my name; look up the number. “Why don’t we do it in the road?” “I’m So Tired …good night!” Cry, baby, cry – Happiness Is A Warm Gun . Everybody’s Got Something To Hide Except Me And My Monkey . Get back, Dig A Pony , I’ve Got A Feeling , don’t let me DOWN – let it BE! Come together, I want you, she’s so heavy! Carry That Weight , You Never Give Me Your Money . Here Comes The Sun – She Came In Through The Bathroom Window !
(Whew, that took awhile. Every Beatles song title that’s already a complete sentence, in a variety of contexts (some combined or split into more than one sentence) and in roughly chronological order.)
The following people thank Von Bontee for this post:
Beatleva, BeatlebugPaul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
4 February 2014
Egroeg Evoli said
This sentence makes no sense at all… who can find all of the songs in it?I will Drive My Car on Penny Lane Eight Days A Week While My Guitar Gently Weeps , and when I get home, All I’ve Got To Do is Twist And Shout to Rock And Roll Music and wait until the two of us can say good night, and then Your Mother Should Know that You’re Going To Lose That Girl because You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away , and if she catches you with another girl, you’ll cry, baby, cry, after A Hard Day’s Night , but if you act naturally on A Day In The Life , she loves you and All You Need Is Love , And Your Bird Can Sing Any Time At All , so ask me why I Carry That Weight and You Won’t See Me getting better, so enjoy your Golden Slumbers until you can say “Good day, sunshine!” and I’ll say Hello, Goodbye and get a Ticket To Ride to Kansas City (hey, hey, hey, hey! Don’t say I’m A Loser for going there!), and I’ve Got A Feeling that I’ve Just Seen A Face that I can see again in Kansas City , and If I Fell for that person, It’s Only Love If I Needed Someone , so Think For Yourself and It Won’t Be Long until I’m Looking Through You because I’m So Tired and I’m Only Sleeping , and you’ll say “Money- that’s what I want” and misery will overtake me because you’re not Mother Nature’s Son like I thought you were, so you’ll get no reply, you Nowhere Man , and I Want To Tell You that I should have know better, but it won’t happen again, Not A Second Time in my life, and I don’t care if you say “Please Please Me ” or “Love Me Do ,” because it will be a Long, Long, Long time before you tell me why you and that other girl always come together to parties, and something tells me that you’re good For No One , so, honey, don’t Hold Me Tight ever again, because I’ll be back When I’m Sixty-Four and I don’t even remember you anymore, Honey Pie , so don’t try again, because you can’t do that and You Like Me Too Much , so dream of yesterday when Yer Blues were about Eleanor Rigby , Michelle , and Julia , and your Dear Prudence (Tell Me What You See in any of them!), and you only gave me Words Of Love when you were happy, and You Never Give Me Your Money , anyway, so I’ll Follow The Sun and if there’s rain, it won’t have anything to do with you, because I used to say I Got To Get You Into My Life , but now I want you out of my life, so goodbye forever, but maybe things will be better for both of us, because Tomorrow Never Knows .
The new featuremakers it pretty easy to find all the songs!
I just started one, but it was getting really long. I’m going to make the best Beatle song story ever and get it up here later when I finish!
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
1 November 2013
Mr. Kite said
Egroeg Evoli said
This sentence makes no sense at all… who can find all of the songs in it?I will Drive My Car on Penny Lane Eight Days A Week While My Guitar Gently Weeps , and when I get home, All I’ve Got To Do is Twist And Shout to Rock And Roll Music and wait until the two of us can say good night, and then Your Mother Should Know that You’re Going To Lose That Girl because You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away , and if she catches you with another girl, you’ll cry, baby, cry, after A Hard Day’s Night , but if you act naturally on A Day In The Life , she loves you and All You Need Is Love , And Your Bird Can Sing Any Time At All , so ask me why I Carry That Weight and You Won’t See Me getting better, so enjoy your Golden Slumbers until you can say “Good day, sunshine!” and I’ll say Hello, Goodbye and get a Ticket To Ride to Kansas City (hey, hey, hey, hey! Don’t say I’m A Loser for going there!), and I’ve Got A Feeling that I’ve Just Seen A Face that I can see again in Kansas City , and If I Fell for that person, It’s Only Love If I Needed Someone , so Think For Yourself and It Won’t Be Long until I’m Looking Through You because I’m So Tired and I’m Only Sleeping , and you’ll say “Money- that’s what I want” and misery will overtake me because you’re not Mother Nature’s Son like I thought you were, so you’ll get no reply, you Nowhere Man , and I Want To Tell You that I should have know better, but it won’t happen again, Not A Second Time in my life, and I don’t care if you say “Please Please Me ” or “Love Me Do ,” because it will be a Long, Long, Long time before you tell me why you and that other girl always come together to parties, and something tells me that you’re good For No One , so, honey, don’t Hold Me Tight ever again, because I’ll be back When I’m Sixty-Four and I don’t even remember you anymore, Honey Pie , so don’t try again, because you can’t do that and You Like Me Too Much , so dream of yesterday when Yer Blues were about Eleanor Rigby , Michelle , and Julia , and your Dear Prudence (Tell Me What You See in any of them!), and you only gave me Words Of Love when you were happy, and You Never Give Me Your Money , anyway, so I’ll Follow The Sun and if there’s rain, it won’t have anything to do with you, because I used to say I Got To Get You Into My Life , but now I want you out of my life, so goodbye forever, but maybe things will be better for both of us, because Tomorrow Never Knows .
The new featuremakers it pretty easy to find all the songs!
I just started one, but it was getting really long. I’m going to make the best Beatle song story ever and get it up here later when I finish!
Break a leg
4 February 2014
1 Guest(s)