8 November 2012
Today I worked for the boss I’d previously talked into going to the Outside Lands concert. This time I may have talked him into going to the Ringo book unveiling on Wednesday. I’m a bad influence.
3 May 2012
I’m saying goodbye to my guitar teacher today as he’s selling his house and moving to Thailand. He’s told me he has a few gifts to give me, including a book full of all L/M Beatles songs with the lyrics and chords in. Yay!
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
20 August 2013
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
1 May 2011
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
8 November 2012
1 May 2011
20 August 2013
^^Thanks. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be chatting with you now. 5/26/13. We had a blast at that concert.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
14 January 2013
3 May 2012
20 August 2013
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
17 January 2013
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
14 January 2013
8 November 2012
sky999 said
Ringo is/was trending on Yahoo.
I saw that! It was because of his search for the identity of the people in that photo. It would be wild if he found out in time for tomorrow’s unveiling.
In history of rock class tonight, a group gave their class presentation on psychedelic rock, which they kicked off with “Tomorrow Never Knows .” I started bopping along to it, and one of the presenters smiled at me like, “Yeah, we both ‘get’ it.”
14 February 2013
I love the card, Ahhh Girl! Awesome and Happy Anniversary
I always have a Beatles CD playing in the car. My kids told me when I drop them off at school that I am supposed to “turn down the radio” cause it might be embarrassing if other kids heard me playing the Beatles!? Where did I go wrong????! Anyhooo…yesterday, my daughter asked me what the name was of a Beatles song where they said “I’m coming home”? After a few questions, I figured out she was asking about “It Won’t Be Long “. She downloaded it on her tablet!!
Yeah! I’m winning!
"....take a sad song & make it Meilleur"....
8 November 2012
HeyTrud said
Anyhooo…yesterday, my daughter asked me what the name was of a Beatles song where they said “I’m coming home”? After a few questions, I figured out she was asking about “It Won’t Be Long “. She downloaded it on her tablet!!
Yeah! I’m winning!
YEA! I remember loving that song as a kid too.
15 October 2013
I live near Liverpool and was in the city very recently when this middle aged Chinese tourist guy approached me. He wanted his pic taken just by Matthew Street, home of the rehoused Cavern Club, and I was instructed to get his head and the street sign in the shot if poss. He had loads of Beatles memorabilia in his hands – looked like the local souvenir shops had done very well out of him!
He was very grateful for my photographic effort. Then he asked me did I know if The Beatles would be appearing at the Cavern that night. I explained it was highly unlikely.
He told me he had travelled to Merseyside especially to see them. (I hoped he didn’t mean from China!) So when was the last time that they were on, had he just missed it? he persisted.
I explained he’d unfortunately missed it by about 50 years.
He just waved his hand at me and laughed as though I was a big kidder!
I expect he eventually bought a ticket for a Beatles cover band at the Cavern and thought he’d seen the real thing in the end. Well, better than being disappointed I guess! Bless!
I've written a music themed novel called 'Sixth Beatle'. It's not purely about The Beatles but their songs and, in particular John Lennon, are quite key drivers to the narrative. See http://www.sixthbeatle.com.
14 February 2013
3 May 2012
9 July 2013
People go to Graceland hoping to see Elvis???? Poor guy…I think that’s a sweet story. I hope he really did see a cover band and figured he’d struck gold. But, someday, someone’s gonna’ tell him the truth. Wouldn’t want to be present for that! Maybe some of his friends back home were playing a trick on him…”no, really….go to Liverpool…they perform there all the time! Can’t miss them!”
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."
15 October 2013
Well his English wasn’t too good – maybe someone had led him astray! But he was definitely happy enough on the day…
Maybe he was from a parallel universe where The Beatles still play the Cavern every night. i want to go there!
I've written a music themed novel called 'Sixth Beatle'. It's not purely about The Beatles but their songs and, in particular John Lennon, are quite key drivers to the narrative. See http://www.sixthbeatle.com.
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