2 April 2014
parlance said
Seemed the best place to post this – Daily Mail article on Paul’s grandson (Mary’s eldest), Arthur.parlance
Slow news day? Ahh, the Daily Mail.
8 November 2012
20 August 2013
What was Mary thinking?
What do you call that grandson? (Arthur)
I wonder if this young man gets miffed when teenage girls look right past him and say how hot his grandpa is.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
parlance, thisbirdhasflown, Starr Shine?, MrMoonlight, HeyTrud, Mr. Kite, BeatlevaCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
4 February 2014
@Ahhh Girl said
What was Mary thinking?
What do you call that grandson? (Arthur)
I wonder if this young man gets miffed when teenage girls look right past him and say how hot his grandpa is.
No… that’s you!
20 August 2013
Mr. Kite said
@Ahhh Girl said
What was Mary thinking?
What do you call that grandson? (Arthur)
I wonder if this young man gets miffed when teenage girls look right past him and say how hot his grandpa is.
No… that’s you!
True. I do think Paul (with that treasure-trove-of-pleasure body of his ) is hotter than Arthur, but alas, my teen days are far in the past. I am closer to Paul’s age.
We’ve had some teen girls on here who have expressed a “fond appreciation” of Sir Paul.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
BeatlevaCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
4 February 2014
Ahhh Girl said
Mr. Kite said
@Ahhh Girl said
What was Mary thinking?
What do you call that grandson? (Arthur)
I wonder if this young man gets miffed when teenage girls look right past him and say how hot his grandpa is.
No… that’s you!
True. I do think Paul (with that treasure-trove-of-pleasure body of his
) is hotter than Arthur, but alas, my teen days are far in the past. I am closer to Paul’s age.
We’ve had some teen girls on here who have expressed a “fond appreciation” of Sir Paul.
That’s what I’m saying, can’t blame the teens entirely.
20 August 2013
Stella McCartney will be desiging the outfits for the Summer 2016 British Olympic teams. She did the outfits for 2012 also.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
14 April 2010
11 June 2014
8 November 2012
Article on 10 musically gifted children of famous musicians.
Glad they included James, but not so happy they excluded Julian (I’m not so much a fan of Sean’s music).
17 October 2013
8 April 2014
21 November 2012
15 May 2014
Julian is my favorite among the Beatles’ children. Poor Julian, always neglected if not abused by his father, playing more often with Paul than with John, a child growing up with a mother who was never truly loved the way a woman should be loved, who was concealed from John’s fans, who was abused as well; Julian, the boy who inspired Hey Jude and gave John the idea for Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds ; Julian, a young lad growing under the shadow of a dead father who was a myth –what a burden– but had not been much of a father; and yet devoting his life to music he composed and performed the lovely Too Late for Goodbyes, a classic of my youth. I feel a mixture of compassion and profound respect for Julian.
The following people thank Oudis for this post:
Mr. Kite, Wigwam, parlance, StrawberryFieldsForever“Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit” (“Perhaps one day it will be a pleasure to look back on even this”; Virgil, The Aeneid, Book 1, line 203, where Aeneas says this to his men after the shipwreck that put them on the shores of Africa)
6 August 2013
8 November 2012
8 November 2012
The following people thank parlance for this post:
StrawberryFieldsForever, meanmistermustard6.47am
8 February 2014
I’ll add my vote for Dhani. For all the reasons listed, but I didn’t see this – he just seems like a really cool guy, laid back like his dad (and yes, obviously his resemblence in more ways than one to my favorite Beatle biases me
8 November 2012
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