10 January 2024
I just had one of the weirdest dreams I’ve had in a long time. It was also a really long dream so this post is gonna be long.
SO if I remeber correctly, it started with me raiding my family’s album closet and I found a bunch of bootleg Beatles/Velvet Underground vinyls, what I mean by that is it was like they had both the Beatles and V.U. on them. Like the bootleg album covers had Beatles and V.U. albums together on it it looked like a printer error (Like it printed part of each album cover on it). Also a buch of the vinyl sleeves were shoved into each other. This is when I knew inside my dream I was dreaming because no one in my family has ever owned a vinyl player. Also for some reason the main bootleg album I was focusing on was this cross between Sgt. Peppers, Layla (Eric Clapton), and White Light/White Heat (V.U.).
Now while I am raiding this closet for albums I came across this DVD (I know it was DVD not a CD because of the case) of “The Beatles Anaolgy Three” in bold black and white plain label text. The DVD case looks like a plain label food item. There were also only four songs listed on the back of the DVD I think they were all Please Please Me songs.
After I finished raiding the closet I went to go watch this DVD and it just disappeared. I couldnt find it the rest of the dream even when I looked.
The next part, I was walking with my Father. We were walking in a really colorful garden for some reason. On this walk we were talking about George’s spirtual music (Within You Without You , Love you too, ect.) Now in real life my dad hates thats side of George’s music and in this dream he does too. He was ranting about how much he hates it and he was yelling really loud. At one point he was shouting the lyrics to one of the songs (Within You Without You , I think) and it was echoing off the plants. Then some random lady walked up and told him to be quieter. He got embresed and stopped yelling.
Then the forum made an apperence in my dream, it was kinda breif but it was still weird. A bunch of people on the forum were talking about the movie “The Willoughbys”. (Great movie, I liked it)
This is a side note but I have always associated the movie, The Willoughbys, with the Beatles, I don’t know why. I don’t think it has anything to do with the Traveling Wilburys because I learned about that Super Group after making the association of The Beatles and The Willoughbys. I think it’s because the movie for some reason reminds me of Yellow Submarine .
Then things kinda got fuzzy and I snapped awake. Also this is completely unimportant, but that was the most colorful dream I’ve had in years. The colors were really bright and vibrant.
I’m surprised I can even remember the dream in this much detail.
The following people thank Oakwood for this post:
Ahhh Girl, Von BonteeI made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.
1 October 2024
Last night (I usually don’t dream of Beatles) but I did.
I was walking along in the olden days at some historical living museum – it was 1920s or 30s, and while I visited the barber shop and such, I specifically remember that at the Flamingo Theater I was about to go in when I heard someone playing “You Never Give Me Your Money ” on piano. There were a lot of pianos on the street here and there, but this one was being played by my friend. I ran up behind him and sang just on cue. He was surprised, and closed it and walked away.
The following people thank Ubexter for this post:
Ahhh Girl, Von Bontee, BeatlebugUbexter (formerly Tweeter "Beaver")
10 January 2024
I made a bad nightmare last night. Most of it wasn’t Beatle related but this one part of the dream was. I was looking at my shoes and I saw a pair of tannish yellow chuck taylors with The Beatles on the side.There were also little flowers all over it. (here’s a poor photoshop of what I remember them looking like)
In my dream these shoes brought me so much joy. But yeah that was an awful dream, it’s the second nightmare I’ve had in my life. I’ve also never owned a pair of chuck taylors before.
The following people thank Oakwood for this post:
Beatlebug, yoppleI made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.
20 August 2013
I was getting married to Paul McCartney (well, keep reading).
A person who I thought was Paul was playing the piano and singing at the wedding ceremony. I expected him to get up and walk down the aisle. But, a person who looked and sounded just like Paul came walking down the aisle while the person I thought was Paul was still at the piano. I was horrified not knowing if I was about to marry the real Paul or “Faul.” The person at the alter with me said, “Don’t you know if I’m the real Paul?” I told him that we had just met in person the day before so I wasn’t really familiar with the way his hands felt. The Paul at the piano kept looking at me teasingly. What a panic I was in!
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
Von Bontee, RubeCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
15 February 2015
Oakwood said
I made a bad nightmare last night. Most of it wasn’t Beatle related but this one part of the dream was. I was looking at my shoes and I saw a pair of tannish yellow chuck taylors with The Beatles on the side.There were also little flowers all over it. (here’s a poor photoshop of what I remember them looking like)In my dream these shoes brought me so much joy. But yeah that was an awful dream, it’s the second nightmare I’ve had in my life. I’ve also never owned a pair of chuck taylors before.
Those would be some awesome shoes. I have a couple really groovy pairs of chucks (see spoiler), but they’re not explicitly Beatley.
Anyway, last night I dreamt I was driving and listening to “Something “. After it finished, “Maxwell’s Silver Hammer ” started immediately – I guess I was playing Abbey Road in the car. The funny thing is, I haven’t listened to that album in months, yet I was hearing every detail of the tracks in perfect accuracy. Guess they’re just indelibly burned onto my brain.
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
Rube, Oakwood, Richard, Sea Belt, Ahhh Girl([{BRACKETS!}])
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20 August 2013
Ahhh Girl said
I was getting married to Paul McCartney (well, keep reading).A person who I thought was Paul was playing the piano and singing at the wedding ceremony. I expected him to get up and walk down the aisle. But, a person who looked and sounded just like Paul came walking down the aisle while the person I thought was Paul was still at the piano. I was horrified not knowing if I was about to marry the real Paul or “Faul.” The person at the alter with me said, “Don’t you know if I’m the real Paul?” I told him that we had just met in person the day before so I wasn’t really familiar with the way his hands felt. The Paul at the piano kept looking at me teasingly. What a panic I was in!
I remember something else from that dream.
I remember thinking that if I was about to marry Paul, it meant that Nancy had passed away, and that made me sad.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
Beatlebug, RubeCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
20 August 2013
The Beatles (1965 look) were in the studio recording a song. From the angle of my dream, I had to have been on the studio floor with them. I was concentrating on Paul (go figure!). He was singing and would shake a maraca every so often. He was standing at a music stand looking at a paper. I couldn’t see the paper from where I was standing, but I could tell he was really having to concentrate on it to not lose his place in the song. Then I remember thinking, “He doesn’t read music so he must just have the words and some little indicator on there to tell him when to shake the maraca.” He looked so nervous; I was sure he was going to flub up and miss a line or a maraca shake. Then I woke up…I wonder if they made it through the song.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
Rube, vonbonteeCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
10 January 2024
I just realised I’d forgot to post about a dream I had awhile ago. I may have mentioned it else where.
I had this dream where I had a girlfriend who was a big time beatles fan. We were a really cute couple, but she would not stop talking about Paul. I suspect she may have loved Paul a little more than me. Anyways she kept begging me to make her a “I Paul” button. When I woke up I made the button she asked me too. The dream wasn’t really insane like my other dreams it was just a peaceful little dream, nice and calming.
The following people thank Oakwood for this post:
Beatlebug, Ahhh Girl, Rube, yoppleI made this my signature to remind me not to change it constantly.
11 December 2024
20 August 2013
I was in an earthquake with George Harrison . We were moving around trying to find a safe place. At one point we were in a crowd. He opened his guitar case and stated that he could only save (carry) two of his guitars. He was showing us which two he chose and started playing one of them for us.
The following people thank Ahhh Girl for this post:
Rube, OakwoodCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
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