8 November 2012
I dreamt that I was performing with a group in a talent show contest that was taking place next door to a Paul concert. I pushed to have us perform first so I could run over to the concert right after.
18 March 2013
8 November 2012
18 March 2013
Darn, I don’t think I’ve had any Beatley dreams recently- I did have one where one of my teachers was trying to kill me. That one wasn’t fun
But on the bright side, I lived
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
18 April 2013
I dreamed I was working on Ringo’s next album. I thought it should have a post-punk or goth style. But then I realized that might not work because the fans would expect “peace and love.”
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Ahhh Girl"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
8 November 2012
parlance said
I dreamt that Dhani had a meditative garden maze set up somewhere in the US in honor of his father. I went to visit with someone, but we arrived too late in the day to see it, so we had to stay overnight and go in the morning. Unfortunately, the nearest hotel was at the top of a 90° hill. Luckily, the other person was driving because I was freaking out just sitting in the passenger seat and pressing my foot hard into the floor as if I were the one with control of the gas. We made it, but we had to swerve to avoid hitting Dhani crossing the street just at the top.Ugh. At least the maze was worth the trip.
I had a follow-up dream that I revisited the maze with a group of friends. Luckily, this time we didn’t have to go up the hill.
20 August 2013
parlance said
parlance said
I dreamt that Dhani had a meditative garden maze set up somewhere in the US in honor of his father. I went to visit with someone, but we arrived too late in the day to see it, so we had to stay overnight and go in the morning. Unfortunately, the nearest hotel was at the top of a 90° hill. Luckily, the other person was driving because I was freaking out just sitting in the passenger seat and pressing my foot hard into the floor as if I were the one with control of the gas. We made it, but we had to swerve to avoid hitting Dhani crossing the street just at the top.Ugh. At least the maze was worth the trip.
I had a follow-up dream that I revisited the maze with a group of friends. Luckily, this time we didn’t have to go up the hill.
I wonder if this will become a reoccurring dream for you.
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20 August 2013
John Lennon was speaking behind a podium on a small platform in front of the doors to an airport terminal. About 40 people sat in chairs facing him listening to his speech. Ohhh Boy and I were in the crowd listening to John. I looked at Ohhh Boy and said “Go to my mom’s house and get those two pictures of my half brothers.” The house (oddly) was the house I grew up in, and it was just behind the chairs across the grassy lawn of the neighbor who lived next to us while I was growing up. I wanted to show the pictures to John because (in my dream but not in real life) people had told my family for years that if we could blend the faces of my two half brothers into one face, it would look like John’s face. While Ohhh Boy was gone, John finished speaking and went into the terminal. Most of the crowd left, but a few of us hung around hoping to catch one more glimpse of John. One person wandered a little bit away from the area. Then we heard her yell “There he is!” as she pointed to a car pulling out of a parking garage.
I can’t remember anything John said, but I sure can remember the sound of his voice.
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15 February 2015
I’ve had quite a few Beatle dreams over the years; now I find I’m not the only one, lonely one! The most recent ones have been caused by an overdose of Beatles Bibling before bed. I can’t recall them all, so I’l just describe my most recent ones and post any others as they come.
So. My most recent Beatle-Dreams:
1. I dreamt I was close friends with all four Beatles and also the King of England and the Prince of Wales, etc. (I was having delusions of grandeur). Well, I don’t recall all of it now, but there was one bit where I was Dhani playing “My Sweet Lord ” for George (lucky me!). And the other interesting bit was where the old king had just died, and the new king and his son were paying their respects, and George was there too, with a guitar. He handed the guitar to the king, but the king was left-handed (Paul parallel?) and so he couldn’t play it, and he handed it to me. So I played “Here Today “.
2. I dreamt a LOT of things, but the Beatley bit was where I happened to run into present-day Paul on the road, and I stopped him and said, “Okay, I have to say I am an absolute diehard bred-in-the-bone Beatlemaniac (for life), but anyway, I have a question. If John was Here Today , what would be the one thing you’d tell him?” (This was inspired by the Paul-answering-fan-questions thread, I think, as it was the question which I would ask him in real life if I could, even though I think I already know the answer.) Well, he walked off, wrote the answer on a paper cup with a permanent felt-tip pen, but I don’t recall what it was– something funny, I suppose, because I laughed my head off. It wasn’t what I was expecting, though.
Can anybody guess what I think Paul would say if I asked him that?
And the other Beatley bit was where I was watching this, and it was something about him shooting a film, and then he went home and Paul and Ringo were there, and I walked in after him and said, “Hello, Paul; hello, Ringo,” quite casually, as though it was quite an ordinary thing to be saying hello to two former members of THE BEATLES. I don’t recall what happened next, but I remember George was really nice.
So there are my most recent Beatle-Dreams. Let me tell you now, I’ve had some trippy nights!
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12 January 2015
1 May 2011
8 September 2014
20 January 2015
I can only remember one Beatle dream.
I was chatting with Paul about “She Loves You ” and saying how good the Ooooo’s were after the “Should be glad” line. He denied they were there and said I don’t know the song. He was getting quite annoyed about it. Then he was talking about the 6th chord at the end and saying how it was his idea and how great it sounded.
I woke up bemused.
The following people thank chrisredditch for this post:
parlance, vonbonteeThe Beatles are English - They have influences from all over - but they are English
1 November 2013
I had a Beatles dream where John, Paul and Ringo locked themselves in a room in India and were not found until Paul decided to sing at the door then people found them.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
Beatlebug, parlance2.40pm
20 August 2013
Awwwww, Paulie didn’t want to be without his best buddies.
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8 November 2012
I had two epic music dreams last night, and I posted the first at the general Dreams thread.
In the second, a neighbor held a house party, and Paul had been invited and had even RSVP’d yes. We walked over together, but we had to go through an intricate underground network, and the party was in a basement (I think that’s because I’ve been binge-watching The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt). This must have been an alternate universe Paul, because he wasn’t with Nancy, and no one thought that was strange.
Since it was a relatively intimate party, we all sat on couches in the round and introduced ourselves. Then, Paul wandered around, and two of my neighbors seized the opportunity to ask me if he was gay, because they wanted to hit on him.
(again, I think, a Kimmy Schmidt reference)
The neighbor throwing the party showed me that a new version of Revolution in the Head had been released with the same text, but illustrated with never-before-seen photos. There were so many that the book was now in two parts like the Lewisohn extended version.
We also started watching 8mm private home movies of various parties The Beatles attended. And slowly through the night, the lines between the movies we were watching and our own party began to blur as the party transformed into some Warholian ’60s gathering with people breaking off into small groups and doing performance art things like painting murals and staging photos with models and projecting images onto someone’s body. And at one point, John was directing a home movie of a woman swimming in a dunk tank filled with club soda. And I wasn’t sure if that was in the movie or if I was actually witnessing it happening. Paul would occasionally take part, but most of the time he was silently observing it all from a couch, with a few men sitting around him hoping to capture his interest (it was never clear if he would have been interested). Sometimes he looked like 1967 Paul and sometimes like 2015 Paul.
There were so many references. Kimmy Schmidt, Lewisohn, the Maysles documentary, the Ian MacDonald book, Warhol, Yoko (even though she wasn’t in the dream), the avant-garde chapter in Many Years from Now. It took me a half hour once I woke up to try to piece together everything I saw.
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Ahhh Girl, Beatlebug, Mr. Kite, vonbontee2.57pm
4 February 2014
That sounds like a quite interesting and fun dream. parlance. We may need to start a ‘Does Paul have gay leanings?’ Thread.
Last night I dreamt I went to a Paul concert (probably due to all the people on the forum going), but it was in a relatively small place for Paul and looked more like a place you’d have a play than a concert. I can’t remember him singing any songs, I think he was just reading strange poems, and I’ve never read his poetry, so I don’t know where they came from in my mind. I was only a few rows back and decided to film about a minute to share these strange events later. After a few seconds of filming Paul looks right at me and motions for me to put the phone down.
And that’s all I can remember.
Strange dream, makes little sense. My brain on Beatles.
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
Beatlebug, Starr Shine?, parlance3.33pm
20 August 2013
Paul looked at you. *sigh* *jealous*
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4 February 2014
Ahhh Girl said
Paul looked at you. *sigh* *jealous*
But it was embarrassing, like I was doing something wrong at his concert!
I thought something along the lines of “NOOO, Paul McCartney thinks I’m a jerk!!”
I’m sorry for filming your strange ‘concert’ in my mind Paul. Don’t hold it against me!
20 August 2013
I know. I know. It is just hard for me to get past the part that Paul looked at you.
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