1 November 2013
Sunii said:
Prudence, probably about 75% of the people on here have used drugs, including myself.
So join the crew, and SHHUSH.
Thank you for listening.
1 November 2013
1 November 2013
Sunii said:
I am not not going to do drugs.
1 November 2013
Sunii posted at 2.10am on the 23 August 2010
Good, I would be scared if you didn’t.
1 November 2013
Dear Prudence posted at 2.11am on the 23 August 2010
Sunii said:
Good, I would be scared if you didn’t.
1 November 2013
MeanMrsMustard posted at 4.29am on the 23 August 2010
mithveaen said:
I’m from the 25% that has not.
What a boring life I have had.
(smiling a Plexiglass grin) So am I! High five!
1 November 2013
Paulrus posted at 7.29am on the 23 August 2010
MeanMrs.Mustard said:
mithveaen said:
I’m from the 25% that has not.
What a boring life I have had.
(smiling a Plexiglass grin) So am I! High five!
Yeah, but that’s normal for someone our age. I don’t know anyone our age that has tried drugs, apart from Sunii
1 November 2013
Dear Prudence posted at 3.52pm on the 23 August 2010
Paulrus said:
MeanMrs.Mustard said:
mithveaen said:
I’m from the 25% that has not.
What a boring life I have had.
(smiling a Plexiglass grin) So am I! High five!
Yeah, but that’s normal for someone our age. I don’t know anyone our age that has tried drugs, apart from Sunii
Thank you Paulrus.
1 November 2013
kingjjj8 posted at 4.08pm on the 23 August 2010
Sorry to sound like a preacher. But shouldnt we be the next generation of hippie the ones that dont do drugs?
1 November 2013
Dear Prudence posted at 4.24pm on the 23 August 2010
Yes, exactally.
1 November 2013
Well I’ve always been against drugs. And now more than ever. Last Saturday there was a shooting 10 blocks from my house. Listening to that is now something quite normal.
1 November 2013
kingjjj8 said:
Sorry to sound like a preacher. But shouldnt we be the next generation of hippie the ones that dont do drugs?
That is what you would call an oxymoron. A drugless hippie.
I don’t think drugs are really a bad thing, unless your talking serious drugs. Pot is fine, LSD is fine a few times. They just expand your mind a bit and help you view things a little bit differently, that’s all. I’m not going to encourage 13 and 14 year olds to do drugs because that is a bit young, but they are just experiences in life. Look at Sunii, she tried drugs and nothing horrible happened to her, (outside of streaking), she’s not crack addicted and hasn’t dropped out of school to pursue a life of criminal behavior. I smoked pot throughout college and I graduated and everything and now I have a real job and I’ve basically stopped. Drugs are just a part of youth.
1 November 2013
MeanMrsMustard posted at 4.33am on the 30 August 2010
Last night I dreamed about meeting John at Costco. He was old. He was in a secret little room, and I wandered into it, and he said, “What are you doing?” and I said, “Trying to restart my heart.”
1 November 2013
Sunii posted at 4.41am on the 30 August 2010
You forgot the part where he gave you apple juice!
1 November 2013
MeanMrsMustard posted at 12.01am on the 31 August 2010
Sunii said:
You forgot the part where he gave you apple juice!
Oh yes. And cookies.
1 November 2013
Joe posted at 5.23pm on the 1 September 2010
I don’t often have Beatles dreams but last night I dreamt I met Yoko Ono. We were at a party and she was standing in the corner talking to nobody. Eventually I approached her, introduced myself and said I ran a Beatles website. She visibibly recoiled and said she wanted nothing to do with The Beatles, but I said no, no, no, wait a second. I explained that I was making a John Lennon section and writing about all his songs and albums. She then leaned closer and gave me some valuable advice: Don’t forget the avant-garde stuff.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
Von Bontee2.30pm
1 November 2013
I’m not very interested in Yoko’s work, but I wonder…
Is her “avant-garde stuff” from the 60’s VERY different from her 70´s “avant-garde stuff”, her 80´s “avant-garde stuff” and etc. etc. etc….?????
1 November 2013
Paulie. posted at 7.09pm on the 1 September 2010
I had a really bizarre one a couple of months ago. I was at a Beatles concert, and I was right at the front, screaming my heart out as you do, and the whole thing stopped suddenly. I got pulled up onto the stage, the other Beatles dissapeared, and I waltzed with Paul for the entirety of the dream. It was the oddest thing. I woke up with a grin the size of the Great Wall of China, though
1 November 2013
Wow Joe.. it seems you’re really working hard in the John Lennon section!!
And Paulie, what did you have for dinner?? I want that dream with George!!
1 November 2013
mithveaen said:
And Paulie, what did you have for dinner?? I want that dream with George!!
Lol I was worried about school, and I usually dream nice things when I’m worried about something. But I ate a Rice Crispie square before I went to bed, and the sugar in that was probably contributary
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