1 May 2011
1 May 2011
30 April 2011
Blue Nicey
Ringo, For The Win!!! said:
Sorry about the triple post but i had this weird dream two nights ago:
Paul ran up to me and shielded me from the crazy, drunk, strippers that were crowding the streets. “I got you luv, I got you” He kept muttering, he wasn’t my boyfriend or anything, just a good friend that I hung out with a lot. Paul and I got into his car after tearing our way through the crowd of strippers. “Okay, Paul, we need to get to your house, and fast.” I said. Paul said nothing, just drove, when an old lady came into the road and Paul swerved, hitting a pole. I tried to drag Paul out of the car on my escape jump out, but he was stuck, I was pulling so hard that I broke my wrist and the strength in my hand was fading. I had to let go, but I couldn’t. After forcing myself to let go I ran from the car and watched as it burst into flame with Paul in it (Don’t Pass Me By starts playing in the background). Just then John jumped down from a building and pointed at the old lady who had made Paul crash. (The words ‘Paul is a dead man, miss him, miss him, miss him’ repeat themselves in the background) “YOU! YOU!” He was yelling, when the Old lady shot him, and took off her costume, revealing herself as none other than Mark David Chapman. Yoko came running towards him with a rolling pin, “Why’d you kill my Johnny? He changed my diapers y’know!” She was yelling, or should I say, screeching at him. Ringo came with a gun, shot Yoko and Mark, then picked me up and brought me to safety in his house.
then I had this one last night, they’re connected somehow, I know it!:
The light was hurting, I couldn’t see, all I saw was people in robes. When I could finally see, I saw John, my friend, I tried to run to him and eventually got up with him, he randomly said to me “I’ll come back to get my revenge” Then it all faded into drops of water smearing down a wall that wasn’t there.(Revolution 9 plays in the background for a couple seconds) After everything was back normally again I shot up into an upright position, “whew, just a dream” I mutter to myself. But wait, where was Ringo, he was laying right next to me when we went to sleep! “Ringo!” I called out, “Ringo!” No answer. I sped into the living room, then I slowly walked into the kitchen fearing what I might see. At first I saw a shattered glass on the ground, with a puddle of water around it, then I walked a little more, I saw…Ringo laying on the ground, with a knife stuck in his chest, blood pouring onto the floor. But wait, there was a note on the knife, I quickly took the note but I couldn’t read it due to the tears filling my eyes. I called George and asked him to come over. He came and read the note to me, “To-Whoever Ringo’s lover is, This is for Ringo ruining my career, signed-PB” He read aloud. “Who in the name of Billy Shears is PB?” I asked George, the tears starting to go away. “I recognize those initials…PETE BEST!!! THOSE ARE PETE BEST’S INITIALS!! OUR FORMER DRUMMER UNTIL RINGO REPLACED HIM!!!” George yelled, I looked out the window, still in pain from Ringo’s death, and saw a shadowy figure with a Teddy Boy haircut and Leather, black clothes. “There he is!” I said and pointed out the balcony window, then I ran at Pete, slamming open the glass balcony door, and looking Pete straight in the eye, he was holding a revolver (the gun, not the album). George ran up and stood next to me. Pete shot George, and George fell off the balcony into the water (Ringo and I lived by a beach). Pete came up to me, only inches away from my face. “I love you, and I can’t believe you left me for that son of a (bad word inserted here), Ringo.” (This Boy plays in the background) He was telling me. “You must be freaking insane to think anyone would take YOU over Ringo!” I shot back at him. He grabbed my waist and kissed me. While he was distracted in kissing me, I slipped the Revolver out of his hand and shot him.
LOL, that is the best part of the whole thing. I really did need the clarification! Those dreams are wild, man. I would have woken up to a puddle of pee after seeing Paul being burnt alive and Ringo bleeding out on the floor.
Take that, you bad Beatle dreams!
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 May 2011
30 April 2011
Like five nights ago or something I had a dream where my mom, brother and I were moving into a house that was supposed to be haunted by ghosts and after we moved there Paul(McCartney) did too and he was paying my mom rent to live with us. So then I went to sleep but John(Lennon) kept waking me up,(he was a ghost) becuase he was slamming all the doors and windows. Becuase nobody could sleep, Paul, my mom, brother and I decided to go to a blockparty and when we were going to leave Paul was really drunk so my mom refused to let him ride with us. On the way back home, though we stopped and bought guns and put them in the trunk, and when we got back home Paul was already there and John was with him only he wasn’t a ghost anymore. They then took the guns, tied up my mom, brother and I and shot my mom and brother. Then that’s when I woke up!
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 May 2011
Okay, never hope for Politics and Beatles to mix. i had a very stupid dream where I’m in the US (Michigan), and I see President Obama getting endorsed by . Then
comes in and attacks
, and then announces he supports someone else. Then Ringo was giving the middle finger to the Canadian leader of the BQ. I hate thinking of politics with Beatles. I get enough politics in real life, I certainly don’t need to dream it.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
Beatlebug"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 May 2011
1 May 2011
1 May 2011
StrawberryLakiesha said:
Like five nights ago or something I had a dream where my mom, brother and I were moving into a house that was supposed to be haunted by ghosts and after we moved there Paul(McCartney) did too and he was paying my mom rent to live with us. So then I went to sleep but John(Lennon) kept waking me up,(he was a ghost) becuase he was slamming all the doors and windows. Becuase nobody could sleep, Paul, my mom, brother and I decided to go to a blockparty and when we were going to leave Paul was really drunk so my mom refused to let him ride with us. On the way back home, though we stopped and bought guns and put them in the trunk, and when we got back home Paul was already there and John was with him only he wasn’t a ghost anymore. They then took the guns, tied up my mom, brother and I and shot my mom and brother.Then that’s when I woke up!
Serviceable villains! That is horrible!
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 May 2011
30 April 2011
Blue Nicey said:
Ringo, For The Win!!! said:
Sorry about the triple post but i had this weird dream two nights ago:
Paul ran up to me and shielded me from the crazy, drunk, strippers that were crowding the streets. “I got you luv, I got you” He kept muttering, he wasn’t my boyfriend or anything, just a good friend that I hung out with a lot. Paul and I got into his car after tearing our way through the crowd of strippers. “Okay, Paul, we need to get to your house, and fast.” I said. Paul said nothing, just drove, when an old lady came into the road and Paul swerved, hitting a pole. I tried to drag Paul out of the car on my escape jump out, but he was stuck, I was pulling so hard that I broke my wrist and the strength in my hand was fading. I had to let go, but I couldn’t. After forcing myself to let go I ran from the car and watched as it burst into flame with Paul in it (Don’t Pass Me By starts playing in the background). Just then John jumped down from a building and pointed at the old lady who had made Paul crash. (The words ‘Paul is a dead man, miss him, miss him, miss him’ repeat themselves in the background) “YOU! YOU!” He was yelling, when the Old lady shot him, and took off her costume, revealing herself as none other than Mark David Chapman. Yoko came running towards him with a rolling pin, “Why’d you kill my Johnny? He changed my diapers y’know!” She was yelling, or should I say, screeching at him. Ringo came with a gun, shot Yoko and Mark, then picked me up and brought me to safety in his house.
then I had this one last night, they’re connected somehow, I know it!:
The light was hurting, I couldn’t see, all I saw was people in robes. When I could finally see, I saw John, my friend, I tried to run to him and eventually got up with him, he randomly said to me “I’ll come back to get my revenge” Then it all faded into drops of water smearing down a wall that wasn’t there.(Revolution 9 plays in the background for a couple seconds) After everything was back normally again I shot up into an upright position, “whew, just a dream” I mutter to myself. But wait, where was Ringo, he was laying right next to me when we went to sleep! “Ringo!” I called out, “Ringo!” No answer. I sped into the living room, then I slowly walked into the kitchen fearing what I might see. At first I saw a shattered glass on the ground, with a puddle of water around it, then I walked a little more, I saw…Ringo laying on the ground, with a knife stuck in his chest, blood pouring onto the floor. But wait, there was a note on the knife, I quickly took the note but I couldn’t read it due to the tears filling my eyes. I called George and asked him to come over. He came and read the note to me, “To-Whoever Ringo’s lover is, This is for Ringo ruining my career, signed-PB” He read aloud. “Who in the name of Billy Shears is PB?” I asked George, the tears starting to go away. “I recognize those initials…PETE BEST!!! THOSE ARE PETE BEST’S INITIALS!! OUR FORMER DRUMMER UNTIL RINGO REPLACED HIM!!!” George yelled, I looked out the window, still in pain from Ringo’s death, and saw a shadowy figure with a Teddy Boy haircut and Leather, black clothes. “There he is!” I said and pointed out the balcony window, then I ran at Pete, slamming open the glass balcony door, and looking Pete straight in the eye, he was holding a revolver (the gun, not the album). George ran up and stood next to me. Pete shot George, and George fell off the balcony into the water (Ringo and I lived by a beach). Pete came up to me, only inches away from my face. “I love you, and I can’t believe you left me for that son of a (bad word inserted here), Ringo.” (This Boy plays in the background) He was telling me. “You must be freaking insane to think anyone would take YOU over Ringo!” I shot back at him. He grabbed my waist and kissed me. While he was distracted in kissing me, I slipped the Revolver out of his hand and shot him.
LOL, that is the best part of the whole thing. I really did need the clarification!
Those dreams are wild, man. I would have woken up to a puddle of pee after seeing Paul being burnt alive and Ringo bleeding out on the floor.
Take that, you bad Beatle dreams!
Yeah, it was really creepy, I screamed when I woke up! And when I was trying to get Paul out of the car in the dream, I was clutcing a wad of my blanket! (I know this because there was a giant wrinkled wad of them that my hand was on when I woke up!!
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 May 2011
Blue Nicey said:
StrawberryLakiesha said:
Like five nights ago or something I had a dream where my mom, brother and I were moving into a house that was supposed to be haunted by ghosts and after we moved there Paul(McCartney) did too and he was paying my mom rent to live with us. So then I went to sleep but John(Lennon) kept waking me up,(he was a ghost) becuase he was slamming all the doors and windows. Becuase nobody could sleep, Paul, my mom, brother and I decided to go to a blockparty and when we were going to leave Paul was really drunk so my mom refused to let him ride with us. On the way back home, though we stopped and bought guns and put them in the trunk, and when we got back home Paul was already there and John was with him only he wasn’t a ghost anymore. They then took the guns, tied up my mom, brother and I and shot my mom and brother. Then that’s when I woke up!
Serviceable villains! That is horrible!
That is scary!!!!
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 May 2011
1 May 2011
1 May 2011
1 May 2011
1 May 2011
1 May 2011
1 May 2011
MeanMrsMustard said:
Well, Sun king, it’s actually quite simple. FiFo can change her name as much as she wants, as long as she never changes her signature.
So does that mean that I’m not allowed to change my signature, because I already did twice!!!
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 May 2011
JET! said:
Did FiFo change her name from something else? Or are you encouraging her to change it?
Yes. I want her, if she should ever change it again, to Simply Tell Us.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 May 2011
1 May 2011
You can change your signature if you want Strawberry. The thing is that if you change your name we get confused. That’s all.
Ok now back in topic, I had a nice dream yesterday. I dreamed of John singing songs in his guitar. It was a very short dream though.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
1 May 2011
I had some kind of blip in my dream last night that somebody was doing a hard rock cover of “All I’ve Got To Do.” Although, I don’t know how one coulddo a hard rock cover of that song, really.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
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