14 November 2017
Mum says Polythene Pam
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TheWalrusWasBrianStill writing the words to the sermon that no one will hear......
18 December 2017
HeyJules said
Yoko’s vocals really ruin The Continuing Story Of Bungalow Bill for me. It’s such a minor part of the song too. If it weren’t for those vocals, I’d enjoy it much more.Hello, Goodbye is decent for an occasional listen but gets very repetitive. Definitely not one of my favourites.
That was Yoko?!?! I thought it was John… and I didn’t even think it sounded like her usual “noises”.
Well, now over to the Things We Learned Today thread.
Back on topic here, I’d have to say Baby, You’re A Rich Man is the one I enjoy the least. it just never got to me.
(I asked my mum and she said, “All of them,”)
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| I don’t know how to put it here. hello for the love of god hello
The Concert for Bageldesh
Walrian here! Not Fiddy, or anyone else, actually.
15 February 2015
TheWalrusWasBrian said
(I asked my mum and she said, “All of them,”)
@TheWalrusWasBrian, not all of what Yoko does is ‘noises’. She actually can sing, like, normal stuff.
I think this song is rather cute.
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Pineapple Records, WeepingAtlasCedars([{BRACKETS!}])
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15 May 2015
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14 June 2016
Pineapple Records said
For the record, I like Yoko’s child-like singing in Bungalow Bill
I think it fits in and suits the song. Don’t have a problem with it either.
1.The Beatles 2.Sgt. Pepper 3.Abbey Road 4.Magical Mystery Tour 5.Rubber Soul 6.Revolver 7.Help! 8.Let It Be
9.A Hard Day’s Night 10.Please Please Me 11.Beatles For Sale 12.With The Beatles 13.Yellow Submarine
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18 December 2017
15 February 2015
sir walter raleigh said
Me too.
As do I.
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24 August 2012
I know every conceivable worst Beatles song has been mentioned but that won’t stop me; I could categorise them into groupings easily enough.
“Granny music s**t”-(John Lennon quote):
Ob La Di Ob La Da- Macca-ah ah ah ah
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer —–I’m not quizzical
Honey Pie —you are making me CRAZY
& yes, When I’m 64.
Whoever said I’m Only Sleeping was the worst, how do you sleep?
Plain boring sludge:
I Need You ——I think this is George’s worst Beatles song by leagues!
Flying ——-the return of 12 bar original with psychedelic overtones
Little Child ——a very rare Lennon song that I hate, there’s perhaps not another Lennon one I even dislike.
Honey Don’t ———There’s a Lennon vocal on a bootleg of this and even he said he should have sung it, but Ring needed one song per album and it SUCKED this time.
Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby —–just dreadful gutless rockless crap.
And there are of course the singles that you hear too much like Let it Be but that shouldn’t be enough to designate it as a ‘worst song’.
1 May 2011
ziggysawdust said
I know every conceivable worst Beatles song has been mentioned but that won’t stop me; I could categorise them into groupings easily enough.
“Granny music s**t”-(John Lennon quote):
Ob La Di Ob La Da- Macca-ah ah ah ah
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer —–I’m not quizzical
Honey Pie —you are making me CRAZY
& yes, When I’m 64.
Whoever said I’m Only Sleeping was the worst, how do you sleep?
Plain boring sludge:
I Need You ——I think this is George’s worst Beatles song by leagues!
Flying ——-the return of 12 bar original with psychedelic overtones
Little Child ——a very rare Lennon song that I hate, there’s perhaps not another Lennon one I even dislike.
Honey Don’t ———There’s a Lennon vocal on a bootleg of this and even he said he should have sung it, but Ring needed one song per album and it SUCKED this time.
Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby —–just dreadful gutless rockless crap.
And there are of course the singles that you hear too much like Let it Be but that shouldn’t be enough to designate it as a ‘worst song’.
Agree that John’s vocal is far superior. Ringo’s cover is fine but it sounds like a question where once he gets his answer he’ll disappear into the darkness to mope whilst she goes out clubbing.
John sounds like an accusation come threat where she better get it together or we’re heading into ‘You Can’t Do That’ and ‘No Reply ’ territory quickly.
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Beatlebug"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
15 February 2015
ziggysawdust said
Whoever said I’m Only Sleeping was the worst, how do you sleep?
I’ll agree with you wholeheartedly there.
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15 November 2018
ziggysawdust said
I know every conceivable worst Beatles song has been mentioned but that won’t stop me; I could categorise them into groupings easily enough.
“Granny music s**t”-(John Lennon quote):
Ob La Di Ob La Da- Macca-ah ah ah ah
*draws sword*
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer —–I’m not quizzical
Honey Pie —you are making me CRAZY
how dare you
& yes, When I’m 64.
Whoever said I’m Only Sleeping was the worst, how do you sleep?
Solid yes
Plain boring sludge:
I Need You ——I think this is George’s worst Beatles song by leagues!
absolutely not
Flying ——-the return of 12 bar original with psychedelic overtones
*shrug* it’s not that bad
Little Child ——a very rare Lennon song that I hate, there’s perhaps not another Lennon one I even dislike.
Honey Don’t ———There’s a Lennon vocal on a bootleg of this and even he said he should have sung it, but Ring needed one song per album and it SUCKED this time.
no way!!!!!!! stop slamming ringo, people!!!!!
Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby —–just dreadful gutless rockless crap.
And there are of course the singles that you hear too much like Let it Be but that shouldn’t be enough to designate it as a ‘worst song’.
I would categorize those as ‘overplayed’ but still good.
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BeatlebugLove one another.
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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
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2018: 2019:
24 August 2012
Well if ‘I Need You ‘ isn’t George’s worst, what is? Are they all brilliant? I think ‘Don’t Bother Me ‘ is as good as most songs on With The Beatles , I think for Harrison to have written Taxman only *one year* later than I Need You shows the massive upswing in his craft over the years 1965-66, and on the Revolver Podcast (I linked it in the Revolver album comments section under my avatar obviously) the ‘historians’ cite I Want To Tell You as their favourite SONG on Revolver , although I would disagree there. I’m not saying I loathe I Need You , I just think it is George Harrison ‘s weakest Beatles song. You could throw an Old Brown Shoe at me, but that shoe is tough and heavy and sharp, whilst I Need You hasn’t got either McCartney’s melodic highs (nor Lennon’s), or Lennon’s oomph (nor Paul’s), I think I Need You is better than over 50% of Harrison’s solo work if that’s any consolation, though the bar is set VERY low after All Things Must Pass imho.
As for Ringo bashing, another comment above highlights why I dislike his rendition and love John’s, it’s Ringo’s ‘question’ or half-hearted devotion to the lyric, which is “DON’T!” and Lennon drives that home with such fore it pushes the rock and roll out far more so.
I do not dislike Ringo, I think he has an interesting voice, and at times it’s used to great benefit, just not on this track.
And what reasons would you give for defending the Axis of Mediocrity, Honey Pie , Maxwell and Ob La Don’t?
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Beatlebug, Tangerine6.19pm
1 May 2011
I love ‘I Need You ’, there is an innocence and naivety around it that suits the song itself. Not sure there is a truly awful Harrison number. ‘IHJTDWY’ is dire, as is ‘DYWTKAS’, but Lennon wrote those and it says a lot that after the former George did a cover and then started recording his own numbers.
I fluctuate between tolerating ‘Boys ’ and hating it; the rhythm track is far better than listening to the vocals. ‘Chains ’ is also crap. I’m not that big a fan of the ‘Please Please Me ’ album as throw in the ghastly ‘A Taste Of Honey ’ and you have four tracks better off skipped and forgotten.
And since I’m beating some horrible Beatles songs; ‘Your Mother Should Know ’ is appalling. Lasts about 2 minutes yet feels like 20. If this was Paul’s proposed offering for ‘Our World’ he should be bowing down to a statue of John daily for saving his sorry ass and the world from all going to the bathroom at the same time.
Since I’ve started might as well start a massive fire.
I cannot bear listening to both ‘Penny Lane ’ and ‘Nowhere Man ’. I find both to be insufferable bores, the kind you offload onto someone else at a wedding before hiding for twenty minutes at the other end of the room and then desperately trying to avoid the rest of the evening. Tho if given the need to chose which one to hear I’d go for ‘Nowhere Man ’. I cannot state just how much I detest ‘Penny Lane ’, Paul trying far too hard to be clever, smug and cheerful and then winking at me at the end of it all to highlight how well he did all three. That this is held up to be as good as ‘SFF’ just shows how idiotic humanity can be.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
Beatlebug"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
27 November 2016
ziggysawdust said
I know every conceivable worst Beatles song has been mentioned but that won’t stop me; I could categorise them into groupings easily enough.
“Granny music s**t”-(John Lennon quote):
Ob La Di Ob La Da- Macca-ah ah ah ah
So catchy. Great tune
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer —–I’m not quizzical
I’m quizzical though
Honey Pie —you are making me CRAZY
Such a quaint song.
& yes, When I’m 64.
…is a great song.
Whoever said I’m Only Sleeping was the worst, how do you sleep?
Plain boring sludge:
I Need You ——I think this is George’s worst Beatles song by leagues!
Disagree!!! For You Blue is his worst. This is great.
Flying ——-the return of 12 bar original with psychedelic overtones
…you make it sound like you have a problem with that
Little Child ——a very rare Lennon song that I hate, there’s perhaps not another Lennon one I even dislike.
I’ve really grown to love it.
Example of a Lennon song I dislike: I Want You.
Honey Don’t ———There’s a Lennon vocal on a bootleg of this and even he said he should have sung it, but Ring needed one song per album and it SUCKED this time.
Noooooo Ringo suits this one so much better!
Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby —–just dreadful gutless rockless crap.
Of course this just proves that The Beatles did something for everyone
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15 November 2018
ziggysawdust said
Well if ‘I Need You ‘ isn’t George’s worst, what is? Are they all brilliant?
*puts on Hardcore Harrifan Hat* Yes. Yes, they are.
If you made me choose George’s ‘worst’ song I’d probably go with Piggies , but yes, they are all brilliant and none warrant a placement as Worst Beatles Song. I’m reserving that spot for Little Child
I think ‘Don’t Bother Me ‘ is as good as most songs on With The Beatles ,
Absolutely!!! Couldn’t agree more
I think for Harrison to have written Taxman only *one year* later than I Need You shows the massive upswing in his craft over the years 1965-66, and on the Revolver Podcast (I linked it in the Revolver album comments section under my avatar obviously) the ‘historians’ cite I Want To Tell You as their favourite SONG on Revolver , although I would disagree there. I’m not saying I loathe I Need You , I just think it is George Harrison ‘s weakest Beatles song. You could throw an Old Brown Shoe at me, but that shoe is tough and heavy and sharp,
HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF MY BABIES IN THIS WAY! both of those songs are wonderful.
whilst I Need You hasn’t got either McCartney’s melodic highs (nor Lennon’s), or Lennon’s oomph (nor Paul’s), I think I Need You is better than over 50% of Harrison’s solo work if that’s any consolation, though the bar is set VERY low after All Things Must Pass imho.
*clutches head* what’s this? an insult to George’s solo work?!?
I’d agree that I Need You is better than 50% of George’s solo work, but that’s because I love I Need You so unspeakably much.
As for Ringo bashing, another comment above highlights why I dislike his rendition and love John’s, it’s Ringo’s ‘question’ or half-hearted devotion to the lyric, which is “DON’T!” and Lennon drives that home with such fore it pushes the rock and roll out far more so.
That’s fair. John does do a pretty good version. I still like Ringo’s, though.
I do not dislike Ringo, I think he has an interesting voice, and at times it’s used to great benefit, just not on this track.
And what reasons would you give for defending the Axis of Mediocrity, Honey Pie , Maxwell and Ob La Don’t?
Honey Pie — whimsical, funny, very Jim McCartney-ish. Quite a pleasant tune. (I’m not saying it’s the best on the White Album or anything, but it’s quite good.)
Maxwell– I LOVE MAXWELL! It’s hilarious, George plays some killer bass, it’s an earworm in the most pleasant possible way. Such a fun song.
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da– Energetic and fun and great to sing along to. I don’t care if John didn’t like it– I think that it is wonderful.
Also, I take great issue with mmm’s apparent dislike of Penny Lane and Nowhere Man — those are two of my favorite Beatles songs, particularly Nowhere Man , with its fabulous harmonies and bass and e v e r y t h i n g which is just so amazing.
(and Holey, For You Blue is a bop, thanks very much! )
The following people thank 50yearslate for this post:
Beatlebug, ThatWeirdBeatlesGirlLove one another.
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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
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2018: 2019:
28 April 2019
Okay, so contrary to a lot of people here, I love For You Blue , Flying , and (*gasp*) I Need You . Honey Don’t is precious just for the voice crack at about 0:23, I believe. However, I have to agree with ETTBMB, it’s really a waste of George’s voice. I also agree with Little Child : as close as you can get to worst Beatles song of all time.
Here’s my list of the least enjoyable ones:
1. Little Child – Horrible. Gets stuck in your head, doesn’t come out. Most Beatles songs that are “less enjoyable” at least have promise, but Little Child really doesn’t.
2. Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby- Mentioned above.
3. Chains – Just kind of unenjoyable. I don’t really get very much from it. It’s not all that creative and has no energy.
4. Matchbox – I love Ringo’s vocals in general, but I really don’t like Matchbox . From the first verse I’m already kind of done. I still love Ringo, though.
5. When I Get Home – It feels like an unnecessary addition to a great album in general. The idea might have promise, but it wasn’t done too well, in my opinion.
I do enjoy a lot of “album fillers,” for a lot of different reasons. For example, a lot of the songs on Let it Be are just somewhat random snippets. However, I find the few seconds of Dig It and even Maggie Mae (when it’s not stuck in my head) enjoyable just for the humor of it all.
All in all, every Beatles song has something special about it. In my opinion, if you put energy into it, and you believe in it, you have created beautiful music.
Be groovy or leave, man.
-Bob Dylan
27 November 2016
ThatWeirdBeatlesGirl said
Here’s my list of the least enjoyable ones:1. Little Child – Horrible. Gets stuck in your head, doesn’t come out. Most Beatles songs that are “less enjoyable” at least have promise, but Little Child really doesn’t.
But… It’s got a ripper backing track, and it’s catchy!
2. Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby- Mentioned above.
Agree – I’m ironically listening to it right now because that’s where I am in my Beatles marathon right now, and can confirm it isn’t great.
3. Chains – Just kind of unenjoyable. I don’t really get very much from it. It’s not all that creative and has no energy.
Fair enough. I like it though…
4. Matchbox – I love Ringo’s vocals in general, but I really don’t like Matchbox . From the first verse I’m already kind of done. I still love Ringo, though.
5. When I Get Home – It feels like an unnecessary addition to a great album in general. The idea might have promise, but it wasn’t done too well, in my opinion.
Nope…. great song.
All in all, every Beatles song has something special about it. In my opinion, if you put energy into it, and you believe in it, you have created beautiful music.
So agree.
So having just finished Beatles For Sale it’s reminded me that no one has mentioned Words Of Love in this thread for a while.
I hate it so much. It sounds like they were bored out of their brain!
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15 November 2018
Why do I bother to check this thread, it
just depresses me. 🙁
Stop insulting all those covers!!!!!!
I know you’ll all hate me for saying this, but I think
ETTBMB is the best cover on Beatles For Sals.
Fight me
Love one another.
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(I'm Fiddy, not Walrian)
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2018: 2019:
30 April 2019
Okay it’s been well established that I think Little Child is the worst beatles song so I won’t go in depth on that again.
However the fact that someone would say I Need You is George’s worst when it shares an album with You Like Me Too Much completely baffles me. If I had to choose a song that was George’s worst from the Beatles for songwriting it would be that song (granted I still like it don’t worry). I Need You is so many leagues above You Like Me Too Much though, that the notion of it being his worst is insulting.
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