25 November 2016
Just for fun, I wanna know everyone’s Top 10 Beatles’ Songs.
Here’s mine:
9. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
4. Do You Want To Know A Secret
3. In My Life
2. Penny Lane
Honorable Mentions:
–With A Little Help From My Friends
[EDIT 04/29/17]
My Top 10 has changed a lot since I first made this post. I made this when I was just starting to become a Beatles fan. I wasn’t completely used to all their music yet, I hadn’t completely grown to appreciate their deeper cuts yet. This is my definite order as of now. It may change eventually, but as of now…
10. Rain
8. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
7. The End
6. Let It Be
4. Hey Jude
3. In My Life
2. Penny Lane
Honorable Mentions:
–With A Little Help From My Friends
Keep in mind that I still love the songs in my original Top 10 that didn’t make it in my new Top 10, it’s just that I grew to love other songs a lot more since I first made it.
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50yearslateAll you need is hot potatoes...
27 November 2016
Here’s mine:
7. Nowhere Man
5. Hey Bulldog
3. Glass Onion
Honorable Mentions
–Mean Mr Mustard /Polythene Pam
Quite a lot of honourable mentions, but it is so hard to narrow down 10.
#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
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23 July 2016
This is a hard topic, so I am going to limit myself in 2 ways:
1. I must’ve been alive at the time of the song’s release
2. The song must’ve been released as a single or a B-side within their lifetime
Here we go:
10. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (The Beatles, 1968)
9. Penny Lane (Non-Album Single, 1967/Magical Mystery Tour 76′ Edition, 1976)
8. Let It Be (Let It Be , 1970)
7. Get Back (Let It Be , 1970)
6. Something (Abbey Road , 1969)
5. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (The Beatles, 1968)
4. Strawberry Fields Forever (Non-Album Single, 1967/Magical Mystery Tour 76′ Edition, 1976)
3. Hey Jude (Non-Album Single, 1968/Past Masters , 1988)
2. Come Together (Abbey Road , 1969)
1. Revolution (Based off Revolution 1 (The Beatles, 1968) Non-Album single, 1968/Past Masters , 1968)
Honorable Mention:
11. Sgt. Pepper ‘s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)/A Day In The Life (Sgt. Pepper ‘s Lonely Hearts Club Band, 1967)
Maybe you should try posting more.
12 November 2015
14 February 2016
1. I’ll Be Back . (This song is so beautiful.)
2. Helter Skelter . (This one has always been a favourite of mine.)
3. There’s A Place . (Much in the same vein as I’ll Be Back .)
4. Rocky Raccoon . (George’s piano in the middling section perfects the song.)
5. Martha My Dear . (When all the instruments come in…)
6. And Your Bird Can Sing . (The perfect John song.)
7. If I Needed Someone . (I used to like this one a lot more before I heard it stereo, now it’s charisma has kinda gone down.)
8. You Never Give Me Your Money . (It’s own little separate medley!)
9. This Boy . (Another great John song.)
10. It’s All Too Much . (It is all too much, that’s what’s so great about it, it’s really overwhelming.)
I am you as you are you as you are you and you are all together.
26 January 2017
0. Abbey Road Medley/Sexy Sadie – These two never change, so I’ve removed them from the list to make it fair for some other songs.
1. Strawberry Fields Forever – This is THE psychedelic masterpiece.
2. A Day In The Life – Lennon/McCartney working as a team to perfection. It has a nice groove, with an inexplicably spooky feel throughout.
3. I’m Only Sleeping – John writing about something I find extremely relatable, but the production really takes this one to the next level.
4. Girl – A turn toward more mature songwriting inspired by Dylan. The use of the inhale is genius, as are all of the lyrics.
5. Yesterday – Most covered song of all time, and perhaps Paul’s greatest lyric. I consider this song a songwriting feat.
6. Happiness Is A Warm Gun – I count five different sections in this song, combining themes of desperation and love, psychedelic imagery, bluesy licks and vocals, and finishes off with a full on eargasm.
7. Across The Universe – One of John’s most meditative pieces. Through my entire life it has stuck with me because of its dreamy feel and soothing poetry.
8. Here Comes The Sun – Here Comes The Sun … ’nuff said.
9. Penny Lane – “He likes to keep his fire engine clean, its a clean machine. *ring a ding ding ding!* This song is ridiculously good.
10. I Should Have Known Better /Here, There, and Everywhere – These are my two favourite love songs. I think if I Should Have Known Better had been released two years later, or if John took LSD two years earlier, it would be a psychedelic masterpiece just like Here, There, and Everywhere. Instead, we have the version from A Hard Days Night, which is great, but not up to par with the production of Revolver .
I haven’t done something like this in a while, but every time I do my lists are dominated by John songs. He’s my favourite songwriter.
Here are 5 more underappreciated honorable mentions.
The following people thank sir walter raleigh for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, Ahhh Girl, WeepingAtlasCedars, Beatlebug, Von Bontee"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
26 January 2017
My list changes regularly so it will probably be different by tomorrow.
HMs: The End , With A Little Help From My Friends , Got To Get You Into My Life , Eleanor Rigby , Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown), A Hard Day’s Night , Get Back , She Loves You
2. In My Life
3. Let It Be (Album Version)
4. Something
6. Hey Jude
7. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
8. I Want You (She’s So Heavy)
9. I Wanna Hold Your Hand
10. Come Together
The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:
sir walter raleigh, BeatlebugI've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound.
19 January 2017
1. A Day In The Life (I don’t think this will ever change)
4. In My Life
8. Revolution (Single version)
The following people thank Flyingbrians for this post:
sir walter raleigh"And life flows on within you and without you" - George Harrison
1 January 2017
10. With A Little Help From My Friends
5. Baby, You’re A Rich Man
4. Hey Bulldog
3. I’m Happy Just To Dance With You
1. Lady Madonna
The following people thank SgtPeppersBulldog for this post:
WeepingAtlasCedars"Some kind of happiness is measured out in miles... "
27 November 2016
SgtPeppersBulldog said
Someone else who loves I Wanna Be Your Man !
The following people thank The Hole Got Fixed for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, Ahhh Girl, nowherecara, WeepingAtlasCedars#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
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26 January 2017
Here’s my top 10 – if I haven’t done it already.
10. I Want To Hold Your Hand – I felt their pop era had to be represented and what better way to than with this gem.
9. Hey Jude – Na, na, na, nanana Naaaa x3.. Hey Jude !!!! Say no more.
8. Yesterday – The most covered song of all time, and it’s easy to see why.
7. While My Guitar Gently Weeps – One of their strongest rock songs with great guitar from Mr Clapton.
6. In My Life – Possibly their best melody, and accompanied by some really strong instrument work and a great chord sequence.
5. Let It Be – An anthem for the ages. I personally like the album version with its horns and choppy solo best.
4. Strawberry Fields Forever – I once read that this song sounded like it was all one strange instrument, and I have to say it’s accurate. It sounds otherworldly, the manifestation of the entire Sgt Pepper era spirit in a few minutes of glory.
3. Something – Probably their strongest love song. An inventive chord sequence, a killer bridge and a great solo. Pure bliss.
2. The Abbey Road Medley – Honestly this could get number one but I feel it doesnt count enough as a single song. Still, it’s an unsurpassed achievement in pop music. It has many great moment, from the guitar lead breaks throughout, to the repitition of the You Never Give theme in Golden Slumbers to the various solos in The End and the concluding line: ‘The love you take is equal to the love you make’.
HMs: Help !, Hey Bulldog , Come Together , Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds , The Long And Winding Road , Helter Skelter , Yer Blues , Dear Prudence , With A Little Help
1. A Day In The Life – Incredible composition, great quintessential British lyrics, great instrumental work on guitar piano bass and drums. A terrifying build up to that epic concluding chord.
The following people thank QuarryMan for this post:
William Shears Campbell, William Shears Campbell, sir walter raleigh, BeatlebugI've been up on the mountain, and I've seen his wondrous grace,
I've sat there on the barstool and I've looked him in the face.
He seemed a little haggard, but it did not slow him down,
he was humming to the neon of the universal sound.
20 February 2017
QuarryMan said
2. The Abbey Road Medley – Honestly this could get number one but I feel it doesnt count enough as a single song. Still, it’s an unsurpassed achievement in pop music. It has many great moment, from the guitar lead breaks throughout, to the repitition of the You Never Give theme in Golden Slumbers to the various solos in The End and the concluding line: ‘The love you take is equal to the love you make’.
A fellow Medley lover! Golden Slumbers is my favourite little snipit in all of the medley, it’s so raw. It’s one of those songs where everyone adds a different meaning to it from their own experiences. I also love the big in Carry That Weight where Paul sings “I never gave you my pillow, I only send you my invitation”
The following people thank nowherecara for this post:
William Shears Campbell, William Shears Campbell, QuarryMan, WeepingAtlasCedarsSleep pretty darlin', do not cry.
26 January 2017
15 February 2015
QuarryMan said so I don’t need to
My list changes regularly so it will probably be different by tomorrow.
Although note that I will probably be too lazy to make another list tomorrow. Anyway, I’ve done a top ten for Pink Floyd, but never have done a Beatles one, so here I go. In no particular order:
I Will (sentimental reasons, my dad used to sing this to me as a lullaby and it’s a ridiculously good song)
Across The Universe (just the atmosphere and poetry of the lyrics)
Martha My Dear (cause it’s MINE)
Something (Just ridiculously good all round.)
Here, There And Everywhere (Also ridiculously good and atmospheric.)
If I Fell (it’s a gorgeous tune, the lyrics are excellent, and the harmonies just keep me coming back)
You Won’t See Me (I have a fondness for the upbeatness that is belied by the anger in the lyrics)
All My Loving (a fine song, gets me going every time)
Here Comes The Sun (it’s nigh impossible not to love this one)
Hey Bulldog (it was the first Beatles song I fell in love with, and it’s like a crazy party. Love it)
Damn, ten isn’t enough!
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog, Martha, WeepingAtlasCedars([{BRACKETS!}])
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18 April 2013
Right now…
I Want You (She’s So Heavy)
The following people thank Expert Textpert for this post:
SgtPeppersBulldog"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
27 February 2017
The songs are not in any order, because choosing ten eleven (I just couldn’t throw one out) was already hard enough.
Dear Prudence ( The only word I know to describe this song is… beautiful, so soft and caring)
Here, There And Everywhere (It’s nearly the same with this song )
Martha, My Dear ( I love how charming and elegant it is)
I Am The Walrus (One of my favourite songs ever, every listening opens a complete new world, there’s so much to explore!)
The End (That’s probably a sentimental decision mainly, though the guitars solo and the interaction between guitar and piano in the end really blow your mind, and than that last sentence)
While My Guitar Gently Weeps (That weeping guitar is really genius, but even the acoustic version on the Anthology album is still so moving)
Here Comes The Sun (If relief and remedy had a sound it would sound like this to me)
I’ve Just Seen A Face (I don’t know why, but I find this song so deeply touching for some reason, I can burst in tears when listening to it in certain moments)
Sexy Sadie (the interaction between John singing and George playing the guitar is so perfect)
Tomorrow Never Knows ( Do I really need to say something?)
You’re Going To Lose That Girl ( A really great Pre-Rubbersoul John song)
Honorable mentions:
Being For The Benefit Of Mr Kite
And pretty much the rest of their canon… Well nearly
The following people thank Martha for this post:
WeepingAtlasCedars, BeatlebugNot once does the diversity seem forced -- the genius of the record is how the vaudevillian "When I'm 64" seems like a logical extension of "Within You Without You" and how it provides a gateway to the chiming guitars of "Lovely Rita. - Stephen T. Erlewine on Sgt Pepper's
26 January 2017
Sexy Sadie ! 10/10
The following people thank sir walter raleigh for this post:
Martha, Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedars"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
27 November 2016
I have changed my mind a lot in the last 2 months it would seem.
10. Glass Onion
9. Lovely Rita
8. Taxman
7. Helter Skelter
6. I Want To Tell You
5. Getting Better
4. Fixing A Hole
3. Hey Bulldog
2. I Am The Walrus
1. And Your Bird Can Sing
Mean Mister Mustard and Tomorrow Never Knows are on par with Glass Onion and Lovely Rita , but 10 was asked for, so there’s my decision. But the more I listen to music, the harder this is!
I vow not to ever do this again, to help with the stress of having to leave behind so many awesome songs,
for at least the next week, probably!
Interesting how almost all lists have either TNK or HCTS on it… I wonder what that means?
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20 February 2017
So this could have been much, much longer.
1. Oh! Darling – I will fight anyone who disagrees that this isn’t some of Paul’s finest work.
2. Don’t Let Me Down
3. And I Love Her
4. Tracks 9-17 on Abbey Road
5. This Boy
6. The Night Before
7. Ticket To Ride
8. I’ve Just Seen A Face
9. No Reply
10. When I’m Sixty-Four
Very honorable mentions: I Wanna Be Your Man , I’ll Follow The Sun , Anna (Go to Him), A Taste Of Honey and We Can Work It Out
The following people thank nowherecara for this post:
sir walter raleigh, SgtPeppersBulldog, WeepingAtlasCedars, BeatlebugSleep pretty darlin', do not cry.
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