13 June 2010
Blue Jay Way is great, I love this song, and I find a lot of close-minded people bring it down for it’s difference, have you ever heard of The Beatles? Well news flash, they’re different. Blue Jay Way has to be one of Harrison’s best, and is a wonderful tune about friends (kind of).
Magical Mystery Tour is great opening song, and honestly probably the last Beatles song I ever heard of. I love how they keep on repeating “The Magical Mystery Tour is hoping to take you away” with some fun, and smart lyrics in the backround.
And, finally The Fool On The Hill may be the best. I love this song, it’s actually really sad, and slightly realistic in ways, once you really think about it. And on Glass Onion , when they play the flute like instrumental part after the lyrics “…he’s living there still” (referring to The Fool On The Hill ), it helps you appreciate the instruments on this song.
When I Twish And Shout, it makes the Girl say "What Goes On?", and than I say, "I do this Here, There and Everywhere", and than she finishes by saying "Honey Don't".
4 September 2009
Fool On The Hill is one of my favorites. Blue Jay Way had to grow on me a bit. Magical Mystery Tour is a good tune as well.
Hmmm… They’re all great.
Look Up The Number
1 May 2010
Fool On The Hill and Blue Jay Way are both fantastic, but MMT annoys me a bit.
I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
27 March 2010
I love them all!
I just think that album (Magical Mystery Tour ) has lots of underrated songs… the only ones people seem to like are I Am The Walrus , Strawberry Fields Forever , and All You Need Is Love , which are all equally as good as the rest of them; the others just haven’t been, you know…commercialized enough, I guess.
I'm in love, but I'm lazy.
5 April 2010
I agree!
I like the tempo changes in MMT. I might have to say that Fool On The Hill is one of Paul’s best. What can I say, the man can sing.
I’ve always thought Blue Jay Way is a bit underrated. It’s so trippy and ominous sounding! I suppose jet lag will do that though.
I now declare this bridge open!
1 May 2010
A Fiendish Thingy said:
I love them all!
I just think that album (Magical Mystery Tour ) has lots of underrated songs… the only ones people seem to like are I Am The Walrus , Strawberry Fields Forever , and All You Need Is Love , which are all equally as good as the rest of them; the others just haven’t been, you know…commercialized enough, I guess.
Yeah I agree, Your Mother Should Know has always been my favorite on the album…well except for Strawberry Fields but that’s just kind of a hard one to beat.
I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
14 December 2009
Any day now, I’m going to post my “Alternate History Tour” album for download – it’s my imaginary psychedelic double-LP that the Beatles “released” in early 1968, consisting of all the (released) songs the Beatles recorded between November ’66 and February ’68 (except the ones that ended up on Sgt. Pepper ), in new contexts, with lotsa silly effects and spoken-word stuff and samples from other Beatles tracks and rarities, all from the same time period, added on top – it’s a real mess! (Took me hundreds of hours, too.) I’d appreciate getting some feedback from anyone who checks it out.
(Sorry if this post seems off-topic, but it’s really not: “Blue Jay Way “, “Fool On The Hill” and “Magical Mystery Tour ” are all part of the “album”)
Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
14 April 2010
Blue Jay Way : You can actually hear the fog!
Magical Mystery Tour : I like the way the musical montage fades away at the end – you can almost see the bus fading out of view.
The Fool On The Hill : It’s the best Beatles song that features a Beatle skipping down a hillside. There; I found something nice to say about it.
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
21 August 2009
Blue Jay Way is a song to listen to with your eyes closed- your body naturally moves to it. Please don’t be long… Really dig it.
MMT is not bad, a little campy if anything, but I do like it. I like when John interjects every so often while you hear Paul or George wailing away in the background. It’s got everything you need!
The Fool On The Hill is a great tune. I identify with what it’s about and Paul’s voice just soars especially at the prolonged Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh!
I have spoken. (Heh!)
Tongue, lose thy light. Moon, take thy flight… see ya, George!
27 February 2010
MMT and TFOTH are ok, but I really hate Blue Jay Way . I can`t stand it. It’s a horrible song, bad-trippy.
I'd like to say "thank you" on behalf of the group and ourselves and I hope we passed the audition.
John Lennon
1 May 2010
Zig said:
The Fool On The Hill : It’s the best Beatles song that features a Beatle skipping down a hillside. There; I found something nice to say about it.
But thats a naughty part . You can see Paul’s…
Fool on the hill is most likey in the top three Paul songs. I love the tune and the sound. Paul deserves the cheers from me to that song.
But the fool on the hill
Sees the sun going down
1 May 2010
BeatleBaby18 said:
Zig said:
The Fool On The Hill : It’s the best Beatles song that features a Beatle skipping down a hillside. There; I found something nice to say about it.
But thats a naughty part
. You can see Paul’s…
You can see what??? Where??????????
Edit : I just saw the video. OMG .. was Paul with his zipper down when he was running down??????
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
I like Blue Jay Way , oddly.
It’s unique and George sounds quite ahem sexy singing in such a “high” way.
The song is obviously about LSD, too, which is cool, I suppose…
Thursday night your stockings needed mending.
Calm down, it was a belt… I once saw a site which took a load of screengrabs to determine exactly what it was. I’m pretty convinced Paul didn’t expose himself.
Can buy me love! Please consider supporting the Beatles Bible on Amazon
Or buy my paperback/ebook! Riding So High – The Beatles and Drugs
Don't miss The Bowie Bible – now live!
1 May 2010
Joe said:
Calm down, it was a belt… I once saw a site which took a load of screengrabs to determine exactly what it was. I’m pretty convinced Paul didn’t expose himself.
A friend of mine who is good analyzing those videos told me the same thing. Phew. Now let go back to our normal dosis of Beatles nudity.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
1 May 2010
Marcelo said:
MMT and TFOTH are ok, but I really hate Blue Jay Way . I can`t stand it. It’s a horrible song, bad-trippy.
From the 3 songs, I think I don’t like MMT that much. But I like Blue Jay Way . I love to play it just to bother my neighbors
(Not that I’m a bad neighbor, but they keep their dogs tied to a chain almost every day and the poor dogs howl endlessly. It drives us nuts. But the dogs stop when I play Beatles loudly. Maybe they’re Beatle fans in disguise.)
Edit Sorry for the double post.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
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