18 April 2010
Alissa said:
McLerristarr said:
Alissa said:
PeterWeatherby said:
It’s from the album, believe it or not. 🙂
Wow, really? I guess I have had the wrong version all along! My whole life has been a lie!
I’ll have to go download that… I wonder what version I have?The same thing happened with Mean Mr. Mustard and me… I had the Anthology version for months thinking it was the album version (I didn’t know any better at the time!) until I was at a friend’s house and she played it, and I said “…what!’
Ah, well! Time to go hunt it down!
You see, you don’t get these problems if you buy music legally.I pay for my downloading service, thank you.
I’ll be getting the stereo/mono remasters soon anyways, so it’ll all come together.
You pay for it? I’m sorry.
4 April 2010
1 May 2010
PeterWeatherby said:
The second installment is up, highlighting a few special spots on With the Beatles.
Tell me about your favorite “bits” on this album, won’t you?
Of course!! Although I haven’t heard enough With the Beatles (I might correct that by uploading onto my mp3 player) I must say I agree with you in all of the bits but these are other things I love.
It won’t be longer : Those yeah-yeah.. man I love them. I can picture John and Paul looking at each other singing. I love Ringo’s drums when they finish the chorus with “It won’t be longer yeah till I belong to you” just when John enters with “Since..” he does something that he repeats a lot and maybe he does it a lot of songs, but I love it in this one.
All I’ve Got To Do : The “I” in “Whenever I ..” and in “When I…” the way he drags the I .. I love it! and the last scream in the I when he sings I’ll be there…. Man I feel cheating on George..
All My Loving : Ditto.
Don’t bother me : I dunno but I feel George was smiling with some chorus in this song, after all it was his first song. Now was he double-tracking? Because if he did, in the first “I know I’ll never be the same” when he sings “the” you can hear like an echo or something special that I can’t figure out.
Little Child .- In the last “dance with me” before the fading you mention, they kind of scream that word don’t they?
Till There Was You : Ditto.
Please Mr. Postman : Man, this song is hard to choose something I adore. I love it. John really makes me believe he’s waiting for a love letter. And how John joins and leaves the chorus to sing his part. The part that makes me feel chills is when in the final part, in the first “You gotta wait a minute..” how the 3 join their voices, and later, when they stop playing and clap. It’s one of my Beatles favorite since I’m a teen for very very personal reasons. It gives me goosebumps when I hear it.
Roll Over Beethoven : Ditto!! I love the analogy with an engine!! I also love the “Well you fell you like it” and the “ooohs” after “A rockin two by two”
Hold Me Tight : Ditto.
I Wanna Be Your Man : Ditto. The “eh” screams and all.. they’re just having pure fun. It’s one of my Ringo favorites.
Not A Second Time : I must start reading more info in The Beatle Bible instead of being here in the forums because I thought the final part was Paul and John!!
Money : Actually I always laugh at the lyrics “The best things in life are free, but you can keep those for the birds and bees” because.. well you know .. the bees LOL!!! And the nerve of John singing “Just give me money” to his girl.. that song makes me smile a lot, like saying “Look at this … man… asking me for money!!” But they’re the Beatles and they can ask of me whatever they want 🙂
Wow I love this!!! And let me guess : Your favorite bit of A Hard Day’s Night is .. the chord?? I’m looking forward to the next episode of the series.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
21 August 2009
Just a query- is AHDN written yet? I took a look at your blog and couldn’t find it!
Tongue, lose thy light. Moon, take thy flight… see ya, George!
9 February 2012
During the session, Lennon changed a line in the chorus to “Baby, you‘re a rich fag jew“.
there is a more prominent line of the chorus near the very end of the song, and it sort of sounds like John is saying the above (which of course is very insensitive).
"'I Dig a Pygmy', by Charles Hawtrey and the Deaf Aids... Phase One, in which Doris gets her oats!"
9 February 2012
I really like the poignancy that John sings the following lines from I Should Have Known Better (the song where Patti Boyd is constantly laughing bashfully in HDN):
You’re gonna say you love me, too, oh oh oh o_oh.
And when I ask you to be mine, mi_hi_iiine,
You’re gonna say you love me, too
"'I Dig a Pygmy', by Charles Hawtrey and the Deaf Aids... Phase One, in which Doris gets her oats!"
27 November 2016
Elmore James said
During the session, Lennon changed a line in the chorus to “Baby, you‘re a rich fag jew“.there is a more prominent line of the chorus near the very end of the song, and it sort of sounds like John is saying the above (which of course is very insensitive).
This claim is generally regarded as an urban legend – there’s no evidence to suggest this is true, and was likely fabricated by someone else.
#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
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24 June 2019
Elmore James said
I really like the poignancy that John sings the following lines from I Should Have Known Better (the song where Patti Boyd is constantly laughing bashfully in HDN):That when I tell you that I love you, ohhhYou’re gonna say you love me, too, oh oh oh o_oh.
And when I ask you to be mine, mi_hi_iiine,
You’re gonna say you love me, too
I love John’s voice in this song…. well… in all of the songs really.
Turn off your stream, relax and float down mind
1 November 2013
I don’t remeber them singing about rocks much.
They did bring up a gem in Can’t By Me Love. Where you ask? Well you now have to play the song to find out.
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed7.51pm
28 March 2014
PeterWeatherby said
For those of us who have been more than casual listeners to the music of The Beatles, I suspect many of us have favorite bits and pieces within each song, those segments that we look forward to hearing – a musical line, a guitar riff, a vocal flip, a drumming pattern, or whatever. The first article, exploring Please Please Me
What are your favorite bits and bites from this album?
BEATLES Music gives me Eargasms!
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