Written by: Lennon-McCartney-Harrison-Starkey
Recorded: 28 November 1967
Producer: George Martin
Engineer: Geoff Emerick
Released: 4 December 1995
John Lennon: vocals, bass drum
Paul McCartney: vocals, piano
George Harrison: vocals, acoustic guitar
Ringo Starr: vocals, drums, tap dancing
George Martin: vocals
Victor Spinetti: vocals, tap dancing
Mal Evans: spoken word
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15 May 2015
Interestingly, Joe’s discography above lists the songwriters in this order:
“Written by: Lennon-McCartney-Harrison-Starkey”.
Meanwhile, the album credits for Ringo’s 1999 album, I Wanna Be Santa Claus (as catalogued on the Discogs website), lists them like so:
“Written-By – George Harrison , John Lennon , Paul McCartney , Richard Starkey”.
Was this Ringo’s unassuming way of restoring the proper order of who was responsible for this song’s writing?
The following people thank Pineapple Records for this post:
BeatlebugA ginger sling with a pineapple heart,
a coffee dessert, yes you know it's good news...
1 May 2011
Ringo’s is alphabetical, Joe’s is in order of how they joined and the most common way when reciting their names. I doubt George was most responsible for the song.
Interesting alphabetically it’s the same going by surname and forename when listing the Beatles in such a way.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
Beatlebug, Pineapple Records, WeepingAtlasCedars, Ahhh Girl"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
15 May 2015
meanmistermustard said
Ringo’s is alphabetical, Joe’s is in order of how they joined and the most common way when reciting their names. I doubt George was most responsible for the song.Interesting alphabetically it’s the same going by surname and forename when listing the Beatles in such a way.
One problem with that theory: some other songs on that same album on that same discography site don’t list songwriter names alphabetically. Examples:
Winter Wonderland
Written-By – Richard B. Smith*, Felix Bernard
The Little Drummer Boy
Written-By – Harry Simeone, Henry V. Onorati*, Katherine K. Davis
The following people thank Pineapple Records for this post:
BeatlebugA ginger sling with a pineapple heart,
a coffee dessert, yes you know it's good news...
27 November 2016
So I was just listening to this song, because I felt like it (even though there’s still at least 50 days…)
I don’t know of other versions, but the one from the Free As A Bird EP is the one I was listening to.
It sounds like a monitor mix – is it, and if so, was there ever an actual mix of it made, or was it only ever this mix?
#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
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17 October 2013
Remember very clearly in ’67 playing along to this with my mum’s knitting needles…. slapping out the simple drum pattern on a leather pouffe….. a very satisfying sound.
I recall thinking after packing cases and the like………. Ringo should try the knitting needles and pouffe combination.
The following people thank Wigwam for this post:
Ahhh Girl, SgtPeppersBulldog, vonbontee2.48am
17 December 2012
The 1995 mix is not a monitor mix, @The Hole Got Fixed. It was newly created for the Anthology project, with Christmas greetings originally recorded for a couple of radio stations in 1966 clumsily “flown-in”.
There is a mix of the song on bootleg that was done the day after recording by GM, and from which extracts were taken to edit together the 1967 Christmas fan-club flexi. This original mix has never been officially released.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
The Hole Got Fixed"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
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The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
27 November 2016
Ok, thank you @Ron Nasty. It’s fairly poor quality, which led me to believe the only thing that existed was a monitor mix. Very interesting to learn, thank you very much.
Ron Nasty said
There is a mix of the song on bootleg that was done the day after recording by GM, and from which extracts were taken to edit together the 1967 Christmas fan-club flexi. This original mix has never been officially released.
Food for thought…
#AppleHoley2024: Make America Great For The First Time
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5 December 2018
Christmas Time Is Here Again could maybe have become a classic Christmas song, if the Beatles had worked more with it. The song was used on the Christmas record distributed to the members of the official Beatles fan club.
The following people thank EchoNov for this post:
Richard, Beatlebug12.07pm
22 December 2013
EchoNov said
Christmas Time Is Here Again could maybe have become a classic Christmas song
It IS “a classic Christmas song”… would’ve closed out Side One of the ‘Magical Mystery Tour ‘ album ahead of ‘I Am The Walrus ‘ quite nicely… or, anywhere else on Side One for it’s crystal clear where all of these, including ‘Blue Jay Way ‘ and especially ‘Flying ‘, blast off of from the Launchpad… the same ‘Magical’ ingredient when life was never the same again afterwards… “RINGO!!!”…:-)
18 April 2013
11 September 2018
As it’s nearly Christmas (!) I thought I should admit that this is the only Beatles song I’ve never heard (well, that and Carnival Of Light ).
17 October 2013
Tony Japanese said
As it’s nearly Christmas (!) I thought I should admit that this is the only Beatles song I’ve never heard (well, that and Carnival Of Light ).
Merry Christmas
1 May 2011
9 March 2017
1 May 2011
This is an unexpected and weird one. Had no idea Rock Band was still in existence never mind releasing new material, and it’s a track that seems to have been forgotten about for 25 years. Very cool and welcome to see tho as it is a really enjoyable Christmas song – and I love John’s Scottish poem.
Edit: Wait a minute. This is a fan project so not legit which makes far more sense. No idea how it’s done but still very cool if it allows people to play new songs and keep the game alive and active.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
William Shears Campbell"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
4 September 2019
13 November 2021
Hello everybody, this is my first post in the forum. Thanks to all who share your love for the Beatles.
I’m looking for the original version of the song Christmas Time (Is Here Again). I have one that is 6’12” long. I’ve read that on 23 April 1976, a full version running 6:42 was mixed for mono. Is that version anywhere?
And if you have info about that recording session it will be welcome!
Leon, from Argentina
26 January 2017
Hey @Leon
There are a few copies for sale here of varying quality. You could get lucky at a local record shop as well, although Im not aware of what the availability of Beatles vinyl is in Argentina.
"The pump don't work cause the vandals took the handles!"
-Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues
"We could ride and surf together while our love would grow"
-Brian Wilson, Surfer Girl
17 December 2012
That’s the fan-club flexi, @sir walter raleigh, not the full unedited take of the song.
So far as I’m aware, @Leon (and welcome to the forum), the full 6:37 take of the song hasn’t leaked, only the 6:12 edit, with a 3:03 edit being released on the Free As A Bird single. You can read more about the song in Joe’s song article here, and the 28 November 1967 recording session here.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
sir walter raleigh, Rube"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
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