15 February 2015
QuarryMan said
If I’m out of the house Apple earphones do the job just fine, as I feel rather self conscious going about with a huge pair of headphones on my head looking like some sort of cyborg.
I really don’t care how I look with my headphones — I got over that ages ago. I do care about having to haul them around, though, bulky things they are.
Personally, I’m a bit of an audiophile, but it doesn’t bother me if I have to listen in less-than-ideal conditions on occasion. I feel like I’ve heard their stuff enough to earn my right to low fidelity on occasion.
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7 November 2017
didn’t have time to read all the pages here, but assume there’d be some consensus that the early stuff in particular is best heard in mono, back when the stereo pan placements were often very extreme left & right. We have been conditioned to expect vocals panned in the middle, along with bass, kick & snare, with a nice wide spread on the drum kit, recorded on different channels (which were in far shorter supply), and other parts balanced on either side. From what I understand, the Fabs themselves paid far more attention to the mono mixes, and the stereo mixes were an afterthought, looked after by G M & the engineer, if I recall correctly.
Even the later stuff has some of those 60’s peculiarities with the stereo mixing, but we do get more isolation of parts, which can be cool in listening to what an individual part is doing. It can seem disjointed however, particularly on headphones.
Would love to try what I read about Graham Nash visiting Neil Young at his farm, and Neil wanting to show them his latest recording project:
He's a Clean Man
12 December 2019
28 March 2014
28 February 2020
20 August 2013
Dingle Lad said
by any means necessary
Here’s a thread to use to discuss CD or LP, Spotify or YouTube, headphones or speakers, etc. in relation to the Beatles (which would, presumably, cover other groups and artists too).
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Dingle LadCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
27 November 2016
20 August 2013
LOL. I meant use this thread. Sorry my message was confusing.
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The Hole Got FixedCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
28 February 2020
28 February 2020
I am curious as to how you listen to music. Do you stream? If so, what services do you use? Are you still using physical media such as CDs or vinyl? Maybe you really go retro and play cassette or reel to reel.
I am walking on both sides of the fence. I have a large CD collection (somewhere around 5000) yet I’ve digitized nearly my whole collection into both FLAC and MP3 and honestly that’s how I prefer to listen. I won’t get into the whole vinyl vs. CD discussion other then to say that I own no vinyl and I prefer to call them records.
As for streaming services, at the moment I am subscribed to both Amazon and Apple. I have a little used Spotify account as well. Apple comes through my phone company and I use Amazon Prime quite frequently. For whatever reason Amazon has treated me to their HD package for three months. The problem is most of my streaming is done from the car and being locked down and working from home I don’t drive much right now. In fact my car got filled up two Fridays ago and there’s still over three quarters of a tank of gas. Another side effect of the lockdown is that broadband has went into the toilet.
Obviously the Beatles are my favorite band so let’s use them as an example. Ok, an extreme example.
If you look at the pictures in my profile you’ll see how much I really have. But honestly I don’t play them all that much.
But really I want to hear from other members. Are you streaming and if so which platform ?Are you still using physical media? Are you like me and walking a tightrope between the two.
I’ll never give up physical media entirely, nor will I give ever quit streaming totally. I have to have the hard copy but I thrive on the convenience that streaming has given. However if I like something and purchasing a physical unit isn’t possible, I will purchase the download. The Beatles 1963 Bootleg collection from iTunes is a perfect example.
So sound off and let us know your preference s
What is happening? And tell me how you've been.
28 February 2020
13 January 2019
I use Spotify about 95% of the time, but I also have CDs for the car and a handful of vinyl records. My favourite way to listen to the Beatles is queueing (that doesn’t look like a word ) a bunch of songs on Spotify and listening to them with headphones while lying on my bed and closing my eyes. If I pick the right songs and I manage to not get Spotify ads, it’s like a drug-free psychedelic experience.
The following people thank Getbackintheussr for this post:
Dingle LadP E A C E & L O V E
Without going out of my door, I can know all things on Earth...
28 February 2020
So you don
Getbackintheussr said
I use Spotify about 95% of the time, but I also have CDs for the car and a handful of vinyl records. My favourite way to listen to the Beatles is queueing (that doesn’t look like a word) a bunch of songs on Spotify and listening to them with headphones while lying on my bed and closing my eyes. If I pick the right songs and I manage to not get Spotify ads, it’s like a drug-free psychedelic experience.
So you use the free version, I take it. I don’t mind the vocal part of the ads but I hate how it takes over the screen. The time between I got my first Car CD player and first mp3 player was short. I usually plugged that into either a cassette adapter or auxiliary jack. The road here in Michigan are and have always been horrible and can really do a number on CDs. Now my car doesn’t have a CD player and the aux jack is very well hidden, almost like they want you to use bluetooth.
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GetbackintheussrWhat is happening? And tell me how you've been.
14 June 2016
I prefer to listen to music via earphones, but after being home alone I’ve been using my laptop. Really enjoying it.
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lovelyritametermaid1.The Beatles 2.Sgt. Pepper 3.Abbey Road 4.Magical Mystery Tour 5.Rubber Soul 6.Revolver 7.Help! 8.Let It Be
9.A Hard Day’s Night 10.Please Please Me 11.Beatles For Sale 12.With The Beatles 13.Yellow Submarine
Most Avid John Fan 2020 and 2021:
5 December 2019
I use earphones or speakers connected to my phone, on which I stream Apple Music
However, I am saving up for a turntable so I can start collecting physical vinyl records and listen to music that way (and so my dad finally hands over to me his Grateful Dead and Jerry Garcia vinyl collection)
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Dingle Lad"....When I cannot sing my heart, I can only speak my mind...."
"....This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around...."
||She/They ||
28 February 2020
I run my laptop or phone through external speaker sources never through their internal speakers. We have a couple of old school component stereos, one in the basement and one in the living room. In the guest room / den where I’m currently working I have a sound bar. As for the phone I’m blue toothed out: portable speaker, Air pods and both vehicles are blue tooth ready.
Those rare occasions I do play CDs the blue rays work nicely but I’d like a better interface on the players themselves.
What is happening? And tell me how you've been.
28 March 2014
28 February 2020
Bongo said
Sold off my CD collection once I put everything in iTunes. Sounds great on the home stereo, in my truck & with headphones walking the dog.I own the original UK Beatles records, but only play them for s***s & giggles…
It puts joy into my heart to hear someone call them records
What is happening? And tell me how you've been.
14 June 2016
I listen to both CDs and records as I collect both. I’m thinking of maybe getting a hold of some Beatles cassettes too as a novelty, but of course, I’ll also listen to them because why else have them. However, with my busy schedule, it seems nowadays I listen to the collection on my phone(or my CDs ripped onto an SD card) in my car via Bluetooth to the car speakers. Although now because of the virus and quarantine I’ve been trying to break out my physical music.
The following people thank William Shears Campbell for this post:
Dingle LadHere | There | Everywhere
It's ya boi! The one and only Billy Shears (AKA Paul's Replacement)
"Sometimes I wish I was just George Harrison" - John Lennon
28 February 2020
In the guest room/den, where I’m doing my work from home, I have about eighty CDs ready to be ripped, when I moved my work computer in there I lost the space where I did my ripping. I imagine I’ll have to move operations for that into the living room.
As far as listening to physical product, the rest of the CDs are in the basement. As I said before I have my 00’s vintage stereo and also a 55″ flat screen down there so it’s set up like a man cave with a bar area included. I have multiple options for listening to CDs but I don’t do it much. Mostly I’ve listened to what hi-res DVD or Blu-rays I have.
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