16 December 2013
On vinyl! I am a proud owner of all the Beatles albums on vinyl, actually. Even though I started listening to them on the computer through cheap earphones, and it is usually so that I prefer the way I was first introduced to something, but I can’t even describe the special feeling I got when I first played them on my dad’s record player.
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trcanberra, fourcoolbeatles, Beatlebug, Vic Barrett1.52pm
28 March 2014
ScrambledEggs said
On vinyl! I am a proud owner of all the Beatles albums on vinyl, actually. Even though I started listening to them on the computer through cheap earphones, and it is usually so that I prefer the way I was first introduced to something, but I can’t even describe the special feeling I got when I first played them on my dad’s record player.
Nice to hear SE. Going from cheap headphones from a computer to an actually stereo system with Turntable must have been HUUUUGE!
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ScrambledEggs BEATLES Music gives me Eargasms!
15 May 2015
11 June 2015
My main method of listening to the Beatles music in the 60s was on transistor/car radios and the family stereo. The phonograph sat on a little table and consisted of a small built-in speaker and an additional speaker connected by a five foot chord. It was all pretty primitive but I had never heard rock music any other way, so the listening experience seemed just fine. As the 60s were winding down I was the soundman for a show we were putting on in high school. We needed some classical music to play as the audience arrived and the art teacher offered to loan us some albums. He was a tall blond Swedish immigrant to California who was always friendly with the long hairs and let us hang out in the art studio. Anyway I went to pick up the records and he played for me the portions of classical music he thought would be appropriate for the show. His stereo equipment was like nothing I’d ever seem consisting of stacks of flashing components, a calibrated turntable and 5 slotted speaker towers taller than myself (plus a mystery box that actually shook the floor). He was really getting into it saying stuff like “now listen to when the cello kicks in” but I wasn’t too interested in that type of music then. Anyway we were ready to wrap things up and he asked me if there was anything I’d like to listen to. So…I asked him if he had any Beatle records. He said sure and pulled Rubber Soul out of the rack. He suggested I sit right next to the speaker which I did as he queued up Nowhere Man . The experience was a true enlightenment, like a partially deaf person hearing clearly for the first time; the interplay between the rhythm instruments which was such a hallmark of the Beatles, the backing vocals adding so much soul and guiding the melody, George crashing into the song with his electric lead and leaving just as quickly with a buzzzzzzz (or was it a beep). But the best of all was John’s emotional vocal. It sounded so tonally resonant and pure, the “Nowhere Man don’t worry” section putting me into a dream. In fact it wasn’t until I was on my way home that I started wondering why was Nowhere Man on the Rubber Soul album. I didn’t find out until years later that there were 2 versions. Anyway since then I’ve always tried to take advantage of high-end Beatle listening opportunities. I definitely recommend checking it out, especially for the younger Fabs who have only been able to listen to the Beatles on their phones and such.
The following people thank sigh butterfly for this post:
Ahhh Girl, Shamrock Womlbs, Beatlebug, ewe2, Vic BarrettYou and I have memories
Longer than the road that stretches out ahead
20 August 2013
Sun King said
Sun King said
If you don’t want to actually chemically alter your mind but you want that “experience”, you could try these out.
Now, ‘mood’ glasses can make you trip
A Hungarian artist has created ‘Mood’ spectacles that simulate hallucinations using patterned lenses, which can be rotated to create optical illusions. The 3D printed frames look like a cross between John Lennon ‘s round spectacles and a pair of Elton John’s more extravagant sunglasses.
Designed by Bence Agoston, the frames hold a combination of six lenses that can be layered to create more intense visual effects — the type a person might experience if they took LSD, for example, Fast Company reported.
Each lens is based on optical effects such as the Moire pattern — which relies on two transparent patterns being overlaid while displaced or rotated a small amount — and filters green, red or blue light. Three lenses can be layered up at once and rotated so that patterns dance before the wearer’s eyes, reports the Daily Mail.
“Rotated relative to each other, the vision is changing for the wearer,” the artist writes on the Behance design website. He designed the specs with the goal of making the experience of music listening to psychedelic music complete.
x-posted to The tricky thread about listening to the Beatles while *altered*…
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I was the walrus, Vic BarrettCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
28 July 2015
28 March 2014
15 February 2015
In the dark, or with your sense of sight otherwise disabled. It makes you hear EVERYTHING about five times clearer… it’s really transcendental. I once rocked the Abbey Road medley in the night with the sound really low and my ears right next to the speakers. BLISS.
The following people thank Beatlebug for this post:
sigh butterfly, I was the walrus([{BRACKETS!}])
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4 September 2009
I built a pretty decent system specifically for the vinyl issues.
So for the sit and listen*…
Onkyo TX-8050 (2 channel) none of the surround stuff here
Music Hall MMF-2.1 (stays in the runout groove when done)
Klipsch Reference Series RB-51 II
For the iPod
recorded from mono vinyl
Bose QC 25 with noise cancellation on
*Mono vinyl is preferred
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Zig, trcanberraLook Up The Number
14 April 2010
c64wood said
Music Hall MMF-2.1 (stays in the runout groove when done)
So, the run out groove from Pepper plays until infinity and beyond? Awesome – that’s what the band/George M. had in mind when they threw that in.
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
15 February 2015
Zig sang over the crackle of 78 rpm vinyl surface noise
c64wood declared boldly
Music Hall MMF-2.1 (stays in the runout groove when done)
So, the run out groove from Pepper plays until infinity and beyond? Awesome – that’s what the band/George M. had in mind when they threw that in.
(or whatever it sounds like to you)
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17 December 2012
Unless I’m listening to it backwards, of course, and then it sounds like…
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Beatlebug, trcanberra"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
14 April 2010
15 February 2015
I heard it interpreted as ‘Nevercouldseeanyotherwaynevercouldseeanyotherwaynevercouldseeanyotherwaynevercouldseeanyotherway’ once and so I also hear that, at the same time as the other. Very queer.
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22 July 2015
18 March 2013
Zig said
Nevertoseeanyotherwaynevertoseeanyotherwaynevertoseeanyotherwaynevertoseeanyotherwaynevertoseeanyotherway…Cool how the same mashed up voices can sound like different words to different ears.
Jim could well have been
Nah what I hear is “nevercouldseeanyotherway”
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
1 May 2011
15 February 2015
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