17 February 2014
From what I understand from this website, I have some iteration of a tape copy of the Get Back sessions Glyn Johns acetates. I inherited this from my father who was a music producer in the 70’s and 80’s, he said it was a gift he received. That’s really all I knew about it. Then a few years ago I finally had an engineer friend with a reel-to-reel dub it for me to digital, and I was quite surprised what I heard. Terribly rough recordings, John and Paul mixing up the verses on Two of Us, the sounds of of mircophones being moved around, a 7 minute rough version of Teddy Boy , etc. The weird thing is, it’s not an uncut recording from start to finish. You can tell when the recording stops and starts up again. The track list is as follows:
1: Get back
2: Teddy Boy
3: Two of Us
4: Dig A Pony (which transitions directly into…)
7: Let it Be
8: Don’t Let Me Down (at this point, and I’m hoping it was just his machine, but the dubbed audio start to get a lot of ‘tape warble’ and towards the end of the song it’s pretty much indiscernible as a Beatles song)
So, there you have it. I’d like to know if I can get this certified/appraised/whathaveyou because frankly, I’m pretty hard up for money right now. Can anyone share their knowledge on how to determine the value of this, if it’s even valuable? Thank you.
– Justin
17 February 2014
Oh yeah, I meant to post a picture. Thanks again.
1 November 2013
4 February 2014
IveJustSeenAFaceo Said:
Well, first of all you should PM me and send me the files. Second, this is pretty cool. I’m not the expert in this kind of stuff. I’d ask either mja6758 or meanmistermustard.
That’s what I was thinking as soon as I saw the topic!
It should be worth something, so if you need money you should probably get it appraised by someone who is knowledgable in the area.
Np matter what, it’s definately cool!
17 December 2012
Much would depend on its level of authenticity – that is whether it is an original, that was at one time in the hands of Glyn Johns or Apple, or whether it is a copy or copy of a copy. It was not unheard of people in the recording industry to run off copies for friends. This is how much studio material (Beatles and others) entered the “bootleg” market.
It is likely to have some value, most things do, but the level of its authenticity, and any provenance you have, would affect that value a great deal. The major auction houses all have regular “rock and pop memorabilia” auctions, and have experts who would be able to assess what it is properly. That would be the route I would suggest, contact them with a history, perhaps including your father’s name, and the studios and artists he worked with, and the picture you have included here.
They will then decide if it may have a value that makes it worth further examination, to establish things like when the actual tape reel was manufactured.
You have to go into it without any wild expectations though. You are far more likely to discover it is a copy or a copy of a copy, than a tape Glyn Johns gave someone, which then passed through various hands.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
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The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
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