10 August 2011
The best songs are the ones that make you jump out of your seat.
Those are usually the ones he’s never done live since the Beatle break-up – or the ones you’ve never heard live before.
The Flowers In The Dirt tour was the most amazing in that respect.
That was his first tour since Wings Over America and the first time he really let loose with the Beatle songs.
A particular thrill are the songs he’s NEVER EVER done live. I’ll never forget the crowd going wild when he did “Sgt Pepper ” and the Abbey Road finale on that tour. The place went nuts.
But the same is true the first time he did 1985, Mrs. Vanderbilt, ….
“Live And Let Die ” is absolutely awesome – especially if the special effects take you by surprise.
Then there are songs you don’t care for so much on the studio album but somehow sound better live. For me that would inlcude “Band On The Run ” and “Jet .” The ulitmate winner in that category is “My Love” – a song that slightly nauseates me. But in concert (Back in the U.S. tour?) his voice was fantastic – reminiscent of the Hey Jude fade out; definitely worth a listen.
"Into the Sky with Diamonds" (the Beatles and the Race to the Moon – a history)
1 November 2013
Jet and Calico Skies from Good Evening New York City are my two favorite versions of any songs.
(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
14 April 2010
I love it when an act opens a show with a kick-ass song to set the mood for the rest of the night. That is why I really dig ‘Venus And Mars ‘/’Rock Show’ from the Rockshow DVD and ‘Drive My Car ‘ from Good Evening New York City .
Honorable mention goes to the live performance of ‘Mull Of Kintyre ‘ (my favorite post-Beatles song from Macca). Did he have the bagpipes played on a keyboard? Hey-ell no.
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
18 March 2013
Calico Skies, the accordion really adds to the song (it’s better live than the studio version I believe).
Honorable mentions:
Live And Let Die (Obviously)
Only Mama Knows
And of course Mull Of Kintyre
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
28 March 2014
20 August 2013
Bongo said
I was pleasantly surprised a few years back in Montreal, Canada when Paul & the band belted out Mrs. Vandebilt. Ho-Ha-Ho, Ho-HA-Ho, Ho-HA-Ho, Ho-HA-Ho! Freakin’ Awesome! Wasn’t expecting that!!!!
@Bongo, that is the song they did at the concert in Memphis last May that turned me into a raving fan of Paul McCartney (of course I then found my way to The Beatles). You all can blame that song for me being on the forum today.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
14 April 2010
Ahhh Girl said
@Bongo, that is the song they did at the concert in Memphis last May that turned me into a raving fan of Paul McCartney (of course I then found my way to The Beatles). You all can blame that song for me being on the forum today.
Blame? Try bless.
The following people thank Zig for this post:
Starr Shine?, Ahhh Girl, IveJustSeenAFaceoTo the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
13 May 2014
Oh, Mrs. Vanderbilt. How I love that song. It was SO awesome when he played it live here in Chile in 2011. One of my favourite songs and I wasn’t expecting him to play it.
As for the question of the thread, I think I’ve Got A Feeling sounds absolutely amazing live, better than on the record. Let Me Roll It and of course Live And Let Die too. I saw him live again this year and the place was smaller so I was relatively close, and you could actually feel the heat from the fireworks on it. Amazing :).
1 November 2013
Crisstti said
Oh, Mrs. Vanderbilt. How I love that song. It was SO awesome when he played it live here in Chile in 2011. One of my favourite songs and I wasn’t expecting him to play it.
As for the question of the thread, I think I’ve Got A Feeling sounds absolutely amazing live, better than on the record. Let Me Roll It and of course Live And Let Die too. I saw him live again this year and the place was smaller so I was relatively close, and you could actually feel the heat from the fireworks on it. Amazing :).
I’d agree, but it needs John to work. (unless you’re talking about the Rooftop Concert, in which case ignore me). Definitely agree on the other 3.
(PS This is Faceo in a quarter to 6 in the morning pre leaving for Canada quick stop off at a laptop.)
(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
29 August 2013
meanmistermustard said
Hey Jude when everyone is singing along to the coda – the joy and togetherness between everyone at that moment is something special. Hey Jude is a fantastic example of how music can bring people together for a brief moment in time and let everything go.Even people who hate the beatles music with a passion get caught up in the chorus and start singing along.
Have I mentioned how I really dislike the chorus of that one?
Anyhoo – for me it is Letting Go. I think I have mentioned elsewhere that Paul and the lads were rehearsing this while I was waiting for the show outside Festival Hall in Brisbane back in the early 70s; it was blasting up and down the street and was almost reminiscent of the rooftop show from Let It Be with its effect on folks passing by. We were all in an impatient frenzy by the time they stopped rehearsing and let us in – the show was a blast – but that song always brings back the sounds and images from that time.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
1 May 2011
Must have been so cool to be waiting to get in to the show and being able to hear Paul and the band rehearsing to help pass the time. Letting Go was certainly one of the highlights of Paul’s show in Glasgow in 2010, not that many knew it. That night is much of a blur to me but Something was incredible.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
10 August 2011
Great video. I note that everyone’s standing right from the start. Were people standing the whole time?
Great background pictures – they might be different from the ones used for the concert I went to when he did the ukelele thing. Great that everyone sings along. Seemed to be different age groups at the concert, not just ‘old folks.’
Certainly a nice warm way to start the day – thanks.
"Into the Sky with Diamonds" (the Beatles and the Race to the Moon – a history)
1 May 2011
The only time folk sat down was is they didn’t know the song, either that or they went to the bathroom or got a refreshment. A whole mixed group of age ranges were at the concert, near me were a couple of girls in their early teens (under 16’s) who had come with someone, probably a parent(s), and they seemed to be enjoying themselves. You recognise if someone is bored or not at concerts.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
13 May 2014
At least both concerts oh his here I’ve been to, everyone was standing up practically the whole show. I went with both my parents and there was this 18 year old guy we befriended and with whom we watched the concert. There was also a lady in front of us who was absolutely crazy the whole concert, screaming 164 Beatlemania style the whole time lol.
Of the new songs Quennie Eye got a particularly enthusiastic reaction.
13 May 2014
IveJustSeenAFaceo said
Crisstti said
Oh, Mrs. Vanderbilt. How I love that song. It was SO awesome when he played it live here in Chile in 2011. One of my favourite songs and I wasn’t expecting him to play it.
As for the question of the thread, I think I’ve Got A Feeling sounds absolutely amazing live, better than on the record. Let Me Roll It and of course Live And Let Die too. I saw him live again this year and the place was smaller so I was relatively close, and you could actually feel the heat from the fireworks on it. Amazing :).
I’d agree, but it needs John to work. (unless you’re talking about the Rooftop Concert, in which case ignore me). Definitely agree on the other 3.
(PS This is Faceo in a quarter to 6 in the morning pre leaving for Canada quick stop off at a laptop.)
No, I mean it sounded so amazing when I heard it live myself, even without John the song played live really is just better imo.
I agree with those who’ve mentioned Hey Jude . The interaction with the audience is so great there.
7 April 2013
meanmistermustard said
Must have been so cool to be waiting to get in to the show and being able to hear Paul and the band rehearsing to help pass the time. Letting Go was certainly one of the highlights of Paul’s show in Glasgow in 2010, not that many knew it.
That night is much of a blur to me but Something was incredible.
I was there!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great show, i was singing along and jumping to everything even Letting Go and the fireman songs where most people were sitting down.
In this video you can even hear my dad screaming
also Venus And Mars was a great opener, even thought most of the crowd didn’t know it.
"We can do what we want, we can live as we choose"
1 May 2011
The crowd didnt know many of the non-Beatles songs really . Which highlights the problem us big solo fans have, we want the solo stuff including the real deep cuts whereas most who go along to see Paul are expecting and knowing the Beatles material only.
I was to the left of the stage, up in the seats. I’ll dig out the concert ticket for the exact seat.
I forgot the show started a little late, it was such a great night that it completely fell out of my head. I’d love to get a recording of the show but i dont think a bootleg of it exists sadly.
I’m genuinely excited by someone else having been there that night on here. Go you @Mr Bellamy
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
Mr Bellamy"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
7 April 2013
meanmistermustard said
The crowd didnt know many of the non-Beatles songs really. Which highlights the problem us big solo fans have, we want the solo stuff including the real deep cuts whereas most who go along to see Paul are expecting and knowing the Beatles material only.
I was to the left of the stage, up in the seats. I’ll dig out the concert ticket for the exact seat.
I forgot the show started a little late, it was such a great night that it completely fell out of my head. I’d love to get a recording of the show but i dont think a bootleg of it exists sadly.
I’m genuinely excited by someone else having been there that night on here. Go you @Mr Bellamy
Yeah If a recording was made it would have been bootlegged by now.
I think it is a shame he doesn’t do solo material (excluding wings), its only the album he happens to be promoting at the time. I would love to see songs like Tug Of War , No More Lonely Nights and My Brave Face, all big hits, get a live outing. But when the crowd is dead for songs like Let Me Roll It and Listen To What The Man Said, theses will have no chance.
"We can do what we want, we can live as we choose"
1 May 2011
My sister, who i went with, was wanting Paul to play Listen To What The Man Says as its her favourite track of Paul’s solo catalogue. She knew some of the Wings stuff and Dance Tonight but not the newer material (Sing The Changes, Highway).
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
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