29 November 2012
Von Bontee said
One thing I personally think Paul should stop is dying his hair! It looks silly. Grey hair is cool!
Agreed! Look at Jimmy Page, he looks great with the white hair. And Paul, we love ya but we know you’re 70, you’re not fooling anyone
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17 December 2012
Carrying that weight is a hard thing to do. He’s Paul McCartney of The Beatles, his voice is no more shot than Dylan’s, while he wants to go out and do it, I’m happy to let him, and happy to have seen him doing a few times over the past 20 years. Next time around I’m buying a ticket. Were he to stop today, and leave us in thirty years (possible), we’d all be asking what he might have done.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
8 November 2012
Okay, I’ll be the one vote in favor of the “violent shade of chestnut” (great description, lol). It’s kind of adorable, and the style reminds me of ’67-’68 Paul. It was a little distressing to see him already going salt-and-pepper in the 80s, I think it’d be too much of a shock to see him suddenly step out in full-on gray.
29 August 2013
I thought it was worth reviving this thread after listening to “New” and reading some of the comments about it on Amazon. One poster there got hammered for a lengthy and cogent review where they said they thought it was a good album but they couldn’t enjoy it because of their sadness over the deterioration in Paul’s voice. I must say I could see their point of view – I think I would have enjoyed it a bit less if I hadn’t come to it expecting the worst, luckily it was not quite that, though his voice does seem to have pretty much gone – or changed – whichever.
As noted in this thread, very few singers of that generation still have, and could reasonably be expected to still have, anything like their best voice. Neil Young is one of the few who (almost) does, and even he can’t hit “After the Gold Rush” these days.
However, I don’t think they should stop recording or performing, as there are still a lot of fans interested in hearing what they have to say – we just need to be realistic in what we are expecting vocally – and different is not necessarily worse. Those who don’t like what they are hearing – easy – just stop buying (and I note above some have done just that). I feel the latter stance is more reasonable than suggesting an artist stop performing just because you don’t like the way they sound these days.
==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
1 November 2012
James Taylor is 65 and still sings as good, if not better, than he did in his youth. As the Boston Pops conductor John Williams said of JT some 20 years ago, his voice “ages like a fine wine” and only gets better.
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
19 April 2010
I think Paul should stop. His isn’t near the same and he is violating a core Beatle value of quality, instilled in them by Brian Epstein. I’m told he only performs once a week now (I haven’t checked his tour schedule) and so that is supposed to preserve his voice.
The shame of it is that our “legacies” are often tilted more towards how we finished than how we started and I would hate to see Paul’s bio read something like “In his early days he was one of the leading voices in rock and pop, but by the end of his career people wondered why he went on as he was a mere shadow of his former glory years . . . “
He should turn towards producing and discovering new talent – that would be a whole new career for him.
"She looks more like him than I do."
29 November 2012
He doesn’t only perform “once a week.” He only leaves 1 day between shows, minimum, to preserve his voice. And if he does back-to-back nights somewhere, he takes 2 days off. Many bands in their prime, past and present, do this, especially when they play 2-3 hours/night!
"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
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20 August 2013
robert said
I think Paul should stop. His isn’t near the same and he is violating a core Beatle value of quality, instilled in them by Brian Epstein. I’m told he only performs once a week now (I haven’t checked his tour schedule) and so that is supposed to preserve his voice.The shame of it is that our “legacies” are often tilted more towards how we finished than how we started and I would hate to see Paul’s bio read something like “In his early days he was one of the leading voices in rock and pop, but by the end of his career people wondered why he went on as he was a mere shadow of his former glory years . . . “
He should turn towards producing and discovering new talent – that would be a whole new career for him.
Here’s one vote for HE BETTER NOT STOP. I never even knew he existed before May of this year. I listened to him for 3 hours at that concert in Memphis, and haven’t been able to get my fill of him yet. He sounds fantastic to me, young him and now older him both. I think he has many more fans to gain. I’m sure he has more stories to tell in song. He still has a lot of entertaining to do. Rock on, Paul.
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29 November 2012
That’s great that you’re such a newcomer to the party, too…discovery is so much fun, isn’t it?
I’ll say, even as someone who has been a fan pretty much my entire life (~33 years), I hope he doesn’t stop until *he* is ready to.
"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
Please Visit My Website, The Rock and Roll Chemist
Twitter: @rocknrollchem
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20 August 2013
DrBeatle said
That’s great that you’re such a newcomer to the party, too…discovery is so much fun, isn’t it?
I’ll say, even as someone who has been a fan pretty much my entire life (~33 years), I hope he doesn’t stop until *he* is ready to.
Thinking about comments on another thread: I’ll be good. I won’t push him to continue recording and touring past the point where he is ready to stop.
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29 November 2012
I think Paul is enough of a perfectionist and workaholic that he’ll know when it’s time to hang it up. Hopefully not for a few more years!
"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
Please Visit My Website, The Rock and Roll Chemist
Twitter: @rocknrollchem
Facebook: rnrchemist
20 August 2013
DrBeatle said
I think Paul is enough of a perfectionist and workaholic that he’ll know when it’s time to hang it up. Hopefully not for a few more years!
Wise insights, DrBeatle. I do hope for a few more years from the living legend.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
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14 April 2010
I’ll weigh in one more time by saying I hope he doesn’t stop until HE wants to stop. If people are uncomfortable or no longer liking what he is putting out, then they, as individuals should just stop listening and let the rest of us enjoy him.
Believe me, if enough people stop listening, he will know it.
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Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^<To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
14 February 2013
I’ll weigh in one more time by saying I hope he doesn’t stop until HE wants to stop. If people are uncomfortable or no longer liking what he is putting out, then they, as individuals should just stop listening and let the rest of us enjoy him.
Agree 100%, Zig. It’s up to Paul when or if he stops.
"....take a sad song & make it Meilleur"....
3 May 2012
17 December 2012
Why will he have to? Lots of the blues artists and early rock ‘n’ rollers were performing days before their deaths. Unless ill-health prevents him, as it did someone like Johnny Cash, then I see no reason why he’d stop performing – even if not in the way he does now.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
16 September 2013
As I was reading this thread, it occurred to me that a long time ago, I saw an artist’s rendition of the Beatles as they were gonna look when they hit age sixty-four. So, I went and found that portrait on the internet. Unlike this fanciful drawing, Paul’s kept his chin up pretty well. I agree with the earlier posters, though… he really should stop dyeing his hair so dark.
8 November 2012
It cracked me up that the way the artist imagined fashion in the 2000s, apparently we’d all be taking retro as far back as the Gay ’90s.
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