1 November 2012
For some reason when I clicked on parlance’s last post, it took me back to the “Golden Slumbers ” video then I saw my comment I lodged so long ago (a little over one year ago), which I was about to say but then I found myself saying it so much better back then! I also noticed that during that concert while Paul was singing, due to the nature of the equipment set-up, the keyboard and the microphone, he had to keep leaning forward and straining his neck to get close to the mic, which has got to affect one’s voice slightly.
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
1 November 2012
8 November 2012
1 November 2012
5 February 2010
It’s hard for me to say when his voice hit its peak. He had incredible vocal range right from the very first singles they recorded, and the versatility was obviously there very early on – he could belt out the screaming “I Saw Her Standing There ,” sing the impossibly high harmonies on “Please Mr. Postman,” and tone it down for the melodic “Till There Was You .”
To me, it seems like his voice just got better well into the 70’s, and his versatility exploded. I don’t notice the first hints of thickening vocal chords and more choked-sounding high notes until the Flowers In The Dirt album, which was late 80’s.
It would be an interesting project to chart his vocal range and see what limits he hit throughout his career. The lowest sung note I can remember him hitting is the low A in “Rocky Raccoon ” (“hit young Rocky in the eyyyyye”). The highest falsetto scream or “woo” I can think of is probably in “Oh Darling” when he hits that soprano A note after “when you told me …” – and he hit that note somewhat regularly (“Why Don’t We Do it in the Road?”, the end of “Hey Jude “, the chorus of “Maybe I’m Amazed “). The highest full-voice note that he hits, as far as I can remember, is the high C# in the “my little lady-y-y-y-yeah” at the end of “Jet .”
That’s a ridiculous range, crossing at least four octaves. It’s amazing.
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long long longNot a bit like Cagney.
11 November 2013
A more pertinent question is not so much when his voice hit its peak, as when did it begin to deteriorate? The first I can recall thinking “Wow! What happened?” was the PETA concert after Linda’s death, and it has steadily gone downhill since, to the point where I now can’t listen to him any more because it hurts me to much to hear what his voice isn’t any more.
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28 March 2014
I’d like to say in the 80’s as I didn’t care as much for his music by then, compared to the great stuff that came out with the Wings in the 70’s, but we are talking about his voice, not his song writing ability here!
Last time I saw him live 2-3 years ago, he still sounded good to me!
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star1262 BEATLES Music gives me Eargasms!
27 March 2015
He still sounds good to me too. Different, yes. Less range than he used to, that too. And hearing the strain in his voice when he speaks makes me wonder how much longer he can continue to sing at all. Then again, we’re talking about someone without proper vocal training, who’s been subjecting his voice to all kinds of abuse for 55+ years; if you take that into consideration, how can anyone be anything less than impressed by the power his voice still has today?
I can’t exactly say when his voice was the strongest, because I’m not as familiar with his post-Beatles work as I maybe ought to be. I’ll definitely agree it’s been going downhill for several years now. But I won’t agree he’s lost it altogether, and I’m positive the concert I’m going to will affirm that.
Formerly Known As JPM-Fangirl -- 2016
'Out There' - 07-06-2015 - Ziggo Dome Amsterdam -- 'One On One' - 12-06-2016 - Pinkpop Festival Landgraaf
20 August 2013
@Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^<, don’t worry. You will be blown away by Sir Paul at the concert.
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Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^<, HeyTrud, BeatlebugCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
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27 March 2015
1 May 2011
I’d probably go for the early to mid-2000’s was when it started fading (i think its still strong on ‘Flaming Pie ‘), however for someone in their 70’s its pretty damn good. The problem is that folk are comparing a singer in their 70’s to the same singer in their 40’s; its obviously not going to be as good but what the hell do folk expect?
It still irritates me heavily that some say Paul should retire. Bullshit. If he wants to go on singing till he’s no voice and sounds like Bob Dylan on a bad day then so be it. Will it sound good, probably not, but it shouldn’t diminish his standing as a music Great, and if he enjoys it then good on him.
As for seeing him live you will have a blast. If i could get to see him i would without a second thought and not for one millisecond of the concert would i be thinking “oooh, he missed a note“. It’s PAUL frigging MCCARTNEY!!!!
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Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^<, Beatlebug, parlance, star1262"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
14 February 2013
I can’t really answer when his voice hit it’s “peak”, as I enjoy all of Paul’s music. I will say that it has faded somewhat over time, but the man is nearly 73 years old!
Having seen him in concert twice, I can attest that he is amazing and his voice more than “holds up”. I agree with @Ahhh Girl on this one! You will be blown away
The following people thank HeyTrud for this post:
parlance, Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^<"....take a sad song & make it Meilleur"....
21 November 2012
27 March 2015
I certainly hope my earlier reply didn’t come across the wrong way; I think Paul’s voice is still f*****g awesome!
When he was younger, he most certainly cranked it up to 11, but I still consider him a solid 10 now Can’t wait for June to arrive, because I know I’ll be absolutely gobsmacked by the whole experience.
The following people thank Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^< for this post:
Linde, Ahhh Girl, HeyTrudFormerly Known As JPM-Fangirl -- 2016
'Out There' - 07-06-2015 - Ziggo Dome Amsterdam -- 'One On One' - 12-06-2016 - Pinkpop Festival Landgraaf
21 November 2012
20 August 2013
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Beatlebug, Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^<Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
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29 August 2013
Linde said
Paul still sounds great for someone who is in his 70s. I wish I can sing that well when I reach his age. Man, I wished I could sing that well nowEverything else I wanted to say I have already said, apparently.
Agreed – and he still knows how to make the best use of his voice which is really enjoyable as well.
The following people thank trcanberra for this post:
Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^<, parlance==> trcanberra and hongkonglady - Together even when not (married for those not in the know!) <==
21 November 2012
20 August 2013
trcanberra said
Agreed – and he still knows how to make the best use of his voice which is really enjoyable as well.
Thanks for saying exactly what I was thinking, @trcanberra.
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trcanberraCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
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17 October 2013
I have stand up arguments with a mate who says Paul is finished and as embarrassing as Brian (the puppeteer) Wilson. He feels that Paul should just stop. I can’t defend the deterioration in Paul’s voice…But I’d still rather hear Paul sing his songs than any other voice on earth.
I just say to my mate “What have you created in your life, apart from your kids that you would put up now against ‘Eleanor Rigby ‘?”
I don’t want Paul to ever stop……..I’ll take his voice for whatever it is……I just hope non-fans cut him slack.
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