1 November 2013
Glad you enjoyed your show, Zig! I’ll be happy if I have half as good of the time that you described! I hope he plays On My Way To Work again, since that’s my 2nd favorite song on NEW (after Save Us, which I believe he’s been playing!). (too bad I didn’t go on his tour after Memory Almost Full , since House of Wax is my absolute favorite Paul solo song). Anyway, I’ll have a full recap for you guys tomorrow!
The following people thank IveJustSeenAFaceo for this post:
Zig, parlance, Into the Sky with Diamonds, Ahhh Girl(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
14 April 2010
1 November 2013
Thanks, Zig! It’d be cool if he did Yellow Submarine or Octopus’s Garden to honor him…
(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
1 November 2013
…. and he did! But I get ahead of myself. (needless to say, this whole post is a massive setlist spoiler, so skip it if you don’t want spoilers)
I just got back from seeing Paul. And it was simply… incredible. Just incredible. Amazing. Brilliant. Fantastic. Awesome. Just…
I was with my dad, who is a big Beatles fan, but didn’t know anything about the setlist, or Paul’s setlists ever, so it was really cool to see him react when they started playing. I was also with my brother, who’s name is Jude, so that was fun. The opening was cool, with all the pictures through the life of Paul. When he came out, and started Eight Days A Week , it was already a sign of incredible things to come. He then went in to Save Us, which a lot of people obviously didn’t know (but I did, of course). All My Loving followed, which was great. Listen to What the Man Said was another one that quite a few people weren’t familiar with, but again, it was awesome.
And then he started rocking. I’d never really appreciated the arena rock sound, but when he hit with Let Me Roll It (psychedelic guitar, woohoo!), it was a simply incredible feeling. The Foxy Lady coda was really awesome (my dad’s reaction when it started was almost as awesome) after which he told the story of how Hendrix learned and played Sgt. Pepper ‘s at his concert just two days after the release. He brought out the original guitar used for Sgt. Pepper ‘s and played Paperback Writer on it, which is obviously not the same without John and George, but again, it just rocked. Rocking Paul is one of many awesome Pauls, and possibly the most awesome. He just looked like he was having a blast.
Then he went over to the piano, and slowed it down with My Valentine . Now, if you’ve ever payed attention to me, you know that I absolutely despise Kisses On The Bottom . But even this was awesome (I’m going to use a lot of superlatives here). He sped it up again with Nineteen Hundred Eight Five, which is in the top 5 of Paul solo songs, and was in the top 5 of the night (which is saying something, because the whole thing was absolutely incredible). He went in to The Long And Winding Road after that, which I’m definitely not a fan of, but even so I couldn’t resist singing along. Of course, the closing piano song was the classic Maybe I’m Amazed . I was positively amazed at how great it was (I’ll show myself out).
He went back and grabbed his acoustic guitar and did I’ve Just Seen A Face , which was fantastic. Now, on Friday, he did On My Way to Work in this slot. But, sadly, not today. But it was a special day! Ringo’s birthday! So he did the first verse and chorus of Yellow Submarine , which was really cool. (at least, I think it was here). Then he did We Can Work It Out (with some awesome Wix accordion!) and Another Day , which was really great. He quieted down again after that with And I Love Her .
Then the band left, and Paul was all by himself, on a raised platform in front of the stage. He talked about the Civil Rights for a little, then did Blackbird . Then of course, he did his John tribute with Here Today , which almost brought me to tears.
He brought out the psychedelic NEW piano and played New and Queenie Eye from NEW. Queenie Eye was basically designed to be played in stadiums, and it didn’t disappoint. He barely even paused before banging out Lady Madonna , which was just pure energy. He brought in the kids on a singalong of All Together Now . After that, he talked about Sgt. Pepper ‘s and played Lovely Rita . He did another singalong with Everybody Out There, which fell a little flat with the audience, but I thought it was great anyway.
Then Abe jumped down from the drums and stood behind the other backup microphone, and they did Eleanor Rigby . Again, just brilliant. He played his John song of the night with Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!, which he mentioned as being new for the tour, which I thought was a little misleading, since this tour’s been going for a year and a half.
Of course, he pulled out his little ukelele and told the story about going to George’s house and jamming on ukelele, then went in to Something , with just him until after the first “ooooooo” section, where the whole band came in and he switched to acoustic guitar, which was just energetic and incredible. After that, he gave us the sing along with Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da , which was just incredible from those banging opening piano chords. Everyone was singing in the chorus, and he let us take it on our own on the last chorus. Then he went into Band On The Run , which of course had everyone singing along at the end. And that middle section (“if we ever get out of here”) is just so powerful and incredible live, in a way that doesn’t come across on the record. After that, he started Back In The USSR , which had everyone singing along, which I found unexpected. It probably had the loudest sing along of the whole night though (other than, of course, the “nanananas”
After that, he told the story of playing the Red Square, and a bunch of officials in the Russian Government told him that they had grown up with The Beatles. It was the only story of the night that I hadn’t heard before, so I was happy about that. He went over to the piano and did Let It Be , which had the phones out in full force.
Then of course, the massive, awesome, fireworks and laser show that is Live And Let Die live, which was another highlight of the night (there were so many!). He closed the set with Hey Jude , with the “nananas” being sung in full force by every person in CONSOL Energy Center. Then they all took a bow and left.
But wait, they’re back! Paul had a United States flag, Brian had UK, Rusty had a Pennsylvania flag, and Abe was carrying the ol’ Skull and Crossbones (Pittsburgh’s baseball team is the Pirates (Let’s Go Bucs!), one of two local sports nods, the other yet to come.) Then they proceeded to rock even more with a fantastic rendition of Day Tripper , before doing Hi, Hi, Hi , which was good. Then he went into the always crowd pleasing Get Back , which was awesome (and he did the “low neck sweater”coda!). Then they left again.
After that, Paul and Wix came back on, and did Yesterday . Midway through, the camera zoomed in on his guitar to reveal, above the ever present Detroit Red Wings sticker (which has been there forever. Anyone know why?), a Pittsburgh Penguins (hockey team) sticker! And the crowd went wild… The band came back with Helter Skelter , which was the high point of all high points. It was the best performance of any song I’ve ever seen. It was just absolutely positively incredible. He went back to the piano, and finished up with Golden Slumbers /Carry That Weight /The End , which featured a great drum solo from Abe and some fantastic guitar works from Rusty, Brian, and Paul. And that was it, as it closed with the famous words. “And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make”… It was a perfect ending to a perfect show.
This show was the first major concert I’d ever gone to, and now I’m spoiled, because it also is probably the best concert I will ever go to. It was simply pure energy from beginning to end. If anyone’s doubting whether or not to see Paul, do it. It’s incredible. A religious experience. You won’t see anything more incredible. Just fantastic. I could go on, but I won’t. I hope I get to see him again, but if I don’t this was a once in the lifetime experience that was incredible. Thank you, Paul. Thank you Brian, Rusty, Abe, and Wix. Thank you light and sound guys. You gave me the best time of my life. Thank you.
The following people thank IveJustSeenAFaceo for this post:
Bulldog, meanmistermustard, Ahhh Girl, Zig, thisbirdhasflown, parlance, Into the Sky with Diamonds, Matt Busby(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
20 August 2013
Thanks, @IveJustSeenAFaceo. That brought back a lot of wonderful memories from seeing Paul’s concert last May. And, it makes me realize just how much more the experience will mean to me when I see him again in October.
…and since you did such a fantastic review (that only one of us BBers could do for each other because we understand one another), I don’t have to keep as many notes during the concert. (@Ron Nasty thanks you for that. Over on the Ringo 2014 tour thread he told me to put down the phone and enjoy the moment more.) I’ll just see what hits me and what he does differently for the Dallas crowd.
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1 May 2011
The complete 5th July 2014 Albany concert is up on youtube in the form of a playlist in really good quality so you relive what @Zig experienced (courtesy of Beatles Video Of The Day)
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
IveJustSeenAFaceo, Matt Busby"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
14 April 2010
Faceo – thanks for the awesome review. I had forgotten the bit about the flags – they flew the NY flag in Albany along with the US flag and the Union Jack. The Pirates flag sounds like a nice touch.
The following people thank Zig for this post:
IveJustSeenAFaceoTo the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
29 November 2012
There were some rumors that Paul was going to add a Boston show in October and I got really excited but it’s not happening this year…bummer I know I saw him only last summer but I wouldn’t say no to going again ASAP!
The following people thank DrBeatle for this post:
Zig"I know you, you know me; one thing I can tell you is you got to be free!"
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14 April 2010
DrBeatle said
I wouldn’t say no to going again ASAP!
Agreed! This was my first Macca show and my wife made sure I had the best spot on the floor that we could afford. Next time, we can spend that same money (or less) and buy tickets for both of us somewhere else in the arena. With the big screens used during the show, there is not a bad seat in the house. My brother did not find a ticket until the day of the show. His vantage point was up one level looking along the stage from the side. Still, he was very close, had a perfect view of Paul’s piano, missed absolutely nothing and paid a heck of a lot less than we did for mine.
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
1 November 2013
1 November 2013
Here’s the Yellow Submarine performance from last night (that guy has a few more, low audio quality though)
Also, something I didn’t realize until I saw it last night is that Wix plays guitar on some songs. I thought he only played the keyboards.
The following people thank IveJustSeenAFaceo for this post:
meanmistermustard(This signature brought to you by Net Boy and Net Girl. Putting messages in modems since 1996.)
8 November 2012
Examiner article (with spoilers) on the Pittsburgh show. Paul paid tribute to his dad on his birthday as well as Ringo.
3 June 2014
I checked out a few song snippets from the Tokyo Dome show last November (a decent while ago, but I doubt he’s changed much), because I was a little worried about how he would sound and if he still did his growly forced vocals. I was pleasantly surprised! His voice sounded a little bit shaky (but the audio quality was rather poor, and the man is 72, so consider his break already given), but he did do little bits of the forced vocal in Maybe I’m Amazed (which was excellent), but also 1985, which I didn’t expect, but it sounded great. Can’t wait till October! (The show I’m going to is less than a week before my birthday! It’s a very welcome early birthday present.)
The following people thank Bulldog for this post:
ZigIf you're lonely (or not!), you can talk to me. .....Hey! Are you a new member on this fine forum and don't know where to go to introduce yourself?
Well, you can do it here! Dig it?
8 November 2012
Examiner article – Paul might be adding San Diego.
10 August 2011
@IveJustSeenAFaceo I have a few more years and concerts on you (Hendrix, Doors, Stones, Led Zeppelin), but nothing’s ever been greater than a McCartney concert – from ANY tour. So yea, you’re spoiled now. You can pack it in and start talking like an old-timer.
I highly recommend any of his concert CDs/DVDs, starting with the ’70s Rockshow and the complete 2 CD Tripping the Life Fantastic.
The following people thank Into the Sky with Diamonds for this post:
Matt Busby, Ahhh Girl, Zig, parlance, IveJustSeenAFaceo, Mr. Kite"Into the Sky with Diamonds" (the Beatles and the Race to the Moon – a history)
8 November 2012
8 November 2012
Chicago Tribune article on last night’s show (spoilers ahoy).
The following people thank parlance for this post:
Zig, Into the Sky with Diamonds10.54am
1 May 2011
Examiner report on Paul’s Chicago concert on Wednesday night (9th July). If you don’t want to see spoilers better not click the link.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
Oh. I’m not sure how to respond, if at all. My jaw is dropped.
Edit: I’m aware of the WBC being a bunch of crazies, but this is the first time I’ve really paid attention to the hate. My first reaction was “Right, let’s rally the Twitter faithful against them,” but the last thing I want is to attract more psycho tweets. So unless anyone has any better ideas I’m going to ignore it. These people thrive on the attention and I’d rather not give it to them.
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20 August 2013
Have you followed other protests these people have done? The people in my home state did a number on them…with law enforcement knowing about it and looking the other way.
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thisbirdhasflownCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
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