20 August 2013
If I just had one of those brief moments to say “Hi” and a sentence or two, I think I would tell him when and why I became a fan and then thank him for his wonderful contributions to the world. Is that too lame?
I don’t think I could settle on just one question to ask. If I did just ask one, all the other questions would haunt me at night in the recesses of my mind because they were not asked.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
14 April 2010
vonbontee said
Me, I’m always hoping, if I ever encounter a celebrity whose work I admire, that I’ll react cool-and-friendly-like, not bothersome – “Hey, I love your work!” and keep walking.
I’m with you on that. I would just say, “thank you for everything” and hope like Hell he would engage me in conversation.
I’ve only encountered 2 celebs in the past.
Steven Tyler in an airport – there was a mob of people getting autographs. I stuck my paper & pen into the throng and pulled out his autograph.
Rob Halford actually walked up to me – I was a car salesman in Phoenix and his body guard was looking for a car. It was cool taking a test drive with him in the back seat!
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
14 January 2013
Zig said
vonbontee said
Me, I’m always hoping, if I ever encounter a celebrity whose work I admire, that I’ll react cool-and-friendly-like, not bothersome – “Hey, I love your work!” and keep walking.I’m with you on that. I would just say, “thank you for everything” and hope like Hell he would engage me in conversation.
I’ve only encountered 2 celebs in the past.
Steven Tyler in an airport – there was a mob of people getting autographs. I stuck my paper & pen into the throng and pulled out his autograph.
Rob Halford actually walked up to me – I was a car salesman in Phoenix and his body guard was looking for a car. It was cool taking a test drive with him in the back seat!
I would probably do the same, if I could pluck up the courage to say that or even hi. Maybe a handshake, you know if he is not lifting weights.
Zig, thats awesome you got to meet Steven Tyler and Rob Halford.
I met Davy Jones and Micky Dolenz from The Monkees on separate occasions. Davy at a meet & greet and Micky was mingling around a casino after a concert. The Davy one I was afraid to speak, I was 9. Running into Micky was more just hello & took a picture for my friend who was posing with him.
1 November 2012
Dick Cavett in his autobiography (rather unimaginatively titled Cavett, published in 1974) recounts how when as a young man not yet famous he first met his idol Groucho Marx, running into him on the streets of New York City in the summertime. Cavett felt so flustered, all he could think of saying is “Hi, Groucho, I’m a big fan!” And to his delight, Groucho responded: “That’s great kid, it’s real hot today — I could use a big fan!” and invited him to walk along with him.
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
1 May 2011
20 August 2013
Funny Paper said
Dick Cavett in his autobiography (rather unimaginatively titled Cavett, published in 1974) recounts how when as a young man not yet famous he first met his idol Groucho Marx, running into him on the streets of New York City in the summertime. Cavett felt so flustered, all he could think of saying is “Hi, Groucho, I’m a big fan!” And to his delight, Groucho responded: “That’s great kid, it’s real hot today — I could use a big fan!” and invited him to walk along with him.
Is that where you got the inspiration for this on the Questions you’d ask Paul thread:
Funny Paper said
[three agonizing rings go by… then that telltale voice answers]
Hello, Paul!
Um, hullow. Who’s this…?
A big fan of yours.
Oh, well that’s grand, I could use a big fan right about now. It’s really hot here in the airport in Louisiana — no aircon here at the moment.
[panics, gulps]
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
14 April 2010
sky090909 said
Zig, thats awesome you got to meet Steven Tyler and Rob Halford.
I met Davy Jones and Micky Dolenz from The Monkees on separate occasions. Davy at a meet & greet and Micky was mingling around a casino after a concert. The Davy one I was afraid to speak, I was 9. Running into Micky was more just hello & took a picture for my friend who was posing with him.
Yeah sky, both meetings were totally random. Aerosmith was blowing through the airport in Albany NY on the same day my buddy was leaving to join the Navy. That’s the only reason I was there. This was sometime in the mid 1980’s during the period when Joe Perry had left the band. Honestly, I would have much preferred his autograph.
With Halford, it was my last day of work at the dealership (thank Christ). When this tall guy in tatty clothes and tattoos all over his body stepped out of his truck, none of the other salespeople wanted anything to do with him. I thought, “what do I have to lose?”. Once I realized it was him, I was wondering how I was going to acknowledge him. After the 3 of us piled into a car for the test drive, in one of the least clever moments of my entire life, I uttered, “so, what kind of music do you like?”. My face gets flushed with embarrassment just typing this. **sigh** Well, my wife is a huge fan (we saw JP three times in concert), so I had him sign an autograph for her. She was quite grateful. Repeatedly.
Your story involving the Monkees reminded me that my wife and I, along with another couple, hung out with 2 members of Santana after a show in Mesa AZ. Forgive me, but to this day I cannot recall their names. I think one of them was the drummer and the other played various percussion instruments. Anyway, we were in a bar (go figure) in the hotel next to the amphitheater waiting for Carlos. The friends we were with had seen him there a few years prior and had a drink with him in that same bar. I got very excited when our friends pointed out the band members because I love Carlos’ music. We thought it would only be a matter of time for him to come downstairs and mingle. So, we bought drinks for the 2 percussionists and they came over to our table and chatted for a while. But alas, no Carlos.
Anyhoo, have I mentioned yet how jealous I am that ITSWD was within sweating distance of Macca!!!!!!
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
1 November 2012
14 January 2013
17 January 2013
I saw Dave Grohl in Seattle when I went there to see Paul in July. I didn’t think it could really be him, so I didn’t say anything. Later at the concert when he came out, I looked at the tattoos on him arm and realized it had really been him!
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
14 January 2013
1 November 2012
“…I, along with another couple, hung out with 2 members of Santana after a show in Mesa AZ. Forgive me, but to this day I cannot recall their names. I think one of them was the drummer and the other played various percussion instruments.”
Depending on what decade that was, if it was prior to the late 70s, it would have been Mike Shrieve (drummer), Michael Carabello (congas), and/or Jose “Chepito” Areas (timbales).
At a Santana concert once, I was sitting with a friend near the front row before the show started. The lights were on, the stage was empty, people were milling around, many getting comfortable in their seats. Suddenly, my friend and I saw Chepito and the bass player, Dave Brown, standing by the wall in the aisle by the seats, just a few feet away from us. My friend shouted out — “CHEPITO!!!” And Chepito just put his finger up to his mouth giving us the international sign of “Shhhhh!”. For us Santana fans, that was a priceless moment. That night also happened to be Chepito’s birthday, and the band gave an extended performance in honor of that, lasting until about 2:00 in the morning, giving Chepito long jams to do timbale solos over.
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
8 November 2012
14 January 2013
30 August 2013
14 April 2010
sky999 said
Better luck next time to you if you get to met Carlos or Joe Perry.I saw Judas Priest one time, so far. They rock pretty good considering their age; however, unfortunately Rob has to use a cane now due to his back. Too much head banging and heavy leather.
Did he answer question about the music?
He didn’t have to. He just chuckled and then I told him I had to be sure it was him. Seeing as how it was his bodyguard who was looking to buy a car, I made the professional decision to maintain my focus on him.
Funny Paper said
“…I, along with another couple, hung out with 2 members of Santana after a show in Mesa AZ. Forgive me, but to this day I cannot recall their names. I think one of them was the drummer and the other played various percussion instruments.”Depending on what decade that was, if it was prior to the late 70s, it would have been Mike Shrieve (drummer), Michael Carabello (congas), and/or Jose “Chepito” Areas (timbales).
At a Santana concert once, I was sitting with a friend near the front row before the show started. The lights were on, the stage was empty, people were milling around, many getting comfortable in their seats. Suddenly, my friend and I saw Chepito and the bass player, Dave Brown, standing by the wall in the aisle by the seats, just a few feet away from us. My friend shouted out — “CHEPITO!!!” And Chepito just put his finger up to his mouth giving us the international sign of “Shhhhh!”. For us Santana fans, that was a priceless moment. That night also happened to be Chepito’s birthday, and the band gave an extended performance in honor of that, lasting until about 2:00 in the morning, giving Chepito long jams to do timbale solos over.
Very cool story, FP. I would have loved to have seen that! The Santana concert I was referring to was in the early 90’s. Even if you told me their names, I’m afraid I would not be able to confirm. I am into Santana but not nearly as much as you appear to be. Other than Carlos and Gregg Rolie, I’m not at all familiar with the names of any other band members.
I haven’t done this to myself in quite some time, but….
To the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
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