20 August 2013
^Unless someone has some other really concrete evidence to the contrary, I am going to stick with the information we already have about this guy being fictional.
Joe said
That’s madness. I’d never heard of Joe Ephgrave before. I wonder how these rumours take hold.
I have a book about Robert Fraser which has quite a bit of info on the Sgt Pepper design, including interviews with Peter Blake and Jann Haworth. JH says the following, though doesn’t mention who actually painted the drum skins:
“The part that’s very much my own was that I always hated lettering on things. I loved the idea that lettering could be an integral part, and I was into fairground lettering at the time. So I thought it would be nice to have a real object with lettering on it, instead of lettering the cover. So I thought about the drum, then about the civic lettering that was around at that time. We pointed out to Paul the Hammersmith lettering: You could do it like that.”
Mr. Kite said
meanmistermustard said
My book has vanished. It had been stored in a box for years and a few months ago i unpacked the boxes and put them on shelves, its not there. Maybe i burned it.
Found it in a google search however, not sure if the pictures will load or not tho.
Anyway scavenged around the net and found a few things (apologies if any of this has been posted above), i’m not posting it as fact just that it is out there. There is so much rubbish out there, even links to Bible scripture and how that backs up Paul is dead. My head hurts.
From the swedish wiki
Joe Ephgrave purported to be an artist who designed The Beatles ‘drum at the center on the front of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band -cover. The cover was designed by Peter Blake and Paul McCartney . Later it turned out that someone Joe Ephgrave never existed and why the Beatles claimed this is not known.
A forum thread supposedly with an answer, even posts pictures to back up the claim.
This site claims Joe was a circus artist: “the final touch was a drum head with a fictitious band logo painted by a circus artist named Joe Ephgrave”.
If anyone wants to read it here is yet another theory book The Fifth Magician: The Great Beatles Impostor Theory
I felt like it was designed by a Beatle for some reason.
It just hit me…. I think I know why they made up Joe… Who would be better to make a fake band logo for a fake band than a fake person? It fits into the whole idea Paul had for Pepper!
See page 11 of this thread for these quoted posts and more of this discussion.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
2 June 2014
1 November 2013
Not me but there are some people who believe
The following people thank Starr Shine? for this post:
Hey Jude !4.12pm
4 February 2014
MrMoonlight said
I also learned that I am, indeed, a masochist. I can’t stop reading the comments of the conspiracy theorists. It’s rage-inducing, but equally compelling, with comments such as:
“There are so many glaring physical differences between Paul McCartney and Faul that you have to be completely brainwashed not to grasp the concept that the original Paul McCartney disappeared in 1966. The original McCartney was a monster bass player”
We’re the ones who are brainwashed?
And Paul later years wasn’t?
“um in early pics hes shorter than george….then look on Sgt Pepper ? Wake the f**k up”
They were always wearing heels in the early years, without them George was a bit shorter!
“lol Nice argument, go back to your little box you call life and leave this kind of things to the people that actually have some brains. Cheers “
Said by a theorist.
Ha…. Ha
“lol u guys can say whatever you want that doesnt change the fact the current Paul is not the original one, and is not a matter John taking BS from an impostor, when u have the secret services telling to shut up you shut up, thats why John left so many clues in their albums.”
Christ on a bike, people think it’s a government conspiracy.
Hmm… Sounds believable… Maybe they’re right…
“they were threatened with death by a secret agent named Maxwell,can you imagine that you best friend dies and you must act as if nothing had happened? they wanted us to know ,that this world is ”Conspiracy””
We should make this into a film.
*fake overly dramatic gasp* That explains the inspiration for Maxwells Silver Hammer! But why would Faul sing it?!
“he was under threat of being killed if he told, which is why he ultimately was killed; he could no longer cope with the deception. therefore calling it a joke was self-preservation. And John and George are both loving it now because they are with their buddy again.”
Ahh, turn the murder of an innocent and great man into governmental commentary!
We need to do research now… Was Chapman ever a member of the British government? Sounds impossible, but c’mon people, Paul died and they replaced him with an exact lookalike with all of Paul’s memories that had the same amount of musical talent. Anythings possible!
“The Goverment Had Something To Do With THis Aswell And The Three Just Got Dragged In Even Though They Had To Keep It A sSecret It Was Too Much For Them To Move On Thats Why Their Music Changed Aswell And Clues That Are Really Reasonable I Mean I Doubt THat George Ringo & John Were Dumb They Knew What Theyre Up Against Yet They Still Gave Out Clues”
I got nothin’.
“I bared pual”
Rats! We’re busted, guys!
I don’t know why you posted these Moonlight! They’re beginning to convince me!
“I dont think John Lennon is really dead. Next time Paul O’Grady is on tv think about it, the resemblance in his voice is uncanny. And he elooks pretty much how john would look now too.”
…I need a whiskey.
1. In what world does that man look like John?
2. The beginning of the John Is Live theory! You were here to witness it for yourself people!
Any hardcore JIL’ers out there?
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
Starr Shine?4.20pm
2 June 2014
11 November 2010
28 May 2014
I don’t think that Paul is Dead. But remember “I ONE IX HE DIE?” November 9, 1966 right? “Wednesday morning at five o’clock?” That’s She’s Leaving Home ! Wait a second. November 9, 1966 was a Wednesday. And I don’t know about you guys, but “Cranberry Sauce” sounds more like “I Buried Paul” to me. It’s just that “Cran” sounds more like “I”. But some things are ridiculous. I’m still not sold on the idea.
By hook or by crook, I'll be last in this book.
1 May 2011
Why does it have to be November 11th 1966 from that clue (“I ONE IX HE DIE”), why not 1967 or 1968? Some of the given clues go back to 1965 (Drive My Car , Rubber Soul ) and the Beatles werent even in the recording studio on Wednesday 11th November 1966 so damn well difficult for Paul to have an argument with the others, storm out and die in a crash. Or is that part of the conspiracy, the session sheets being doctored (hey, Doctor Robert !, any one in EMI called Robert?).
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
QuarryMan"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
28 May 2014
meanmistermustard said
Why does it have to be November 11th 1966 from that clue (“I ONE IX HE DIE”), why not 1967 or 1968? Some of the given clues go back to 1965 (Drive My Car , Rubber Soul ) and the Beatles werent even in the recording studio on Wednesday 11th November 1966 so damn well difficult for Paul to have an argument with the others, storm out and die in a crash. Or is that part of the conspiracy, the session sheets being doctored (hey, Doctor Robert !, any one in EMI called Robert?).
That’s what they say! I’m not the one who comes up with that [censored]! It is all just a load of [censored] to me!
By hook or by crook, I'll be last in this book.
2 April 2014
Here’s my honest opinion on the matter, in full detail. I think on the date of [REDACTED], Paul decided to [REDACTED]. Unaware that [REDACTED] was going to do [REDACTED] that day, he decided to [REDACTED] his way to [REDACTED] – however, he decided to go for a stop at [REDACTED] for strange purposes, most likely [REDACTED] with [REDACTED] (who knew Paul was trying to [REDACTED] for the sake of [REDACTED], although the rest of the Beatles were busy [REDACTED] without him). Paul was suspicious of this, and so he [REDACTED] back into his [REDACTED] to [REDACTED] along the [REDACTED] without [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] was [REDACTED] right in front of Paul, who [REDACTED] without [REDACTED] and promptly [REDACTED] to [REDACTED], making sure to [REDACTED] whilst avoiding [REDACTED], who [REDACTED] to [REDACTED] Paul with [REDACTED] unless he [REDACTED] away [REDACTED]; but [REDACTED] was [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] which Paul [REDACTED] to [REDACTED] back to [REDACTED] [REDACTED] from [REDACTED] with [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] up [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] Mickey Mouse.
The following people thank MrMoonlight for this post:
28 May 2014
MrMoonlight said
Here’s my honest opinion on the matter, in full detail. I think on the date of [REDACTED], Paul decided to [REDACTED]. Unaware that [REDACTED] was going to do [REDACTED] that day, he decided to [REDACTED] his way to [REDACTED] – however, he decided to go for a stop at [REDACTED] for strange purposes, most likely [REDACTED] with [REDACTED] (who knew Paul was trying to [REDACTED] for the sake of [REDACTED], although the rest of the Beatles were busy [REDACTED] without him). Paul was suspicious of this, and so he [REDACTED] back into his [REDACTED] to [REDACTED] along the [REDACTED] without [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] was [REDACTED] right in front of Paul, who [REDACTED] without [REDACTED] and promptly [REDACTED] to [REDACTED], making sure to [REDACTED] whilst avoiding [REDACTED], who [REDACTED] to [REDACTED] Paul with [REDACTED] unless he [REDACTED] away [REDACTED]; but [REDACTED] was [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] which Paul [REDACTED] to [REDACTED] back to [REDACTED] [REDACTED] from [REDACTED] with [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] up [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] Mickey Mouse.
Oh my gosh? What have I done? I’ve unleashed something mental!
By hook or by crook, I'll be last in this book.
1 May 2011
@MrMoonlight_1. Your lawyer should have advised you to redact “Mickey Mouse” from your statement. Disney are as quick as Apple to issue lawsuits, i hope you have lots of money to give them.
The following people thank meanmistermustard for this post:
MrMoonlight, Starr Shine?, thisbirdhasflown, Ahhh Girl"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
5 February 2014
14 December 2009
cra said
This whole PID thing is ridiculous. How do they account for family members? I seriously doubt Jim or Mike wouldn’t have said anything.
Thank you! That has always been my personal favourite of the many unfixed holes in that whole ludicrous PID conspiracy, too.
Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
1 November 2013
Maybe the double is so good it’s got Mike and Jim fooled
14 December 2009
Annadog40 said
Not me but there are some people who believe
Is it also possible that some of the more rabid PID believers – like the ones who start those elaborate rabbit-hole websites – are actually just trolling everybody?
Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
17 January 2014
Yeah the internet has become a paradox of false information. I think mostly 10 year olds fall for this whole theory…I never could grasp how people believe this. I mean musically hes so consistent and out of this world. Also lyrically you can tell its the same writer. Hes left a giant musical finger print. Also, yeah some double stepped in and created the most insane album ever….
5 February 2014
I can accept the trolls; feeding the frenzy through Cheetos™ encrusted fingertips and giggling at their monitor while tossing out ludicrous theory from their parents’ internet account. And, for awhile, I subscribed to the same notion about 10 year olds. But it’s not. Y’know? It’s not 10 year olds. Or, it’s not just 10 year olds. People… many, self-professed Beatle fans… falling into the maze and deception, seemingly unable to reach a logical conclusion and fretting “but what if…” And then perpetuating the myth. That’s the sad part. But whaddyagonnado?
The following people thank C.R.A. for this post:
Mr. Kite, Abrahadabra11.29pm
18 April 2013
I love these “facial comparison” websites. I saw one for John one time. That one was arguing that The Beatles all have doubles. This is just a “Paul is dead” page.
"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
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