4 December 2010
21 May 2011
I want to make my own custom printed-out Paul shirt today so I can wear it on Saturday. I also want to make buffalo wings so I can call them Paul McCartney and Buffalo Wings Being a person that is in to cupcakes, I will make cupcakes and put a little Paul silhouette on the top, using album art from Help !, the picture where they are jumping, etc.
"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"
–John Lennon
1 May 2010
The Walrus said:
I won't. I might think at some point in the day “it's Paul's birthday”, but I won't do anything special. It's not like it's someone I know, or a round number.
Aww Walrus the idea is to have some fun But I get your point. I think the Beatles are the only famous people I say “Oh today it's George, or Paul or Ringo or John's birthday”
BTW I'm working on Paul's birthday all day. I mean, I'm glad because I do need the money, but to be honest, I hate working on Saturdays afternoon.
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
9 June 2011
8 April 2010
1 May 2010
19 September 2010
14 April 2010
14 December 2009
Frankly, if there wasn't an unavailability-issue, I'd LIKE to pay tribute to Paul's favourite herb, and then maybe listen to “Birthday ” on repeat for an hour and maybe go to Amazon and buy the 2-disc “McCartney II ” reissue! But then I'd probably get the urge to go to the BeatlesBible and post something stupid and funny only to myself, and I have no urge to embarrass myself thusly. So I'll just wish for all the rest of you to have a happy day, and maybe I'll listen to “Ram ” or something.
(Actually, maybe I WILL buy that “II” reissue no matter what…)
Paul: Yeah well… first of all, we’re bringing out a ‘Stamp Out Detroit’ campaign.
9 June 2011
Hmm, It's already 18th today, here.
I somehow convinced my dad to make muffins, but the fuse blew everytime we tried to use the oven. (I doubt he knows how to use it, anyway)
Anywho, we used our toaster oven and… yeah.
I think I'll make those stuff mith recomended later.
So, happy birthday Paulie!
Step on the gas and wipe that tear away.
19 September 2010
Happy Birthday Paulie!! I still can’t believe I’m seeing him again.
As if it matters how a man falls down.'
'When the fall's all that's left, it matters a great deal.
7 November 2010
kedame said:
I have a family reunion that day, so I am going to wear my Paul shirt that has pics from throughout his life to it. I’ll play his music throughout the day, obviously. Maybe I’ll buy a cupcake.
Also, I bet Paul thinks it’s funny that he is turning 69.
Did any of you see the video of Paul after the Love show with him and Nancy walking out? He starts singing, “Will you still need me, will you still feed me…” and they both finish, “when I’m 74.” How cute is that?
I saw this too! It is so cute!
I'm currently wearing my Beatles top, listening to Wings, and I'm making a cake.
(I was gonna make a cake anyway, and I'm not decorating it or anything, but let's just say it's for his benefit. )
Happy Birthday , Sir Paul!
I think it's great you're going through a phase, and I'm awfully glad it'll all be over in a couple of days
19 September 2010
9 June 2010
I made a video and put it on YouTube. If you want to watch it, it’s called “Happy Birthday Paul McCartney .” My channel is MeanMrsMustard9. Sorry if the video is crappy. And if my hair looks weird.
*in honor of Paul’s birthday, I am announcing my 17*
If I seem to act unkind, it's only me, it's not my mind that is confusing things.
19 September 2010
18 June 2011
Well I was listening to McCartney II & Band On The Run earlier today, and I was going to wear the shirt I got from his concert, but I forgot about that. I am wearing a Beatles shirt, though.
After I took it, it opened my eyes. We only use one-tenth of our brain. Just think what we could all accomplish if we could only tap that hidden part. It would mean a whole new world. If the politicians would take LSD, there wouldn't be any more War or poverty or famine.
1 May 2010
Since I worked all day, I wore my Paul's Yellow Submarine pin, I listened to Paul's music at work, and I'm having a delicious vampiro (soda, tequila and sangria)
¡Felicidades Paul!
Here comes the sun….. Scoobie-doobie……
Something in the way she moves…..attracts me like a cauliflower…
Bop. Bop, cat bop. Go, Johnny, Go.
Beware of Darkness…
1 December 2009
Hey cool, today’s Roger Ebert’s 69th too!
GEORGE: In fact, The Detroit Sound. JOHN: In fact, yes. GEORGE: In fact, yeah. Tamla-Motown artists are our favorites. The Miracles. JOHN: We like Marvin Gaye. GEORGE: The Impressions PAUL & GEORGE: Mary Wells. GEORGE: The Exciters. RINGO: Chuck Jackson. JOHN: To name but eighty.
4 December 2010
Happy Birthday Paul!! I spent the day crying because I am not him and will never reach his awesomeness. After that I just partied to a bunch of his Beatle/solo songs. That's pretty much how I celebrate every birthday.
Love you Paulie!
Well we all shine on like the moon, the stars, and the sun.
10 May 2011
oneafter909 said:
If a Beatles fan is invited, why would it be boring?
Akkk. I'm still pondering on what to do!
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