10 August 2011
“Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five (Cutting out the sort of reprise of BOTR at the end)”
One of my favorites too. But why cut out the BOTR reprise at the end? That has to be the most clever ending I’ve ever seen. You’re done with the B side of the single (or side 2 of the album) – and it takes you right back to the A side (or the first song of the Album).
"Into the Sky with Diamonds" (the Beatles and the Race to the Moon – a history)
3 June 2014
Into the Sky with Diamonds said
“Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five (Cutting out the sort of reprise of BOTR at the end)”One of my favorites too. But why cut out the BOTR reprise at the end? That has to be the most clever ending I’ve ever seen. You’re done with the B side of the single (or side 2 of the album) – and it takes you right back to the A side (or the first song of the Album).
It works really well on the original album, but I don’t know how well it would work on a compilation, since I put Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five right in the middle of the first disc.
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1 May 2011
I would have swore blind that ‘Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five ‘ was on Wingspan, really surprised that its not.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
20 August 2013
Please do not respond to this post unless you want to post your thoughts on the Best post-Beatle McCartney song.
Thanks for your cooperation.
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20 August 2013
Strike that. Reverse.
Someone please make post in this thread. A good McCartney song in the post would be a bonus.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
1 November 2012
Into the Sky with Diamonds said
“Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five (Cutting out the sort of reprise of BOTR at the end)”One of my favorites too. But why cut out the BOTR reprise at the end? That has to be the most clever ending I’ve ever seen. You’re done with the B side of the single (or side 2 of the album) – and it takes you right back to the A side (or the first song of the Album).
Not only is it clever, it makes superb musical sense from that final riff based on Cminor, into a triumphant Cmajor (the key of BOTR).
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Ahhh GirlFaded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
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