22 January 2016
Well before he died he did speak with one of his half sisters. He could have been visiting them. In fact John’s sister stated John wanted to return to England.
Question did John know all of his half siblings? He has 5 siblings, he had a relationship with Julia but sadly never got to see all of his siblings Ingrid he never found but it was until after that all of his half sisters met. But what of his brothers from his father sided? I do know John was aware of his father’s death.
On one occasion he asked me to go see Julian. He kept asking, but I hadn’t seen Cynthia in a long time and didn’t want to go. “Julian hasn’t been in contact” is what he said to me. Eventually, it was my former husband who made me go, saying John had never asked for anything before. In actual fact, he had all my precious photographs! Eventually, though, we lost touch again. I was moving and I had another child. In November 1980 we’d heard that John was planning to return to England. I knew if he came he’d want to see the whole family, and we were very much looking forward to seeing him
1 November 2013
Link is broke so who do you quote?
27 April 2015
20 August 2013
The whole link won’t post correctly. Google a sentence from the quote (using quotation marks) and you’ll get to the article.
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22 January 2016
22 January 2016
22 January 2016
17 December 2012
I wrote about Kyoko and her relationship with Yoko and Sean (along with pictures) here, @SayaOtonashi. Hope it answers some of your questions.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
Starr Shine?, Beatlebug"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
22 January 2016
One thing I don’t get is how John talked to his sister Julia that he is glad that she is named Julia due to their mother. That she and Julian will carry on their mother’s name. Sadly he didn’t show that love to Julian often. I know he loved Julian but still when you say something like Julian was born due to a drunk mistake. He kind of showed favoritism. I wish John would have made it better with his son. I think that’s one of the things that most likely burns Julian the things it couldn’t say to his dad. What do you guys think about Julian’s relationship with his dad? Did Julian even get to see his dad or hear his dad before his death
27 March 2015
The following people thank Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^< for this post:
Eleanor Macca, Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedarsFormerly Known As JPM-Fangirl -- 2016
'Out There' - 07-06-2015 - Ziggo Dome Amsterdam -- 'One On One' - 12-06-2016 - Pinkpop Festival Landgraaf
27 April 2015
Not much. Cynthia says it took a long time before John would see Julian. It was definitely until a year after Sean’s birth at the least. I assume he saw his father about 3-4 times before he died. I guess it was also quite difficult with them living in different countries, with school and all.
John mentioned in one of his letters that Julian calls him only when he needs money or something..
For tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the Sun
22 January 2016
1 May 2011
22 January 2016
Different countries and Yoko Ono didn’t want Julian to be around often. I wonder thought Julian didn’t probably call just for money that would suck. Sadly I bet or hope John was still here that maybe the two would be much closer but who knows. We heard John’s sister say that he was thinking about going back to England. Wonder how Yoko felt about that.
17 December 2012
In December 1979, the Daily Mail quoted the 16-year-old Julian as saying this about his relationship with his father:
When I’m in New York, we go out quite a lot together round some of the art galleries, or to his house at Long Island. When we stay in we have musical jam sessions together singing our latest songs to each other. I still listen to Beatles music. It makes such good background music. Although I quite like my father’s solo albums, I much prefer what he did with the Beatles.
It sounds to me as if Julian is describing a pretty good relationship despite living on different sides of the Atlantic.
The following people thank Ron Nasty for this post:
Beatlebug, Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^<, Ahhh Girl, WeepingAtlasCedars"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
22 January 2016
27 March 2015
John and Paul: The official date given for John and Paul’s last meeting is 24/25 April 1976 though there are rumours of at least one meeting in the late seventies, the year 1978 has been mentioned as them having met at some point. The continued to call each other on the phone after that, though. According to Paul, they were doing quite well by the end of John’s life, although they mostly discussed safe topics to avoid another argument.
John and George: The last proper meeting between George and John took place in November 1974. A month later, they fell out when John refused to come to the meeting during which the Beatles would officially be dissolved, even though it was very near his home and the others had all flown in for it. Apparently, there was a brief meeting in September 1980, but whether or not this is true and how that meeting went remains obscure.
John and Ringo: Ringo last saw John on 15 November 1980. Unlike the other three, Ringo remained close with all of his former bandmates and visited John regularly. He also managed ‘reunions’ of sorts by getting them all to play on his albums. They all appeared on Rotogravure, released in 1976 although all four of them were never in the same room.
The following people thank Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^< for this post:
O Boogie, Beatlebug, WeepingAtlasCedars, NeckoFormerly Known As JPM-Fangirl -- 2016
'Out There' - 07-06-2015 - Ziggo Dome Amsterdam -- 'One On One' - 12-06-2016 - Pinkpop Festival Landgraaf
1 May 2011
I cannot remember the date or many of the details, nor can i find it online, but didn’t Paul and Linda turn up at the Dakota one Christmas singing Christmas carols taking John and Yoko by surprise?
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
27 April 2015
27 March 2015
I thought that was ’75, though. I think ’78 may just be a rumour although John did mention in an interview he gave in ’80 that it had been two years since he last saw Paul. Then again, James has gone on record, saying John held him as a baby. So who knows? Well, Paul does, but he’ll never tell. Nor will Yoko.
The following people thank Mademoiselle Kitty >^..^< for this post:
meanmistermustardFormerly Known As JPM-Fangirl -- 2016
'Out There' - 07-06-2015 - Ziggo Dome Amsterdam -- 'One On One' - 12-06-2016 - Pinkpop Festival Landgraaf
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