21 November 2012
I went to a circus twice. Once as a little kid and once as a teenager (which I still am for a year) and I hated it. First of all I’m afraid of clowns, which doesn’t exactly help when you go to a circus. Second, I couldn’t stop feeling sorry for the animals during the whole show. The circus I went to is known to treat their animals good and with respect, but still. I don’t like to see someone beating a horse to jump through hoops with fire.
3 May 2012
I was asked to the circus for someone’s birthday when I was about 8. I refused to go – I’m afraid of clowns too and I didn’t see the attraction in seeing an animal suffer. I feel the same now. I saw a travelling circus go by when I was out the other day and there was some really sad looking animals in the back of that trailer. It’s cruel and immoral, and why it’s not illegal is beyond me.
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
6 December 2012
Never been to a circus, don’t want to ever go to one. It’s horrible for the animals, and I don’t want to see the poor creatures suffer. Zoos, on the other hand, aren’t always bad. I’ve been to a zoo a few times, and the animals had plenty of food and space (there was a peacock walking around the zoo, and they let it happen! Of course, they watched it carefully and brought it to its home during the night). They seemed pretty happy. It was only one zoo, though, and I’m sure there are other zoos that treat the animals terribly.
Also known as Egg-Rock, Egg-Roll, E-George, Eggy, Ravioli, Eggroll Eggrolli...
~witty quote~
17 January 2013
fabfouremily said
I was asked to the circus for someone’s birthday when I was about 8. I refused to go – I’m afraid of clowns too and I didn’t see the attraction in seeing an animal suffer. I feel the same now. I saw a travelling circus go by when I was out the other day and there was some really sad looking animals in the back of that trailer. It’s cruel and immoral, and why it’s not illegal is beyond me.
Oh man, travelling Zoo’s are the WORST of the bunch!
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
1 May 2011
Went to the travelling circus when young, hated it, never been back. A few years back free tickets were being handed out at a place i was working but i declined. The thought of dancing elephants and lions jumping on seats before all the care, safety, and transporting issues come into it
And going off into a different tangent – if you wander into territory that occupies a lion, tiger, polar bear or any other animal that is prone to attack then sorry but you lose all my sympathy if you are – its your own fault. That includes circus’s, zoo’s etc. Just because its bored senseless, has lost the will to live, looks placid, and responds to commands doesnt mean it might not try and eat/kill you at any point. Having said animal killed for attacking is cruel and beyond my understanding.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
17 January 2013
meanmistermustard said
Went to the travelling circus when young, hated it, never been back. A few years back free tickets were being handed out at a place i was working but i declined. The thought of dancing elephants and lions jumping on seats before all the care, safety, and transporting issues come into it![]()
And going off into a different tangent – if you wander into territory that occupies a lion, tiger, polar bear or any other animal that is prone to attack then sorry but you lose all my sympathy if you are – its your own fault. That includes circus’s, zoo’s etc. Just because its bored senseless, has lost the will to live, looks placid, and responds to commands doesnt mean it might not try and eat/kill you at any point. Having said animal killed for attacking is cruel and beyond my understanding.
AGREE 100%. I’m the same with Elephants (or other wild animals) that trample (or attack) their trainers. Shouldn’t have beaten him with a bull-hook for the 100,000th time! They are called “WILD” animals for a reason, right?
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
1 May 2011
Its more the sheer stupidity of it all – you are going up to/in the same vacinity of a dangerous animal that can turn at any minute as part of its being and its the animals fault if it has a go? Piss off and get a brain cell.
As for hitting an elephant to get it to perform, well if you annoy a dog long enough its prone to eventually lash out, same with cats, hamsters, lizards, humans, monkeys and i’d guess insects and all other types.
Even worse are the morons who enter/get right up close to cages and enclosures of zoos or put their hands in to stroke them. To a polar bear that dangling object is either food or annoying. You even hear of idiots climbing over enclosures.
Im on a rant but these are humans at their stupidest (no doubt someone will come back with with some arguement why we shouldnt blame people).
Wasnt there meant to be a discussion about John’s Rolls Royce?
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
17 January 2013
meanmistermustard said
Wasnt there meant to be a discussion about John’s Rolls Royce?
No kidding! Sorry Trud, we should !
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
14 February 2013
22 December 2013
John’s car was hiding in storage in downtown Victoria for years right next door to where I lived at the time and didn’t even know it! It’s an interesting story (more interesting perhaps to us British Columbians) which I’ve since forgotten a lot of the details, but it was owned by Jim Pattison (British Columbians know who he is) and loaned out for Expo ’86 which is where I had the pleasure of viewing it in Vancouver. Pattison eventually donated it (that’s how rich he is but in reality, he probably grew tired of the maintenance costs) to the Government of British Columbia who didn’t really know what to do with it and so it sat in storage for many years.
I wasn’t allowed to get too close to it at Expo ’86, but I was hoping for a glimpse of (and I’m not sure if it’s still even in there) the turntable that John had installed in the sixties which was delicately suspended from above so that vinyl records could be played while driving, talk about cutting edge! If you think about it, what a great way to get people to drive more carefully, I mean, you wouldn’t want your prized vinyl to get damaged or skip during a great solo, right?…:-)
14 January 2013
20 September 2013
I was driving behind a replica of this car yesterday – an enterprising chap is offering Beatles tours in it. It looked great, certainly eye-catching. If I see it again I’ll grab a photo.
20 August 2013
Oyster Black Pearl said
I was driving behind a replica of this car yesterday – an enterprising chap is offering Beatles tours in it. It looked great, certainly eye-catching. If I see it again I’ll grab a photo.
Oooo, please do. See if you can find an add for him or a business card.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
17 January 2013
Billy Rhythm said
John’s car was hiding in storage in downtown Victoria for years right next door to where I lived at the time and didn’t even know it! It’s an interesting story (more interesting perhaps to us British Columbians) which I’ve since forgotten a lot of the details, but it was owned by Jim Pattison (British Columbians know who he is) and loaned out for Expo ’86 which is where I had the pleasure of viewing it in Vancouver.
"Please don't bring your banjo back, I know where it's been.. I wasn't hardly gone a day, when it became the scene.. Banjos! Banjos! All the time, I can't forget that tune.. and if I ever see another banjo, I'm going out and buy a big balloon!"
17 December 2012
He’s a Canadian billionaire.
One thing that always interested me when he gave the car to British Columbia in 1987, he gave it to “Her Majesty in Right of the Province of British Columbia”. Does that mean John’s psychedelic Rolls is ultimately owned by Queen Elizabeth II?
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
20 September 2013
Ahhh Girl said
Oyster Black Pearl said
I was driving behind a replica of this car yesterday – an enterprising chap is offering Beatles tours in it. It looked great, certainly eye-catching. If I see it again I’ll grab a photo.Oooo, please do. See if you can find an add for him or a business card.
Don’t think he’s started “trading” yet – may be waiting for the weather to improve? I wouldn’t want road salt anywhere near it.
1 May 2011
mja6758 said
He’s a Canadian billionaire.One thing that always interested me when he gave the car to British Columbia in 1987, he gave it to “Her Majesty in Right of the Province of British Columbia”. Does that mean John’s psychedelic Rolls is ultimately owned by Queen Elizabeth II?
And since we Brits pay for the a large amount of the upkeep of the Royals i think its only fair us Beatle fans get free access to John’s car if its owned by the Queen.
"I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
20 August 2013
meanmistermustard said
mja6758 said
He’s a Canadian billionaire.One thing that always interested me when he gave the car to British Columbia in 1987, he gave it to “Her Majesty in Right of the Province of British Columbia”. Does that mean John’s psychedelic Rolls is ultimately owned by Queen Elizabeth II?
And since we Brits pay for the a large amount of the upkeep of the Royals i think its only fair us Beatle fans get free access to John’s car if its owned by the Queen.
She could park it in the Tower of London next to the crown jewels.
Can buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
Check here for "how do I do this" guide to the forum. (2017)
22 December 2013
mja6758 said
One thing that always interested me when he gave the car to British Columbia in 1987, he gave it to “Her Majesty in Right of the Province of British Columbia”. Does that mean John’s psychedelic Rolls is ultimately owned by Queen Elizabeth II?
There’s a lot of “British” influences here (hence “British” Columbia), especially when it comes to the Government. The Museum that the OP referenced where they viewed John’s car is called the “Royal” British Columbia Museum. Canada is now 100% independent of British rule, but it was a long process for even up until the early 1980s Britain still had a hand in our politics and their influence is still very much a big part of our identity (the Queen’s head graces the “B-Side” of all our coins still). The “Her Majesty ” title here is more of an honorary gesture than anything, The Government of British Columbia owns the car and the Queen has absolutely nothing to do with our parliamentary affairs anymore, still, it’s very difficult to avoid anything of great importance (such as John’s car!) without having to show “Her Majesty ” a certain respect, that’s all. Anyone who’s visited Victoria will know the obvious English influence to its culture, there’s even Double Decker Buses!
If memory serves me right, Jim Pattison did attempt to sell the car after Expo ’86 but couldn’t find a buyer and opted to donate it to the Province instead. If you ask me, he should’ve “donated” it to Julian Lennon who, in my opinion, IS the rightful owner of that car…:-)
3 May 2012
meanmistermustard said
mja6758 said
He’s a Canadian billionaire.One thing that always interested me when he gave the car to British Columbia in 1987, he gave it to “Her Majesty in Right of the Province of British Columbia”. Does that mean John’s psychedelic Rolls is ultimately owned by Queen Elizabeth II?
And since we Brits pay for the a large amount of the upkeep of the Royals i think its only fair us Beatle fans get free access to John’s car if its owned by the Queen.
Good point. Most of the cost of her, and her ever-growing family’s, expensive lifestyle is covered by the hard work of ”normal people”. I better write my letter to HM right away. I want a ride in that car!
Moving along in our God given ways, safety is sat by the fire/Sanctuary from these feverish smiles, left with a mark on the door.
(Passover - I. Curtis)
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