17 January 2014
Not sure if this has been mentioned on the forum before if so feel free to merge. I was doing research on The Beatles and what football/soccer teams (because of the World Cup) they supported and stumbled across an interesting article. It has to do with Johns Walls And Bridges cover which features drawings from when he was 11. He put a football image on because one of the players was wearing #9. Johns drawing was most likely based off of images from the Newcastle vs Arsenal FA Cup final in May of 1952. I think he combined two pictures that appeared in the paper following the match. I don’t think even John remembered the origins of the drawing, but do to the time and pictures from the papers of the time it most of been based off of this match. This is the link to the article I found this information on http://www.soccerblog.com/2009…..-footb.htm .
The following people thank Musketeer Gripweed for this post:
parlance, Ron Nasty11.41pm
17 January 2014
17 December 2012
Not necessarily newspaper pictures. John was an avid cinema goer, and that final would have featured in a Pathe newsreel. So a combination of ways he would have seen the match.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
17 January 2014
Ron Nasty said
Not necessarily newspaper pictures. John was an avid cinema goer, and that final would have featured in a Pathe newsreel. So a combination of ways he would have seen the match.
Completely possible, but John was not a big football fan, so I am not sure he would waste money on watching a match he already knew the out come to. I am just looking at the pictures and he has the exact position of the fielders from the last picture I posted down to the same position and angle. The pictures I posted are displaying right? He even has the New Castle player straddling the Arsenal player the exact same way. If you split the two images from the papers and merged them you would have Johns drawing. I just thought it was interesting that it was from an actual match I had never heard that before.
17 December 2012
The Pathe newsreels at the time were shown before every film. Televisions were rare at the time, and it was how most people got their visual news. The big explosion of TV in the UK came the following year, 1953, when people rushed out to buy sets to watch the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. I’m not disagreeing that those pictures influenced his drawing, just mentioning that John would likely have seen footage of the match as well (which might have included a two-handed save).
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
17 January 2014
Oh I get what you mean I had no idea what the Pathe newsreel is being from the US. I thought you meant it was replay you could pay to watch. Yeah it could of been something that was planted subconsciously if he saw the match or a save like that. I wonder if he already new the teams colors or if someone helped him. Everything would of been in black and white right?
17 December 2012
A trip to the cinema in the UK at that time was a long event. It would start with a supporting film, usually about an hour, then you would get a twenty to thirty minute Pathe newsreel (many of which would later feature The Beatles), and then the main feature.
As to club colours, they are just known, a part of a team’s identity.
The Pathe site is well worth a visit as everything they did (90,000 reports) is now available, type in “The Beatles” and see lots of great news coverage. They also have a YT channel, on which I found this, though haven’t watched it yet, about to…
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
To @ Ron Nasty it's @ mja6758
The Beatles Bible 2020 non-Canon Poll Part One: 1958-1963 and Part Two: 1964-August 1966
17 January 2014
4 February 2014
This is probably my favorite John album, although I haven’t heard it all yet and I haven’t heard all of his solo work. What You Got is my favorite solo John song I’ve heard though, for sure.
A few thoughts about #9 Dream:
I think it’s funny that it peaked at #9 in the US charts.
According to Joe’s article, John used orchestral music he wrote for another song on this track, does that mean he knew how to write music, or did he just come up with the notes/chords and have someone else transcribe it for him?*
May Pang’s whispering of John that’s reversed later in the song kind of sounds like George backwards.
Does anyone else think the beginning of the odd refrain “Ah! böwakawa poussé, poussé” sounds like the Hallelujah/Hare Krishna refrain from My Sweet Lord ?*
*you can ignore the other two, these are the important questions I’m curious about/would like to discuss.
The following people thank Mr. Kite for this post:
I was the walrus, Beatlebug10.48pm
18 March 2013
I hate that cover of Walls And Bridges ^
I much prefer this one
Anyhoo, I like Walls And Bridges although it isn’t my favourite album of his (that’s JL/Plastic Ono Band). I wonder why people haven’t picked up ‘Scared’ as a Halloween track- I mean, it’s got bloody wolves howling at the beginning what else would you want?
INTROVERTS UNITE! Separately....in your own homes!
Make Love, Not Wardrobes!
"Stop throwing jelly beans at me"- George Harrison
18 April 2013
I agree that is a better cover. Walls And Bridges is my favorite John album. I like the more mellow tracks on it.
"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
14 April 2010
Great album. My favorite track on this one is ‘Steel And Glass ‘.
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Into the Sky with DiamondsTo the fountain of perpetual mirth, let it roll for all its worth. And all the children boogie.
18 April 2013
4 February 2014
AppleScruffJunior said
I hate that cover of Walls And Bridges ^
I much prefer this one
I agree. That’s the cover I put on my iPod. On vinyl though the other one’s cooler with the flipping panels.
17 January 2014
Yeah I’d say this or Plastic Ono Band is my favorite. I think this album has similar song writing as Plastic Ono Band but, more lavish production similar to Imagine but toned down a little. I think this album really shows John was a skilled producer.
18 April 2013
1 May 2011
18 April 2013
1 May 2011
20 August 2013
Starting at 3:22, after the line “music touching my soul” there is a whispered word that sounds like “George” but it also sounds like “lord”. Then after the the next line “something warm, suddenly cold” you can definitely hear “krishna” and there there is something whispered after that before the next line, but I can’t really make it out.
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