18 April 2013
A scary species of tarantula from the west Brazilian amazon has just been named after John Lennon . I wonder if this is in keeping with Marianne Faithfull’s quote, “Nobody f****d with John Lennon .”
"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
8 November 2012
20 August 2013
I am the spider
Goo goo g’joob
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Expert Textpert, Mr. Kite, HeyTrudCan buy Joe love! Amazon | iTunes
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1 November 2013
This reminds me of another story where some archeologists are digging around when they find some old fossilized remains of one of our distant biological ancestors and nicknamed it Lucy after the song Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
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Expert Textpert11.48pm
20 August 2013
Accccckkkkkkkkkk! HELP!!! There’s a tarantula in my front yard right now. My dog went over and sniffed it. Creepy!!!
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18 April 2013
20 August 2013
T’was strange to see it right after posting in this thread.
Hello, spirit of John. Perhaps I should have posted it in the Beatley moments thread. Out of context “I just saw a tarantula” might look a little strange in that thread.
I hope Paul isn’t “infested” with John tarantulas during his upcoming Brazil tour dates.
Now exactly how do you use the word INFESTED correctly, @Expert Textpert?
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8 August 2014
I want one of these as a pet. Maybe we can make it the Beatles Bible House pet.
I think the description of John from the research paper is fitting:
“The specific name is patronymic in honor of John Winston Lennon (1940–1980), the legendary creator of The Beatles, who contributed to make this world a gentler place.“
Look its a thingy! A fiendish thingy!
18 April 2013
Ahhh Girl said
T’was strange to see it right after posting in this thread.
Hello, spirit of John. Perhaps I should have posted it in the Beatley moments thread. Out of context “I just saw a tarantula” might look a little strange in that thread.
I hope Paul isn’t “infested” with John tarantulas during his upcoming Brazil tour dates.
Now exactly how do you use the word INFESTED correctly, @Expert Textpert?
I think you would say the concert hall is infested, unless they crawl in Paul’s mouth while he sleeps.
"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
20 August 2013
If the word gets around in the tarantula community that Paul is a vegetarian and animal friendly, they may feel comfortable crawling all over him.
Hey, wait a minute, that’s my fantasy to crawl all over Paul McCartney
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18 April 2013
1 November 2013
^ Maybe they would eat him!
20 August 2013
Whoa, you mean they aren’t vegetarians yet? Pehaps Paul can convert them with a catchy little tune.
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18 April 2013
He could call it Ta-rantu-Li Ta-rantu-La.
Spiders eating veggies in the marketplace
Paulie is the singer in a band
Spiders say to Paulie “Man, I like your face”
and Paulie lends the spiders all a hand
Ta-rantu-li Ta-rantu-La
Spider Blah
La la la la life goes on.
The following people thank Expert Textpert for this post:
StrawberryFieldsForever, Ahhh Girl"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
20 August 2013
…and they all lived happily ever after in a yellow submarine.
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20 August 2013
Wait . Make that they lived happily ever after in Octopus’s Garden where there are Eight Days A Week . Mr. O has eight legs. Trantulas have eight legs. Help ! Started out as Eight Arms to Hold You.
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