19 April 2010
linkjws said
I don’t wonder about John meeting Yoko as much as I wonder about what would have happened had John made it to the recording of “Venus And Mars ” by Wings in 1975. At the time Paul and John were on good terms from what I understand, and John was to fly to New Orleans but never made it. I think I remember hearing or reading that Yoko said she had “found a cure” to John’s smoking problem and he was to come back to New York immediately (of course, right before John was to reunite with Paul in a way). And so ended the lost weekend…
You’ve pegged what is perhaps the best ‘what if’ question of all post-Beatle history. Of all the things I dislike about Yoko – this is the real one – because it really happened and it was deliberate – she kept John from Paul in 1975.
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Oudis"She looks more like him than I do."
29 November 2012
^Couldn’t agree more. Very angering, and of course she did it on purpose. Every time my feelings toward her mellow and I think “well, he really did love her, so maybe I should give it a break,” I remember some instance like that (and there are others) where she deliberately played on his emotional insecurities and manipulated him for *her* own ends, without his best interests in mind. And then when she feigns hurt at any suggestions that she broke up the Beatles or kept Paul and John from reconciling, it makes me get that much more pissed off
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1 November 2012
Didn’t know that about Venus And Mars .
On a lighter note, I think Yoko and Ringo would have made a cute couple…
Then, just like people call power couples one name by fusing their names (“Brangelina” for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie), they could call them “Yogo” — or “Rinko”.
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
1 May 2010
1 May 2011
There are stories that in the beginning Yoko had eyes for Paul so maybe it was all down to an uncontrollable desire on Yoko’s part; the meer mention of Paul and Yoko became a quivering wreck of longing and passionate desire. Unable for it to be acted upon she lashed out in moments of jealous rage -barring phoning calls, calling Japanese airports, getting John to come back the day before he goes to meet Paul.
A woman scorned…
One christmas Paul and Linda called at the Dokata and they all had a fun evening. The next day Paul and Linda turned up and John turned them away. Yoko’s passion reawakened?
Also Paul married Linda and then just 8 days later Yoko married John….
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C.R.A."I told you everything I could about me, Told you everything I could" ('Before Believing' - Emmylou Harris)
21 November 2012
Funny Paper said
Didn’t know that about Venus And Mars .
On a lighter note, I think Yoko and Ringo would have made a cute couple…
Then, just like people call power couples one name by fusing their names (“Brangelina” for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie), they could call them “Yogo” — or “Rinko”.
If those 2 would have had kids, that would’ve been some ugly ass kids, lol!
If John never met Yoko we probably wouldn’t have had the song ”Hey Jude ”, since John and Cynthia probably wouldn’t have split up back then. Maybe we would’ve had it later though.
I didn’t know that about Yoko and Paul! Never read that anywhere (but hey, I hardly ever read anything on either of them so that might explain it). That’s kind of interesting and..weird. Not too be harsh or anything but can you imagine Paul with Yoko?
1 November 2012
Linde said
Funny Paper said
Didn’t know that about Venus And Mars .
On a lighter note, I think Yoko and Ringo would have made a cute couple…
Then, just like people call power couples one name by fusing their names (“Brangelina” for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie), they could call them “Yogo” — or “Rinko”.
If those 2 would have had kids, that would’ve been some ugly ass kids, lol!
If John never met Yoko we probably wouldn’t have had the song ”Hey Jude ”, since John and Cynthia probably wouldn’t have split up back then. Maybe we would’ve had it later though.
I didn’t know that about Yoko and Paul! Never read that anywhere (but hey, I hardly ever read anything on either of them so that might explain it). That’s kind of interesting and..weird. Not too be harsh or anything but can you imagine Paul with Yoko?
Well, Paul did rub noses with an Eskimo woman once…
Faded flowers, wait in a jar, till the evening is complete... complete... complete... complete...
23 July 2014
Well, I think, and feel free to bash on this idea however you want, but what if John had met Yoko before he met Cynthia? Allow me to clarify. Before 1966, John was always at war with himself, unsure, and seemed to be on the brink of collapse without someone to support and guide him. Paul could fill that gap, sure, but in a way John was very clingy towards everyone he partners up with. They needed some space from each other. Yoko, believe it or not, filled that empty spot in John’s heart when Julia had died. She never exploited or abused John’s fame to her advantage in any way, she simply saw a vulnerable man needing love and support. Beforehand, John was beating women on a regular basis without even thinking that it was wrong. It was YOKO that steered him straight, and to help him appreciate life and most of all, family. I mean, by 1980 he had gotten off every single drug except cigarettes. The reason Yoko does not associate her and Sean with Cynthia and Julian because she saw it as a remnant of John’s violent past. John probably wouldn’t have produced as great hits as he had in the original timeline, and he would be much, much, much happier. He can have a stable family to love and to cherish, making him a better man than he even had been. And who knows, maybe the Beatles would have gone on longer because John was at peace. To clear up a misconception, Yoko did not break up the Beatles. It was John.
5 February 2014
The break-up was inevitable and I agree with Rendersen25 that it was John that broke up the band.
I like The Walrus’ mention of Syd Barrett. In Miles’ book, McCartney says (and I’m paraphrasing) that at one point he feared Lennon would go the way of Barrett in his abuse of LSD. A drug may not, in itself, be addicting, but in the hands of an addictive personality, it becomes so. It’s somewhat safe to say that Ono may have saved him from that.
I think the question is; if he had not met Ono (and possibly not have met his death at the hands of a-hole), would his life have been any better? Or any longer?
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23 July 2014
cra said
The break-up was inevitable and I agree with Rendersen25 that it was John that broke up the band.I like The Walrus’ mention of Syd Barrett. In Miles’ book, McCartney says (and I’m paraphrasing) that at one point he feared Lennon would go the way of Barrett in his abuse of LSD. A drug may not, in itself, be addicting, but in the hands of an addictive personality, it becomes so. It’s somewhat safe to say that Ono may have saved him from that.
I think the question is; if he had not met Ono (and possibly not have met his death at the hands of a-hole), would his life have been any better? Or any longer?
Like I said in my previous answer, if he had not met Yoko, he would have divorced Cynthia sometime in the 1970’s as the two were not compatible in the first place. John would have embarked on a solo career, though how successful that career will be is up for debate. Without Yoko, he would have never gotten over his heroin addiction and alcoholism, and might live until his mid to late 30’s before dying of a drug overdose much like his former manager Brian Epstein. So no, his life wouldn’t get any better because that void in his heart is not filled. We, as Beatles fans have to blame someone for the break up (Allen Klein, Drugs, McCartney’s bossiness) had not Yoko been there. John would have died a hero, a pioneer of Rock And Roll Music , instead of the man who died as a legend trying to bring peace to the world.
17 October 2013
9 March 2017
You Yoko haters may not want to hear this but i believe that Yoko and John were meant to be together whereas Cynthia was just some girl that John had a relationship with. Had John not met Yoko, John probably would’ve eventually divorced Cynthia anyways and wouldn’t be as peace loving as he is, the thought of John not meeting Yoko is like the thought of John never meeting Paul, it’s sad to think about.
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18 April 2013
I feel the same way. Most of the good qualities we associate with John actually came from the influence of Yoko.
I left a Beatles group today on Facebook because the people there were bashing Yoko.
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natureaker, Dark Overlord"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
9 March 2017
I agree, most people hate Yoko because of her music and because people claim that she broke up The Beatles, although i don’t think this was the case and even if it was, i think it’s a good thing that The Beatles broke up in 1970.
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Expert TextpertIf you're reading this, you are looking for something to do.
18 April 2013
Dark Overlord said
I agree, most people hate Yoko because of her music and because people claim that she broke up The Beatles, although i don’t think this was the case and even if it was, i think it’s a good thing that The Beatles broke up in 1970.
I’ve noticed that a lot of people place Cynthia on a pedestal and think she is better than Yoko. I believe there are two reasons for this. 1. Cynthia was white. 2. She was submissive to John.
There is an underlying current of racism and sexism in the criticism of Yoko that the haters are not willing to admit. The idea of a strong, foreign woman, especially one who pushes boundaries artistically, seems threatening to older people.
I agree that The Beatles needed to go, and Yoko had that radical perspective that John needed to destroy the band and establish his independence and strength. In many ways, what John and Yoko did musically was ahead of its time. It still sounds futuristic. People hate what they don’t understand.
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Dark Overlord"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
17 December 2012
I don’t think it was as simple as racism. It was the hangover from the Second World War. The British captured by the Japanese were treated brutally, which left a lot of ill-feeling among the British, especially since the Japanese refused to apologise and pay compensation for a long time. Had John fallen in love with someone from virtually anywhere else, of any colour or race, there would have been no problem. It was the hangover of the resentment about Japanese actions during the war.
"I only said we were bigger than Rod... and now there's all this!" Ron Nasty
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9 March 2017
18 April 2013
Ron Nasty said
I don’t think it was as simple as racism. It was the hangover from the Second World War. The British captured by the Japanese were treated brutally, which left a lot of ill-feeling among the British, especially since the Japanese refused to apologise and pay compensation for a long time. Had John fallen in love with someone from virtually anywhere else, of any colour or race, there would have been no problem. It was the hangover of the resentment about Japanese actions during the war.
I hadn’t thought of that, and it may very well have something to do with it, but I don’t think it is the whole story and I don’t think it explains why the hatred lingers.
"If you're ever in the shit, grab my tit.” —Paul McCartney
26 January 2017
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